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Brazilians march in Sao Paulo against the Chinese vaccine and mandatory immunization

Monday, November 2nd 2020 - 09:45 UTC
Full article 61 comments

More than 300 Brazilians gathered on São Paulo's main commercial thoroughfare on Sunday to protest state Governor João Doria's support for mandatory COVID-19 immunization and testing the potential vaccine developed by China's Sinovac. Read full article


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  • Fito Garcia

    Good to see our Brazilian brothers and sisters protesting against the plans of the capitalist oligarchs in Brazil trying to make money out of the pandemic. We, the people of Latin America, will not accept mandatory vaccines from the money worshipping devils. The Socialist movement will push back and deny the materialists their speculative fortune making plans,

    Nov 02nd, 2020 - 12:38 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Brasileiro

    There were no 200 people at the “demonstration”. They all fit on an average bus.

    São Paulo, city, has 8.5 million inhabitants. Less than 300 people do not accept to be vaccinated. Good!

    Nov 02nd, 2020 - 02:39 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Jack Bauer

    Fito Garcia

    300 protesters out of a potential 210 million who will probably want to take the vaccine, whether it is the Coronavac or the one being tested by Oxford University /Astra Zeneca, represents 0,0000014 % of the, what an expressive number....right ?

    As for making money out of the pandemic, perhaps - but all big pharma always does, so what's new ?. But shouldn't affect the population, as like most vaccines here, it will most likely be free. As for the cost to the State, good and well - better than having it stolen by our 'honest' politicians.

    Comparisons aside, if some idiots want to risk their lives, it's their problem, but when they become the source of contamination to others, it's a whole different ball game.

    It is very likely that those who can't produce a vaccination certificate after vaccination is available, will probably be subject to all sorts of credit from public banks, unable to get a passport, not allowed in restaurants, shops etc.....and if they get infected and need medical help, it will be provided, at a cost....not for free.
    Hope they enjoy 'their' new normal.

    Nov 02nd, 2020 - 03:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Good to see your appearance. I hope all is well with you and your family.

    Pugol, DemonTree and I have been chatting on the “Polish women protest...” thread. (I've also been at the Argentine jet fighter thread as well.)

    This idea of all the restrictions being proposed reminds me of Orwell's 1984.

    I found out that I had the virus by accident and I wonder what percentage of the population is asymptomatic as well.

    Trump is winning the election — my wine hoard increases!


    Nov 02nd, 2020 - 06:49 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Fito Garcia

    The capitalists vaccine is more dangerous than the virus. They don't care about your health and want your hard earned money. Ask the families of the dead opiod addicts in the USA. Yes, the money you cannot afford to pay them because they underpay your salary anyway. Time to fight back against the machie. Think you can trust your doctor to do the right thing? Think again as he gets 10% commission

    Nov 02nd, 2020 - 07:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Agree to not confide in your doctor's advice — because I personally know the effects of mistreatment.

    Doctor Allende taught many of us not to trust the medicine he imposed upon us.

    You amuse me...

    Nov 02nd, 2020 - 11:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Wow, thanks to the pandemic Brasileiro and Jack Bauer agree on something! We really do live in strange times.

    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 07:52 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Fito Garcia

    There is no pandemic. Its a manufactured illusion by the capitalist media. How many people are dying out of the normal? hardly any

    How many people are losing there business and livlehood? millions

    Who will make billions from selling you the so called vaccine? The Global billionaire Oligarchs

    The people must arise and push back against the cabal

    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 10:22 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Think

    TWIMC..., and to the few (if any) in here at Mercoress that hasn't have all their neurones fried by the 5G Network...:

    ***”As of October 15..., 216,025 deaths from COVID-19 have been reported in the United States...; however, this might underestimate the total impact of the pandemic on mortality.

    Overall..., an estimated 299,028 EXCESS DEATHS occurred from late January through October 3, 2020..., with 198,081 (66%) EXCESS DEATHS attributed to COVID-19.
    The largest percentage increases were seen among adults aged 25–44 years and among Hispanic or Latino persons.

    Similar official statistics are free available on Internet for every Country in the World that has a functioning Health Ministry...
    The Swedish one being one of the worst...


    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 11:42 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    Although this particular pandemic is perhaps the worst in a century — the mortality rate is far below the crisis that has been promoted.

    The Swedes themselves realize they made miscalculations initially about the virus — but since the initial high level of deaths — have best handled the virus and should be a model for the World community to embrace.

    Keeping a society and economy closed has enormous consequences!

    ...Sadly the cure is far worse than the actual disease...


    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 12:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    You say...:
    ***“The Swedes.................. have best handled the virus and should be a model for the World community to embrace.”***

    I say...:
    Well... in Scandinavia..., when you are..., by far..., third and last out of three during the WHOLE PANDEMIC..., we would ten to conclude that the third... having worst handled the pandemic..., should NOT be a model for the World community to embrace...


    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 01:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    Granted your English and Geography excell my inferior knowledge — but I don't understand your statement.

    Three? There are FIVE Scandinavian countries as a minimum...

    And yes — mortality rates have been horrendous for Sweden — but compared to Europe is my respectful contention.

    I have always admired the Scandinavian people — they are the greatest sea navigators of the world and their women melt my heart...

    Stay well today — I have many things to accomplish before returning to Chicureo.


    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 01:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    I explain the geography of Northern Europe again for my little Shilean brother...

    NORWAY..., SWEDEN and FINLAND are three very similar, very comparable adjacent Countries in Scandinavia...

    Comparable in almost any aspect of life for the last many, many years ..., EXCEPT FOR THE LAST NINE MONTHS OF THE COVID19 PANDEMIC HANDLING...

    During these months all three of them experienced a VERY SIMILAR economic and social downswing due to the Covid 19 pandemic...


    Due to its diverse tackling of the Covid 19 pandemic during the past 9 months..., SWEDEN has experienced circa 10 times higher rate of excess deaths and contagions than its immediate neighbors to the East and West..., NORWAY AND FINLAND...

    Ergo..., if any Nordic Country “should be a model for the World community to embrace” ..., it should be NORWAY or FINLAND.... CERTAINLY NOT SWEDEN...


    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 02:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    Respectfully — Denmark is very close by...

    But I understand your argument — but I insist my conclusion is correct...


    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 02:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Even Danmark and the Danes..., the unruly, carefree, drunken, hygge-hygge gipsies of Scandinavia..., are doing marginally better than them bloody Swedes on this one...., hermanito...

    Your Swedish argument is as flimsy as your Trump argument...
    Not to say inexistent...

    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 03:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    FIVE is substantially different than THREE and I know Denmark is Scandanavian but I accept your precise statistics.

    However, in a world of mixed breed mongrels like myself — our ideal model to determine our future is the Swedish model. Vaccines are now here (we now have limited sales in Santiagio at one approved pharmacy) and soon the other major drug company vaccines will be released in enormous numbers in November.

    You can not keep the world under shutdown for months without severe consequences as the cure has become worse than the virus itself.

    In any case — we should all wash our hands regularly (something my mother taught me) and try not to trigger those fearful of this plague — but from personal experience — the fear of failure and poverty is a horror that has affected too many once very successful people of all economic classes.

    It has been highl destructive to our society worldwide.


    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 04:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Please inform yourself...
    Even “La Tercera” has more truthful information than you...!
    (Y eso ya es musho decir...hermanito)

    Even Danmark and the Danes..., the unruly, carefree, drunken, hygge-hygge gipsies of Scandinavia..., are doing marginally better than them bloody Swedes on this one...., hermanito...

    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 05:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H


    I am reliably informed, working for a Scandinavian based company, that Denmark, Norway and Sweden (similar but not entirely inter miscible languages, the Danes think the other two can understand them, the others tell me that most of the time they can’t, have to use English) are Scandinavian, whereas those three plus Finland are Nordic.

    Finns being a completely unrelated people, culture and language, to the Scandinavian countries.

    Apparently, Icelandic is old Norwegian, Norwegian is old Swedish, Swedish is old Danish. The only language related to Finnish in Europe, is actually Hungarian.

    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 06:19 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Jack Bauer


    Thanks, we're all doing fine....still maintaining a respectable distance from others, going out only when necessary..

    I've been rather quiet of late - have had other things to do, and tbh, not been particularly interested in trying to educate we all know whom - just a waste of time. Unfortunately we cannot prevent him from raising his ugly head.

    Mr. Fito Garcia seems to be slightly misinformed...“The capitalists vaccine is more dangerous than the virus”...well, as far as capitalism goes, which vaccine is not the product of a capitalist system ? and as far as “more dangerous than the virus”, he has the right to his opinion...and to pay the price for it.

    His notion that the pandemic does not exist, is childish....his problem.
    That “Its a manufactured illusion by the capitalist media” ? 'manufactured' ? perhaps....and if so, we know where it came from ; an 'illusion' ?, hardly.
    He clearly has a problem with capitalism in a competitive the look of it he supports socialism - and not in the cozy, West European style - his whining about being underpaid, suggests he's not been too successful in his professional career and depends on State handouts to live. My heart bleeds for him.


    Long time no hear from you....on several occasions wondered how you might be faring during all this mess....your daughter must be getting near walking time, right ?
    Anyway, nice to run into you again.

    The reason I agreed with Brasileiro - indeed, odd - is because for once, he said something that made sense.
    You will recall, as I 've said many a time, I don't have 'favorite' (political) the shite hits the fan, one's opinion can change. Unfortunately, in politics, you rarely have an ideal usually boils down to having to choose the least worst under the circumstances. The real problem though, is to commit the same mistake over and over again, expecting a different result each time.

    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 06:50 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • DemonTree

    I'm okay, and the baby is just starting to crawl. She is becoming a handful getting into everything and we've started to baby-proof the house. I've been pretty busy, and got fed up of interacting with certain unreasonable and unpleasant individuals (you know who I mean). Nice to see you again, though. How have you been? Is the virus easing up in SP now summer is coming? It's getting worse again here and a new lockdown starts on Thursday. I've just been out to get fish and chips before all the shops shut again.

    It was actually an article I saw about Glenn Greenwald that reminded me of this place - he quit the Intercept because they wanted to censor his article on Joe Biden.

    And nothing wrong with agreeing with Brasileiro when warranted, it's much sillier when people disagree with something just because another person agrees. Commonly seen in politicians who refuse to go along with any ideas their opponents propose.

    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 07:50 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Fito Garcia

    The vaccine is a capitalist poison to make money for the billionaire oligarchs. Take it at your peril. You will have no guarantee against the many side effects if this poison. What is the purpose of the capitalist vaccine? make billons of dollars for the corrupt oligarchs

    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 07:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    If she's still crawling, should be easier to find her when she disappears from sight....when she starts to walk, she'll be more curious and will keep you on yout toes.

    You're right, with 'you know who' it always felt like a waste of time.

    the situation in São Paulo (and Brazil generally speaking), is improving.....commerce is up to speed again (with all the precautions) but there are still many people to refuse to acknowledge the virus is dangerous, and you can see them crowding the beaches and the bars, as if everything were normal.. I reckon they are the ones responsible for the very slow recovery...but might well also be responsible for new spikes. Public transport is also a disaster in terms of social distancing....people are told to maintain social distance while queuing up, but once in the bus or train, they travel like cattle.

    “Commonly seen in politicians who refuse to go along with any ideas their opponents propose”........the rule here....but when they are offered some incentive ($$$) to support a project or a new law, all differences are put aside.

    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 08:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Turns out babies learn to crawl before they learn fear of heights - that certainly keeps me on my toes! Since she is still slow it is not too bad though. We had my niece and nephew come to visit a while ago, and it was like a whirlwind hit the house.

    “You're right, with 'you know who' it always felt like a waste of time.”

    Nothing seems to have changed since I left, except this new self-declared socialist Sr Garcia. He needs more originality.

    Glad to hear things are better in São Paulo. I can't imagine how anyone could social distance on public transport, unless it was made so low volume as to be uneconomic. It's becoming more and more of an issue for the economy as long as measures persist. But I have a vested interest in Brasil doing okay, as my team has several customers there.

    ”when they are offered some incentive ($$$) to support a project or a new law, all differences are put aside.”

    Here ministers approve some law or project, then after they retire from politics they are given a well paid sinecure by the business that benefited. It's the same shit, just a little more hidden.

    Nov 03rd, 2020 - 08:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fito Garcia

    Try asking big pharma for a 100% guarantee there will be no side effects from their “vaccine”. I guarantee I know what the answer will be but the capitalist governments will support them and “approve” the vaccine poison. They need to go to Cuba and learn from the Cuban medical system. Best medical system in the world and guess what? yes, no need for capitalist companies exploiting peoples health. Disgraceful

    Nov 04th, 2020 - 10:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Fito Garcia

    Probably a good idea all round if you don’t have the Vaccine then, when one is ready.

    Nov 04th, 2020 - 04:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    “Probably a good idea all round if you don’t have the Vaccine then, when one is ready”

    Exactly. Why waste a vaccine ?

    Nov 04th, 2020 - 06:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-TTWH DemonTree Jack Estimado THINK

    I'm currently studying recipes for preparing crow sandwiches.

    Obviously — I'm probably going to have to EAT CROW for a humiliating duration.

    (There is STILL a path for Trump win this crazy election after contesting highly dubious mail in ballots — but it appears a senile Joe Biden may be the next President.)

    There are nearly five cases of wine that I'm preparing to deliver very promptly in person. (Four of those going to Danish pirates.)

    It was an adventurous bold wager that will prove enjoyable for some time in the future for my friends and colleagues.

    In my humble opinion — this is a Pyrrhic victory for the Democrat party.

    If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, we shall be utterly ruined.
    — Plutarch


    Nov 04th, 2020 - 07:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    The BBC thinks the result is still open. Regardless who wins, the US has a big problem because half the country hates the other half and vice-versa. Benjamin Franklin said “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” Looks like they prefer hanging separately.

    Nov 04th, 2020 - 08:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Yes, the Pennsylvania and Michigan results are being legally contested prior to a final vote count. (Trump will not give up easily.)

    We'll see an official recount which is not unusual.

    Meanwhile — as I will most likely need to pay my loss — I just purchased 4 cases of Don Melchor because it's “Cyber Monday” here in Chile and today is the last day of discounts of the promotion.

    Anyway — this American election has exposed the outrageous false polling. Trump still has a possibility to win but the continual mail in votes are trending to the left.


    Nov 04th, 2020 - 09:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I heard there were 'shy Trump voters' like the shy Tories here. So I wasn't surprised by Trump's better-than-predicted result. It's hard to compensate for people who don’t tell the truth to pollsters.

    Biden has pulled ahead now according to the BBC. Wonder how long until we get the final result?

    Nov 05th, 2020 - 11:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Jack Bauer
    How are thing in Brazil? Has it subsided, or second wave yet?

    I trust you’re keeping safe.

    Actually, back in the day, country folk in England used to eat Crows, only the young ones though.

    Even tying the feet of fledgling birds to the nest so they couldn’t leave and the parents would keep feeding them, fattening them up nicely.

    When harvested, simply cut out the two lumps of breast meat, discard the rest, then cook as desired.

    In your case no doubt a dish fit for a king (tell guests it’s Siberian Quale), served with a wine to suit from your cellar.

    Probably not a good idea to try it with those bloody big Condors you have down there.

    Saludos de Colonia Nervia Glevensium.

    Nov 05th, 2020 - 03:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    In our neck of the woods, all quiet.....downtown, at the beaches and areas with a large concentration of bars, people are just begging to become infected, and to infect others.
    When you get a population that acts in an ignorant manner, defying common sense, you can expect the virus to be around for quite some time yet.
    Generally speaking, nationwide (with few exceptions), fortnightly averages are dropping, but slower than if people were more cautious.
    We are lucky to live in a relatively sparsely populated area, and well served by local commerce, so we have no need to leave our comfort zone.

    My sympathy goes out to Chicureo....crow sandwiches don't sound too appetizing....especially after all the gourmet menus we've been regaled with.

    And four cases of Don Melchor....hurts just to think of it.....I suggested he place a bet against Trump, just to offset potential losses....but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

    Nov 05th, 2020 - 04:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fito Garcia

    Covid19 is a fake pandemic manufactured by the global cabal designed to control your lives and make money for big pharma and bill gates

    Nov 05th, 2020 - 05:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-TTWH Jack Bauer DemonTree

    (Jack knows my agony!)

    I swallowed my pride and called this morning the two Danish pirates — who were both very cordial as I conceded. Fortunately the pandemic has resulted rapid reasonable delivery services and most of the wager has now been delivered. There are a few bottles that proper courtesy requires me to deliver in person.

    Trump is mounting a legal battle based on credible voter fraud — but I cannot be accused of trying to “Welsh” on my wager. — Even scoundrels like myself have to keep our word.

    Hunting Andean condors is too damn difficult! They are problematic to encounter as they typically dwell at the high altitudes — you need a 10 gauge shotgun that terribly bruises your shoulder (because you need to fire a whole carton of shells to bring one down) — the meat is strongly gamy and tough — and for some unexplainable ridiculous reason the locals get angry and apparently I've been informed it's supposedly highly illegal. (Same damn insane stupidity when I shoot a Huemul or Pudú.*)

    I appreciate your interesting historical perspective about crows. I used to hunt wild quail in my youth — but as I became older I completely lost interest in harming them. We do however enjoy farmed duck, quail and occasionally on rare occasion even geese. (We did try Chilean farmed Emu once and that was sufficient for our lifetimes.)

    Lunch today was a pair of the old lady's beef empanadas and a cold Coca Cola light.

    I have a sewer line access to being diamond drilled this afternoon to monitor. The barn renovation is rapidly progressing with the new wall framing nearly all in place.

    Hopefully with no interruptions — Madame's desires will be acceived before December arrives.

    (One last note: In an earlier comment — I said the old Walnut locations would be planted with two Pistacio trees — but the women of my family have decided that we will instead now plant two Jacarandas.)


    (*Our southern endangered Andean deer.

    Nov 05th, 2020 - 06:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Mr. Garcia

    Who are you trying to convince ?

    Nov 05th, 2020 - 06:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Apparently that we should abandon our private health care and joyously embrace the glorious Cuban medical system — which Venezuela has replicated.

    (We have three Venezulean employees that are highly opinionated about their glorious experiences there...)

    Fito has proposed some fantastic new mandates — of which billionaire oligarchs should be paying all us a universal income — which would be a exceptionally welcomed by myself as I haven't earned any money since our last grape sales liquidation in July.

    Fito's ideas are like my own adolescent dreams — best lyricized by Dire Straits 'You get your money for nothing and your chicks for free!'

    ...or perhaps my favorite conclusion: “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”...


    Nov 05th, 2020 - 07:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fito Garcia

    I am simply bringing the light of truth to the forces of darkness that are trying to force us into mandatory vaccines and extreme capitalism. They are very strong and include paedophiles among their membership and some very well known hollywood celebrities

    Nov 05th, 2020 - 07:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    I completly agree with your household's shopoholics about them Jacarandas....

    Put don't get stingy...!

    1) Get the largest, oldest, well developed ones (coppiced if available)..., your money can buy...
    2) Dig a hole that is 50% bigger than what the “experts” Think is enough...
    3) You won't regret...,1)/Jacarandatrees-GettyImages-618950500-2f9f5b4790c74b2099159f029802aa1f.jpg


    Nov 05th, 2020 - 10:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-TTWH Jack DemonTree Estimado THINK

    Its frightening to realize that THINK has now become an important design engineer for me. His suggestion of a diamond drill was ideal and I agree about the Jacarandas — as they rapidly grow and are gorgeous in bloom.

    The drilling of a hole nearly 3 meters of mixed stone and mortar took all afternoon. The framing of the interior rooms are also finished. Tomorrow the electrical and all the PVC installation will be completed. Next week we'll be busy with the gypsum board and plastering as well as the final restructuring/reinforcing of the original roof beams.

    In many ways the original barn roof design was ingenious as it allowed for flexibility to withstand several earthquakes — yet support the heavy load of ceramic tiles. Although the “Pino Oregon” actually came from California as ship ballast and the fasteners are of unidentifiable hardwood pegs. (Sadly — but expected we have had to replace several sections of rotted wood — but it's nearly accomplished.)

    Driving back to Chicureo — I stopped to buy a flat of gorgeous strawberries and the perfumed smell was very pleasant on the final leg homeward.

    This evening's meal was a salmon-avocado-sweet red onion-ceviche marinated with Meyer lemon served with garlic sourdough bread all accompanied with Valdivieso's very finest champenoise and delicious strawberries for dessert.

    Tomorrow ma mariée enchanteresse has promised Belgian waffles with strawberries as she's delighted with the new pottery workshop progress. She's making numerous decorative hand painted ceramic tiles for decorating the guest washrooms. The actual design are reproductions of a classic Catalan style.

    The recommendations are what we normally do — including filling the empty hole with water BEFORE planting the tree with topsoil that is irrigated.

    Regarding THINK's earlier observation that “only if Trump grabs the election by the pussy” seems to now be aptly prophetic.


    Nov 06th, 2020 - 12:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fito Garcia

    Brazilian people must not give up the struggle against the vaccine poison being forced on our people by fascist governments. The Argentine people support you

    Nov 06th, 2020 - 07:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    So being..., and..., for not making you feel obliged..., in any way..., to one of those unelected, insufferable Argie big brothers of yours..., I could..., in the future... if you so prefer..., bill you for my proffessional services...

    As I allow myself to assume that you are deducting quite a few of the renovation costs of your fundo as business expenses..., I Think it would be wise to send any future bill to your Panquehue office adress...

    What was you RUT again...?


    Nov 06th, 2020 - 10:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK Pugol-TTWH Jack DemonTree

    I'm an admitted scoundrel — but not a foolish one when it comes to the dangers of irritating the SII (Servicio de Impuestos Internos) — those humorless bureaucrats I fear far more than a furious Madame in one of her frequent rages.

    She was docile as a kitten and rewarded me with perfectly sweet crisp thick Belgian waffles with fresh strawberries topped with sour cream. (Actually more complementary than sweet cream.)

    We finished pulling all the electrical cable through the wall frames.

    I'm having a late lunch of the old lady's empanadas and chilled sparkling water.

    The Trump battle seems to be facing insurmountable odds as the media and social media have gone out on a full-frontal-assault.

    This weekend I'll deliver the final wagers — I'll be chewing on tough crow meat for some time...


    Nov 06th, 2020 - 05:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    A youthfull Swedish payback to The Donald...:

    Nov 06th, 2020 - 05:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK Pugol-TTWH Jack DemonTree

    I dare not translate the Swedish sainted (already once journalist translated declaration): “Nuestra casa todavía está en llamas. La inacción de ustedes alimenta las llamas cada hora, les decimos que actúen como si amaran a sus niños por sobre todas las cosas” — Greta Thunberg

    But frankly — she'll have to get in a long endless line of antagonistic enemies of the perhaps now defeated ”The Donald” — which they plan to roast his goose over a fire bed of Hell. Even Fox News has abandoned him and I'm glad that I've promptly paid almost all my bottles wagered.

    Things could have been far worse — as our freight expediter (a major Trump fan) located in Philadelphia seaport business — strongly advised me to invest in Nikola Motor Company shares as it was first publicly sold (which fortunately I NEVER EVER BUY STOCKS) — and now that stock is mired in controversy.

    I instead squandered capital on two gypsy camps and remodeling our old farmhouse.

    I figure we still have a few months of COVID19 tranquility here in Chile before a revolution will start to rise again. Both the RN and UDI parties do not have a rising star — so we'll see the left arise in power.


    Nov 06th, 2020 - 07:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fito Garcia

    Covid is a matrix illusion. Wake up, wake up, or drink your poison

    Nov 06th, 2020 - 08:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Where is the culinary advice for cooking Andean condors? They are problematic to encounter as they typically dwell at the high altitudes — you need a 10 gauge shotgun that terribly bruises your shoulder (because you need to fire a whole carton of shells to bring one down) — the meat is strongly gamy and tough — and for some unexplainable ridiculous reason the locals get angry and apparently I've been informed it's supposedly highly illegal.

    Nov 06th, 2020 - 09:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Right..., Shicuréo...

    A tasteful receipt for cooking all them varmint pests harming production would surely be useful...!

    Until then..., I reckon that our estancieros will continue embellishing their field gates in this tasteful way...

    Nov 06th, 2020 - 09:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    These days, I only shoot something if it is a problem (invasive species or a disease carrier like rats), or I am going to eat it. With Sainsbury’s/Tesco’s/Asda etc. Round the corner food is not a problem.

    Also, if I may suggest, have your Gun Smith extend the length of your shotgun stock and fit a pad, also, almost always when using a long gun, tuck it into your shoulder tight, before firing.

    Saludos de Colonia Nervia Glevensium.

    Nov 06th, 2020 - 11:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK Pugol-TTWH Jack DemonTree

    Obviously there is no humor this evening. I certainly do not hunt Pudú or our majestic Andean Condors — I imagined I would have caught some outrage from a gullible reader — but no one took to bait.

    I listened to a podcast returning and whether Trump or Biden won the Presidency — the most interesting side story is that the Democrats failed to gain control of the Senate and actually had a net loss in their majority in the House. It looks like the Americans will have a political impasse for at least the next two years.

    I'm back to Chicureo where Madame has been making ceramic tiles all day. Her work always is difficult to judge as the firing radically changes the colors.

    This evening's fare is a cold Charcuterie platter with a wide selection of Chilean Serrano style ham, black olives, Italian salami, goat cheese, pickled red onions and sliced toasted baguette accompanied with a '04 Viña Santa Rita Casa Real Merlot.


    Nov 07th, 2020 - 12:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fito Garcia

    you forgot your glass of toxic vaccine. its mandatory
    a la calle a protestar amigos y paisanos

    Nov 07th, 2020 - 07:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Why can’t Trump return to the White House, because it’s ForBiden.

    I did appreciate your description of “Condor Hunting”, lol.

    Saludos de Colonia Nervia Glevensium.

    And protest what?

    Nobody will force you to have a vaccine, personally I think it a good idea you and your Comrades don’t have it.

    I support your right not to have it 100%.

    Nov 07th, 2020 - 01:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fito Garcia

    Our natural immune systems with vegan plant-based diet, exercise, and socialist health care systems don't need foreign capitalist profit grabbing lying big pharma poisons. Go ask the Americans about their opioid deaths. We do not accept this in Latin America. We don't pay our doctors to poison you

    Nov 07th, 2020 - 03:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    “We don't pay our doctors”, no money for that.

    Probably why they mostly work in places like the US and EU.

    Your most valuable export, is qualified people escaping the socialist paradise of S. America.

    Nov 07th, 2020 - 04:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK Pugol-TTWH Jack DemonTree

    The frightening venom brewed by Friedrich Engels have poisoned literally hundreds of millions of deaths. (Far more perilous than a simple controversial inoculation.)

    Let's not forget the diaspora of Venezuelans that have enriched Chile and for the most part — are succeeding well. The drain of skilled educated professional people seeking freedom from tyranny and economic misery is a sad commentary of the once wealthy country.

    Saturday mid-morning delight was Eggs Benedict - Chicureo style (The only difference is we use toasted sliced sourdough bread.)

    (This vegan friendly delicious breakfast would be ideal if served with my favorite thick cut smoked bacon or Catalan style blood sausage.)

    I've now delivered the remaining bottles wagered — (including a 1987 Spanish Gran Sangre de Toro Viña Torres) concluding my owed debts misery.

    I'm currently wrapping in craft-paper Madame's now finished fired tiles — she's already fired 46 (with only two breaking) and she's been busy making another batch.


    Nov 07th, 2020 - 05:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    Get the impression you were just trying to fool us about eating have recovered pretty quickly and are back to the gourmet the saying goes, ”God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (Yusef BIn LaDEN's victory in the US and paying your wagers), courage to change the things I can (your farmhouse), and wisdom to know the difference (between plonk and good wine)“.


    Mr. Garcia seems really upset about the vaccine, but as we have both told him, it's his right to want to live or die.
    Just one inconsistency in his radical rant, ”We do not accept this in Latin America” ; he ignores that dozens of tons of addictive drugs consumed in the US (and in Europe), come from Latin America.
    But as he suggests that a “vegan plant-based diet” is a solution for good health, I'm wondering if his main diet is made up of cannabis salad, sprinkled with finely ground coca leaves....might explain the hallucinations.

    Nov 07th, 2020 - 06:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Jack Pugol-TTWH

    As I've mentioned — I am morally convicted to only consume the meat butchered from vegetarian grass eating steers.

    Really the very best recommendable heathy diet should be from varied protein sources — including from the bountiful sea and rich soil of the land.

    Life would be terribly uninteresting if we only ate beef alone and certainly vegetables, as well as fruit — are what makes life joyous!

    Madame has just pulled another two dozen fired tiles from the kiln and she's placed two dozen more.

    As she's busy manufacturing bathroom tiles — our evening meal again will be a Charcuterie platter with cold marinated asparagus, Panquehue smoked ham, black olives, goat cheese, and marinated artichoke hearts and sliced toasted baguette accompanied with a '12 Viña Arboleda Carménère

    Mentioning coca leaves — we keep a supply in the kitchen pantry for tea to treat cases of stomach upset.


    Nov 07th, 2020 - 09:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fito Garcia

    The Normalization of Corruption—Big Pharma Takes “Tobacco Tactics” to a New Level

    Nov 08th, 2020 - 07:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    I'm back to Chicureo for the evening after a very satisfying day! The interior barn framed walls and gypsum board are all finished and ready for plastering tomorrow. We earlier laid a cement sub-floor that will require another two weeks of curing before laying a final floor of distressed terracotta tiles.

    We wanted to do the project with artisanal crafted doors — but were offered four antique lingue wood doors salvaged from a Santiago demolition — that are beautiful.

    Madame today purchased a full loin of lean sirloin — which she sliced approximately 1cm slices for preparing our version of beef Carpaccio (first introduced by Giuseppe Cipriani from Harry's Bar in Venice) which may cause purists to complain — but we love it! (Normally she prepares with paper thin slices — but the beef was exceptionally tender.)

    On a large dinner plate Madame places very thinly sliced avocado drizzled with shavings of goat cheese and then overlaid with the slices of sirloin topped with paper thin laminations of sweet red onion, with Casablanca lemon capers, lemon pepper and drops of Basámico vinegar syrup — slightly drizzled with Chilean virgin olive oil and lemon juice.

    This is accompanied with garlic butter herbed sourdough and a '08 Viña Arboleda Carménère. Waiting now for a quiet sunset.


    Nov 10th, 2020 - 12:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    Despite the mayhem going on around the globe, and in particular the idea of a new constitution in Chile, good to see you don't let it affect you, and still stick to your healthy lifestyle.....good food, taking pleasure in the farms finishing touches etc.....only problem - having to distribute free wine.....

    Nov 11th, 2020 - 02:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fito Garcia

    Give Bolivia back the land that the Chilean fascists stole from them. All Latin American socialists stand together against the Bolivian theft

    Nov 11th, 2020 - 04:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Mr. Garcia,

    Wow, that's a great idea.....and while we are at it, how about Argentina giving back all the land that your ancestors stole from the Amerindian population as of the early 1500s ?

    But getting back to your original idea, in 1880 Chile was a liberal republic, so who exactly were the fascists ?

    You sound like the champion of double-standards.

    Nov 11th, 2020 - 08:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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