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Cruise lines will require vaccinations for crew members and passengers

Wednesday, February 17th 2021 - 08:24 UTC
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Royal Caribbean was the first of the major cruise lines to make the announcement Royal Caribbean was the first of the major cruise lines to make the announcement

The Cyprus-based British cruise line Swan Hellenic is the next in a growing number of cruise lines that has stated it will be making vaccinations a requirement for all crew members on board.

Earlier last week, Royal Caribbean had announced the same as the first of the major cruise lines, while UK-based SAGA Cruises has announced it will require all passengers to be vaccinated.

Any vaccinations will be carried out in health centers and clinics in the crew’s home countries, which will ensure the crew is fully protected when traveling. When these vaccinations might take place is unclear as vaccination programs differ significantly worldwide.

Swan Hellenic is on track to ensure all guests and crew members are fully protected once the line sails for the first time later this year if all goes according to plan. Not only is the line planning a 100% vaccination grade for all crew members and staff onboard the vessels, but the line has also been implementing state-of-the-art health systems onboard the ships.

The company is working closely with Vikand, a company that offers public health solutions for the maritime industry. Some of the company’s measures are UV sanitized air-conditioning plants, extensive training programs for the crew members, and testing regimes for crew and passengers.

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