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Chinese journalist who covered Wuhan's virus outbreak face five years of jail

Wednesday, November 18th 2020 - 08:28 UTC
Full article 2 comments

A Chinese citizen journalist who covered Wuhan's virus outbreak is facing up to five years in jail, according to newly released documents. Zhang Zhan, a 37-year-old former lawyer, has been held in detention since she was arrested in May. Read full article


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  • Don Alberto

    Not surprising in a country which reported
    19 June 2020 84494 cases and 4634 deaths
    29 June 2020 83500 cases and 4634 deaths (-991 cases!)
    07 July 2020 83611 cases and 4634 deaths
    02 August 2020 84385 cases and 4634 deaths
    Since then, not one single case and not one single death.

    Very convincing in a country with a population of 1,400,050,000, isn't it?

    86,381 cases of CoVid-19 and 4,634 deaths

    Nov 19th, 2020 - 06:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Freddy Worldwide

    Like many totalitarians, Xi has also instituted a so-called anti-corruption campaign. In the short term, this will likely help Xi secure a great deal of power. However, in the long run, I suspect it will create serious problems. An anti-corruption campaign is not the same as a pro-honesty campaign. Coercive anti-corruption efforts imposed by a totalitarian system will prove destructive. Xi’s coercive police state campaign teaches people to lie and tell the Chinese Communist Party (which is the government) whatever party leaders want to hear. This (along with many aspects of modern China) mirrors George Orwell’s 1984- only with modern technology and surveillance capabilities that seem to be beyond even Orwell’s imagination. In this system, truth is erased by fear. Loyalty becomes something that must be proven daily – with every thought, word, and deed. Mark my words: It will end badly. This is really what the people of Hong Kong are resisting. They see tyranny on their doorsteps. The smart ones left just before the Brits turned it over to Communist China.

    Nov 21st, 2020 - 08:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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