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Johnson calls devolution of powers to Scotland “a disaster” increasing support for independence referendum

Wednesday, November 18th 2020 - 08:40 UTC
Full article 2 comments

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson triggered anger Monday in Scotland when he called the decision to grant Scotland governing powers ”a disaster,” and said he did not support granting the nation any additional powers. The reported comments come as surveys show rising support for a second independence referendum. Read full article


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  • Livepeanuts

    As James VI of Scotland knew, a second parliament in Edinburgh was a stupid idea, so when he united his kingdoms he put ALL the parliaments in one place London. The idea of a third parliament in Strasburg for only 5 million today would have never crossed the mind of James VI!
    We must look at this also through Marxist eyes: Breaking up of the Empire in the 1945 landslide, Breaking up of the Union 1997 landslide, “things can only get better” gave us a catastrophic ENGLISH debt to save the banks by the hands of a Scot, then came the obvious Gordon Brown Austerity, great part of our gold gone, the Kingdom broken up and also it gave us Sturgeon!
    Bad as all that is 2019 “HM Loyal Opposition” thrown at the UK leavers of power could be directly linked to Marx and the IRA ideologically! Not Scotland but England is what is really the Marxist's target. The idea of an English Parliament and English Nationalism, now that is really terrifying to Marxist minds. It would have been better if England had stayed put and been “digested” by the EU in an “ever closer union”. Any way there is still an antidote to England and the Marxists have been preparing it for quite some time. It is what we all saw on June 7th. 2020 with the black lives Marxists and the attack on all our culture, our greatness, our flag, there is great instability everywhere, as the Chinese curse goes, these are interesting times. (Ah that reminded me of China!)

    Nov 18th, 2020 - 01:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Freddy Worldwide

    A good chunk of my family came from Scotland and I have visited a lot. As an American, I see the idea of Scottish independence to be quite absurd and frankly self-destructive. Not only are the Scots not really discriminated against in the modern world (and EVERYONE in Britain outside of London rightfully complains of London's dominance of the British nation), but their culture has in fact been highly integrated into general British culture for centuries and Scots in fact play an outsize, even favored or dominant, role in British society, especially given their small population. At the same time they already have and maintain their own local legal system and since devolution great autonomous control over many important areas of local life. The atavistic clan hatred of the English - and other Scots - that exists (and a lot of clan stuff is quite benevolent and reasonably historic, even if the tartans and kilts were actually mostly invented by English cloth manufacturers in the19th century) is only on the same detestable level as the drunken loutishness of too many young men everywhere, and is not a basis for becoming a very small separate country. Most of the Scots I know (including my grandmother who is from the same hometown as the First Minister) love and are proud to be both part of Great Britain and Scottish at the same time, and see no contradiction whatsoever. Sensible Scots realize that they are being lead down a path of economic ruin based on ridiculously out of touch nationalism - one thing they have never lost, quite rightly, is their sense of identity; within the UK and far beyond. An independent Scotland becomes a very small player on the world stage. The Irish fought for independence for centuries. As soon as they got it they started moving to the mainland in droves! Today there are more Irish living in England (and far more in the US) than in Ireland. This issue of independence was conclusively decided at Culloden. Case closed. Where is the Duke of Cum

    Nov 19th, 2020 - 05:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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