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Falklands commemorates Remembrance Day on Sunday November 8

Sunday, November 8th 2020 - 09:30 UTC
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At 10.48 am the Governor, MLA Roger Edwards and the Commander British Forces will arrive at the Cross of Sacrifice, followed by a short service and the Roll of Honor read out At 10.48 am the Governor, MLA Roger Edwards and the Commander British Forces will arrive at the Cross of Sacrifice, followed by a short service and the Roll of Honor read out

The Annual Service of Remembrance in the Falkland Islands commemorating the 102nd anniversary of the end of the First World War, will be held this Sunday November 8, beginning with a service at the Christ Church Cathedral commencing at 9.30 am, according to a release from Gilbert House.

 The Falklands' Governor, the Commander British Forces, Members of the Legislative Assembly, resident Veterans, together with Senior Officers of the Armed Services will be attending this Service. The Service will be led by the Reverend Ian Faulds and other local ministers.

During the Service a collection will be made for the Poppy Appeal. The congregation is requested to be seated in the Cathedral by 9.15 am. Seating will be on a first come first served basis.

At 10.35 the Parade, consisting of detachments representing the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force and Falkland Islands Defense Force will form up on Ross Road East and march into position at the Cross of Sacrifice. Associations and Veterans will march and take up a position at the foot of the steps to the Cross. Youth organizations will be present at the Cross of Sacrifice.

At 10.48 am the Governor, MLA Roger Edwards and the Commander British Forces will arrive at the Cross of Sacrifice. A short service will then be held and the Roll of Honor read out. There will be two minutes silence at approximately 11.00 am marked by the firing of the saluting guns on Victory Green. The Governor, the Honorable Roger Edwards and the Commander British Forces, will lay wreaths. Others wishing to lay wreaths will then do so.

This is an important public occasion and it is earnestly hoped that as many members of the community as possible will attend this observance ceremony and play an equal part in honoring and remembering all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom the Falklands enjoy today. It is appropriate for medals to be worn on this occasion.

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