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Falkland Islands has coronavirus test processed some 65% of its population

Friday, August 7th 2020 - 07:48 UTC
Full article 2 comments
A well equipped and professionally staffed KEMH staff in Stanley is playing a decisive role in the coronavirus testing A well equipped and professionally staffed KEMH staff in Stanley is playing a decisive role in the coronavirus testing

The Falkland Islands with 2,256 coronavirus tests processed, and no positive results for over 100 days, is leading among countries with small populations that have tested well over half of its population.

The Falklands population in 2020 is estimated at 3,500, and has imposed very strict regulations regarding Visitor Policy. The Islands' health authorities together with the well equipped Kind Edward Memorial Hospital, and the community collaboration have been crucial to keep the virus at bay.

In related news the United Arab Emirates, UAE, and Bahrain have become the world's first countries with populations over one million to hit a 50% testing rate for Covid-19.

The milestone figure means that scientists in the two Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, nations can more accurately analyze the spread of the pandemic with access to a greater level of infection data per capita than anywhere else in the world.

The UK, meanwhile, has achieved a testing rate of 24.9% while the US stands at 18.6%. After the UAE (52.7%) and Bahrain (50.3%), Denmark (27.7%) will be the next country to reach the benchmark figure followed by Singapore (25.2%).

Testing has played a major part in the COVID-19 containment strategy for nations across the GCC, with all confirmed cases quarantined and treated.

In Bahrain, public buses have been converted into mobile testing units and citizens summoned for tests at random, while early interventions included screenings at entry points and restrictions on travel from high-risk areas.

The island kingdom has also used multilingual robots on isolation wards to check body temperatures, administer medicines, serve meals and sterilize treatment rooms with beams of ultraviolet light.

All confirmed cases are quarantined and treated, with those unable to maintain social distancing at home accommodated in quarantine centers.

As an additional precaution, those entering the kingdom are required to self-isolate for 10 days on arrival.

In the UAE, police have deployed smart helmets capable of scanning temperatures of hundreds of people every minute.

Research suggests that the COVID-19 recovery rate in GCC countries was significantly higher than the global average. An average of 75% of cases have recovered in Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Oman – well above the global figure of 57%.

Tags: COVID-19, Test.

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  • Guillote

    not a country ,who has doubts? y ademas contra que paises reales se compara lisa.jijiji

    Aug 08th, 2020 - 03:18 am -1
  • Think


    Firstly... them Malvinas/Falklands ain't no “Country”........., they are a “Territory”...

    Secondly..., compared with the Farøerne's ~95% coronavirus test of its ~40,000 souls population..., the Malvinas/Falklands ~65% testing of its ~3,000 squatters is almost pathetic...

    And don't get me started about our woolen sweaters being much more prettier and our lasses much less itchier than yours...


    Aug 07th, 2020 - 09:52 am -2
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