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Doha Agreement on greenhouse gases extended to the Falklands

Thursday, October 1st 2020 - 08:59 UTC
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MLA Roberts underlined the Falklands commitment with the global warming, “a global problem” MLA Roberts underlined the Falklands commitment with the global warming, “a global problem”

The Falkland Islands Government received official confirmation from the UK Government at the end of August, that the Foreign Secretary had agreed on the extension of the Doha Amendment to the Falkland Islands.

This development means that the Falkland Islands will form part of UK efforts to reduce greenhouse gases further.

Falklands government is committed to reducing the demand on existing energy sources and continuing to work with FIDC to administer the existing grant scheme for improving energy efficiency.

MLA Leona Roberts, Portfolio Lead for the Environment, said: “Global warming is a global problem, which is why we feel strongly that we should play our part in helping to meet the international obligations and commitments set out by the original UNFCC and its subsequent amendments.”

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