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Cruise giants team up and present a scientific report on control of the pandemic on ships; CDC decision this week

Tuesday, September 22nd 2020 - 07:48 UTC
Full article 2 comments
The Healthy Sail Panel submitted its recommendations --including 74 detailed best practices– on Monday to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Healthy Sail Panel submitted its recommendations --including 74 detailed best practices– on Monday to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

A panel of leading scientists and medical experts convened by two of the world's biggest cruise companies -- Royal Caribbean Group and Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings -- has concluded that the public health risk associated with the pandemic can be controlled on a ship.

The Healthy Sail Panel submitted its recommendations -- including 74 detailed best practices -- on Monday to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in response to a CDC request for public comment.

The CDC, which is due to make a decision on the resumption of cruising from U.S. ports this week, will use the report to inform future public health guidance and preventative measures relating to travel on cruise ships. Currently, the CDC sail order is in force until September 30.

“We understand our responsibility to act aggressively to protect the health and safety of our guests and crew, as well as the communities where we sail, and we asked the panel to help us learn how to best live up to that responsibility,” Chairman and CEO of Royal Caribbean Group Richard D. Fain said in a statement.

“We were inspired by the depth of the panel's work and their determination to help us establish the strongest protocols in the travel industry.”

The work from the panel represents a rare collaboration between two otherwise competing cruise lines, who united behind an effort to ensure cruising remained safe and healthy and that ships could return to sailing.

“The Healthy Sail Panel's recommendations are robust and comprehensive, and they reflect the intense focus the panelists brought to their work,” President and CEO of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. Frank Del Rio said.

“We know that both authorities around the globe and consumers expect cruise lines to provide the safest, healthiest vacations we can, and this work demonstrates our commitment to doing just that.”

Both companies have lost billions of dollars since the pandemic forced a pause in cruise ship operations worldwide.

A few days after the Executive Management Committee (Gecex) of the Chamber of Foreign Trade (Camex) zeroed the import duty on rice in an attempt to lower the price of the product to the final consumer, the United States reported the sale of 30,000 tons of the product to Brazil on Friday, September 18, according to information published by Reuters. The quota establishes that until December this year, 400,000 tons of rice may be imported from countries outside Mercosur.

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  • Think


    Article says...:
    ***“A panel of leading scientists and medical experts convened by two of the world's biggest cruise companies -- Royal Caribbean Group and Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings -- has concluded that the public health risk associated with the pandemic can be controlled on a ship.”***

    Me two pence worth...:

    “A panel of leading scientists and medical experts convened AND GENEROUSLY PAID by two of the world's biggest cruise companies -- Royal Caribbean Group and Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings -- has concluded INCREDIBLY FAST ANW WITHOUT ANY ANIMAL TESTING that the public health risk associated with the pandemic can be controlled on a ship.”


    Sep 22nd, 2020 - 03:08 pm +1
  • Pugol-H

    Lock the passengers in their cabins 23 hours a day, take it in turns to go for exercise on the deck, sorted.

    WTF has Mercosur rice tariffs and quotas got to do with it??????

    Sep 24th, 2020 - 03:28 pm 0
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