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Thousands in Argentina express indignation at the VIP vaccination scandal

Sunday, February 28th 2021 - 10:21 UTC
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Stuffed black death bags were hanged from the grid surrounding Government House (Pic TELAM) Stuffed black death bags were hanged from the grid surrounding Government House (Pic TELAM)

Thousands took to the streets in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires and other main cities on Saturday to protest against the government of Alberto Fernandez following the VIP vaccination scandal, which meant a privileged few, mainly politicians, families, and cronies, were able to skip queues and receive the Covid 19 jabs.

With insufficient vaccines, this meant that a significant number of health staff and vulnerable population, among others, were left aside waiting for the next batches of the antivirus inoculation.

In Buenos Aires the protest was in front of Government House or Pink House were hundreds of citizens and members of the opposition expressed their frustration and indignation with the government policy regarding the pandemic and vaccines strategy.

The pandemic in Argentina so far has meant over two million contagions and 52,000 deaths. “Since the immunization campaign took off, yes vaccines were scarce but immorality was in great abundance, because any of the 10,000 who died since, could probably have been saved if they had been vaccinated, or had the right contacts at the Ministry of Health”, said Mario Negri a leader from the opposition.

Saturday's march which was anticipated during the week by social networks, surprised by the number of people who turned out carrying banners criticizing the government, Shame, Injustice. Some also hanged in the grids surrounding Government House, stuffed black death bags with names of the many privileged meaning their greed caused the death of sanitary staff or vulnerable people.

The march was convened under the slogan, “We are marching for peace and justice, because of the anguish of our elders, because the Argentines combating in the first line have been left aside and because of the Kirchnerite oligarchy which has grabbed the vaccines. That is why I will march with other citizens and demand justice and respect. I WILL BE PRESENT”.

The whole VIP vaccination (including Ministry of Health vans with staff that would inoculate at the homes of the privileged) was so scandalous that government was forced to publish a first list of seventy, which included ex presidents, top officials and their families, plus several ministers which government argued had to be inoculated because they are 'strategic staff.

President Fernandez who on Monday will address Congress with his annual state of the union speech, over the weekend called on the political forces that support his administration to remain at home and watch him on television, “the pandemic is not over”, and described Saturday's protests as “criminal and a totally irresponsible act”.

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  • Think

    It’s fortunate that the Swedish model was not adapted by other nations as the loss of individual life is final.


    Feb 28th, 2021 - 07:55 pm +1
  • Think


    I wouldn't Think of other than recommend getting vaccinated and..., when you compare Sweden with the rest of Scandinavia..., their “No-Lockdown” was (and is) absolutely meaningless*..
    *(Swedish 2020 GDP has fallen more than Norway's and almost as much as Finlands and Denmarks..., btw...)

    Sweden never locked down... Therefore their “Cases” and “Covid Related Deaths” have been much... much higher than those of their neighbours..., up to twelve (12) times higher than the rest of Scandinavia...

    Currently the scary Swedish red numbers are all going up..., Cases..., Deaths... Hospitalisations... They’re all going up..., sharply..., and have been for weeks...:

    In short..., logic would suggest..., the Swedish authorities are not acting logically...

    And... what we’re seeing... , all over the World..., are serious Public Health Statistics of Serious Institutions from Serious Countries (including Shile) that are showing an EXCESS MORTALITY of about 2,500,000 souls in 2020...

    Nice day here too...

    Feb 28th, 2021 - 09:46 pm 0
  • Terence Hill

    Governments can't compel us to follow their advisements, such as lockdowns. It is our responsibility to follow the dictates of quarantine. If it was adhered to for fourteen days, the epidemic would be over. Like it was contained, during the SARS outbreak.

    Feb 28th, 2021 - 09:47 pm 0
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