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Venezuela: Money scam by opposition leaders unveiled by Maduro’s Government

Wednesday, April 14th 2021 - 09:04 UTC
Full article 1 comment

Venezuela’s National Assembly Speaker, Jorge Rodríguez – recognized by Nicolás Maduro’s Government – Tuesday denounced opposition leaders were behind a scam plan to “steal” more than 53 million dollars of Venezuela's money frozen in the United States. Read full article


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  • Rod

    Why should anyone believe anything coming out of the Maduro regime? The regime that lost an election and refused to concede power and turned the country into a communist state. The same leader who bankrupted the country to the point they need to ration and import gasoline while sitting on the largest reserves in the world? The man who destroyed the Venezuelan economy to the point their money is worthless. The man whose has close relatives in jail for drug smuggling. The man whose leadership resulted in people staying home to fight Covid because his health care is in shambles and hospitals have no power for much of the day. The person who is starving his people to the point they are robbing graves.

    Apr 14th, 2021 - 12:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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