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Brazil's Justice minister Moro threatens to resign if Bolsonaro changes head of the Federal Police

Friday, April 24th 2020 - 08:33 UTC
Full article 1 comment

Brazilian Justice Minister Sergio Moro has threatened to resign if President Jair Bolsonaro goes ahead with plans to change the head of the federal police, according to reports in the daily O Estado de Sao Paulo. Moro insists it is the Justice minister that must appoint the Federal Police chief. Read full article


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  • Jack Bauer

    “Moro insists it is the Justice minister that must appoint the Federal Police chief.”

    What ?????

    No way, José....

    Law 13047/2014 clearly states that is a prerogative of the President.

    The truth is that when “Bolsonaro originally touted him as a “super minister” in charge of implementing a law-and-order agenda” he gave Moro 'carte-blanche' to do what had to be done, including to appoint the head of the Federal Police - very wise, based on the fact it would be Moro working closely with the Federal Police....not Bolsonaro.

    Moro knows the Law well-enough to not insist it was his (legal) prerogative...he was just holding Bolsonaro to his promise (when he was given “carte blanche”).

    Apr 26th, 2020 - 05:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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