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“I will use force to defend the Falklands”, Boris Johnson to the UK media

Monday, August 16th 2021 - 05:32 UTC
Full article 47 comments

The United Kingdom confirmed that it will maintain a military presence in the Falkland Islands, whose sovereignty is claimed by Argentina, to “protect it from state and non-state threats,” according to an advance of the strategic review of security, defense and foreign policy that prime minister Boris Johnson will present this Tuesday, the first after the departure of the European bloc. Read full article


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  • Steve Potts

    Argentina's claim based on a fantasy usurpation and a shaky inheritance story.

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 10:03 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • downunder

    The British military presence in the Falkland Islands is only necessary because of Argentine threats and aggression towards the Islanders and their country. Had Argentina accepted the fact that the Islands are British and that the people wanted it that way, the political situation could have been very different and both sides would have benefited from increased interaction in many areas.

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 11:29 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Liberato

    Steve Potts, British invasion of 1833 was based on a brief hidden settlement made 70 years before.

    Downunder, there is no country in Malvinas. there is a colonial regime, a non self-governing territorie under a UN decolonization process. So the british forces there are for the protection of the colonie. If you think otherwise, please convince first the United Nations or even your ally, the USA that the islands are not in a colonial situation.

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 11:36 am - Link - Report abuse -7
  • Steve Potts


    What law was broken in 1833?

    It’s really a stupid thing for a government to say that a territory was stolen in the 19th century.

    Falkland Islands – The Usurpation (1 pg):

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 12:10 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Swede

    Now we just wait for the comments from Argentine officials and all their Malvinas secretariats, committees, commissions, observatories &c, &c. And what a big “threat” to Argentina, the region and perhaps even the world the few thousand UK troops in the Falklands constitute. The reality is, however, just the opposite. The weak defence of the of the islands and the indifference showed by the U.K. government in the early 1980-ies led to the disastrous decision by the Argentine government of the time to stage an invasion. The rest is history, which nobody wants to happen again.

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 12:19 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Liberato

    Steve Potts, the law that says you cant invade a friendly nation you have recognized 8 years before. And also, you cant invade a territorie you have never administered nor controlled in the first place. Perhaps you should read the succesives argentines protests to such act of war.

    “It’s really a stupid thing for a government to say that a territory was stolen in the 19th century.”. Well what is really really stupid is to find that a person like you, that think there is no more colonialism becouse the colonial power told you they respect self determination rights. And here we are, 21 century and the UK keeps ten territories under colonialism.

    Swede, That “weak defense” you talk about, control the land and seas of millons square kilometers in the south atlantic and the antartic that Britain claims as theirs.

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 12:30 pm - Link - Report abuse -6
  • Steve Potts


    You forget that Argentina usurped Patagonia and murdered half of the native population.

    The evidence is stacked against you:

    From a strictly legal point of view, Britain has a stronger claim, since, first of all, the use of force was a legitimate way to acquire title to a territory in the nineteenth century (Escudé, 1986; Lindsey, 1983; Nixon, 2013; Reisman, 1983; and Sharma, 1997) and a state which is in effective possession of a territory has a superior title, let alone when the possession existed for almost two centuries (Elias, 1980).

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 02:35 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Terence Hill

    “There is a colonial regime, a non self-governing territorie under a UN decolonization process”

    No there is is not, the following is the correct intrepretation, not your sophism.

    With the completion of the Referendum ...the Islands are now “decolonized”.
    ”UN Charter; DECLARATION REGARDING NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES; Article 73; Members of the United Nations which have or assume responsibilities for ..peoples have not yet attained .. self-government recognize the principle ..b. to develop self-government, ...”
    October 16th,1975
    The ICJ presents its advisory opinion on two questions concerning Western Sahara; “The validity of the principle of self-determination, defined as the need to pay regard to the freely expressed will of peoples, ...” The Court also states; “The Charter of the United Nations, in Article 1, paragraph 2, indicates, as one of the purposes of the United Nations: “To develop friendly relations among nations based on ...the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples . .” This purpose is further developed in Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter. ...the subsequent development of international law in regard to non-self-governing territories, as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, made the principle of self-determination applicable to all of them”
    Judge Dillard, .. adds; “ .. it is for the people to determine the destiny of the territory and not the territory the destiny of the people.”

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 05:28 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Chicureo

    The individual who identifies here as ‘Terence Hill’ is actually Skippy Jessop.

    Skippy Jessop has been especially rude to individuals about their nationality and profession and his actual identity was uncovered using a software algorithm to detect plagiarism.

    He has a very large presence on social media which prove he’s not an octogenarian RAF veteran of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and his engraved beer mug has been completely debunked as an outright example of stolen valor.

    Four MercoPress readers are in agreement that his fraudulent veteran valor claim is mathematically impossible due to his mid-40s age.

He has his own somewhat abandoned webpage: as well as his own YouTube channel and other media sites which are easily searchable.


The authentic ‘Terence Hill’

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 06:10 pm - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Don Alberto


    When does Argentina return the stolen territories Chaco, Formosa and Misiones to Paraguay?

    When does Argentina return the stolen Argentina to the indigenious people who were there some 12,500 years before any european Argentines?

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 08:38 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Swede

    @ Chicuero: Not this about “Skippy Jessop” and the “1962 Cuban Missile Crisis” all over again. It is totally off-topic.
    @ Terence Hill: Do not answer this.
    @ Both of you: Stop your internal antagonism here. Nobody else is interested.

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 09:03 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Chicureo

    S w e d e

    It’s very clear that the Falklands belong to their citizens!

    My point was T E R E N C E is S K I P P Y

    I’ve made my point clearly after Skippy Jessop has continuously harassed several MercoPress contributors including myself.

    As earlier shared, Terence realizes he’s been completely exposed with overwhelming evidence and of course is particularly upset that I shared his humiliating catfished series of videos where Terence was completely fooled by a transvestite!

    I loved the image of his sad face expressed his complete miserable self-defense failure in court as the judge scolds Terence and denies is claim.

    (For anyone that’s missed the fun — a Mexican-American did a great review of the actual televised debacle at the 3 minute mark of the video: )

    As many of us already know for certain — Terence with an embarrassing past — knows his identity has been discovered — but it’s too humiliating for him to admit.

    His bizarre fetish about filthy Brazilian toilet paper and his relationship with Long Dong Silver are two other humiliating disclosures which Terence has defended here.

    I’m always amused when he protests my enjoyment of Baileys coffee during the holidays as it’s considered a double sin according to his Utah religious beliefs!

    As Terence has constantly derided my enjoyment of growing fruit in the countryside — it’s only fair that I share his authentic identity.

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Aug 16th, 2021 - 09:20 pm - Link - Report abuse -4
  • Terence Hill

    “T E R E N C E is S K I P P Y”
    Skippy is your alter ego that you as a narcist drag a round.

    It's an impossibility to have been born according to you in 1978. And have been presented with a tankard with my squadron's name in 1963. Oops! Heaven to Betsy you're just shown as a big old liar.
    The only truthful issue on your account, is that your 'pussy whipped'.

    According to the DSM-5 (the manual of mental disorders that experts use to make a diagnosis) people with NPD display five or more of the following traits:

    An inflated sense of self-worth
    Constant fantasies about being better than others
    A belief that they are more special than others/should only associate with high-status people
    An insatiable need for flattery and admiration
    Feelings of entitlement
    Willingness to take advantage of others to get what they want
    A lack of empathy
    Feeling envious of others or that they're jealous
    The irony? Despite these behaviors, people with NPD often suffer from low self-esteem.

    Like I said, everything that can be verified that you claim, is invariably false. What ever self promotion you're doing fits exactly the persona of narcissist. So what is by and large a Walter Mitty character with a claimed fruit-salad life.
    I hate to burst pretty balloon, but, since your self-advertising. What you claim things to be, is no interest to me. I give your ramblings the same amount of attention I would give to any other consummate liar.
    Besides that, your ego may tell you something else, but you're really a very boring person.

    What I say is borne out by the evidence, what you say is specious.

    S.A.C T.L. HILL
    MARCH 1963.
    posted March 17 2018

    “An assertion is a statement offered as a conclusion without supporting evidence. A simple assertion is not an argument.”
    “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” Christopher Hitchens

    ”Burden of proof is a philosophical concept that ref

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 12:56 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo

    Dear S K I P P Y

    Four Mercopress readers know you are in your mid-40s and therefore did not serve in the RAF during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis!

    Your claiming the former service in the RAF is a crime of false valor!

    As for myself — I'm preparing for the upcoming season and apologize for irritating Swede with my exposé of your actual identify actually being Skippy Jessop.

    You Skippy have been especially rude to individuals about their nationality and profession.

    ...and seeing your YouTube channel — I can easily understand why you do not admit your genuine identity...

    ¡Saludos de Chile!

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 01:49 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Guillote

    a populist clown
    nothing else

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 03:11 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Four Mercopress readers know you are ...”
    If you didn't want me to tell people that you were a lying piece of shit then you should not have been a lying piece of shit. Pretty simple.

    “Narcissists and their flying monkeys often repeat lies as if they believe telling a lie often enough somehow transforms it into the truth. A lie is still a lie no matter how often it is repeated or who believes it.”
    Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother Facebook Resource Page

    Smear Campaign
    “One of the clearest indicators you've got a mentally unstable person on your hands is smear campaigning. Smear campaigners carefully and strategically use lies, exaggerations, suspicions and false accusations to try destroying your credibility.” Personality Disorder Mother Facebook Resource Page

    “Narcissist trys to destroy your life with lies because theirs can be destroyed with the truth” – Unknown

    ”Narcissistic Abuse of others gets worse when Narcopaths get old

    Adult children of Dark Triad or Narcopath parents tend to find themselves in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s facing an (unfortunately) common conundrum. Having been raised by toxic parents, children tend to gravitate towards equally or more so toxic mates.

    Once an adult child of an abuser has cast themselves willingly — albeit unknowingly or not — into the role of Abuse Enabler with a romantic partner who reminds them of one or more of their residential housemates or primary caregivers during their early childhood years, the cycle of Narcissistic Abuse has already commenced.

    Those who grow up in the cycle of trauma bonding understand the phenomenon far too well.

    One parent takes the abuse while the other dishes it out. Then, the abused parent behaves in ways that make them appear hostile and psychologically unwell, typically displaying signs of extreme upset, physical or psychological terror, and pervasive upset… followed (typically) by the Abuser behaving quite happily and relaxed, hoovering and deriving pleasure fro

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 10:28 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo

    Skippy is a mentally challenged sociopath that hides behind a username declaring himself as the ‘LOKAL LEGEND Terence Hill’ and has continuously insulted without impunity MercoPress contributors due to their nationality and profession.

    Although the sociopath has hid behind a suspicious photograph of an engraved beer mug and falsely claiming the valor of an octogenarian RAF veteran of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis — the actual fact is he’s Skippy Jessop living residing in Utah.

    The Salt Lake Tribune did an article about ‘Terence’ in 2012 when he was 34 years old and he attended Utah Valley University studying in communications.

    ‘Terence’ has a large social media imprint easily searchable on the Internet — including a personal web page and even has his own YouTube channel.

    He attacked myself for admiring Pinochet saving my country from a similar fate of present day Venezuela and has continuously derided our family passion of farming fruit and vegetables in the Aconcagua Valley.

    The weakness of the troll was his consistent habit to habitually quote long passages from obscure and distinct sources which was all complied into a software query and the algorithm uncovered the digital identity fingerprint specifically of Skippy — who posts the EXACT same quotes and exhibits the same personality traits as ‘Terence’.

    The photograph of the mug he shows is of a Senior Aircraftman having a NATO rank code of OR-2. (“SAC” inscribed on the beer mug confirms this.)

    A qualified Senior Aircraftman of that period of the during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis required extensive training and therefore the earliest age of an airman would have been 22 years old.

    Therefore simple mathematics alone prove Skippy’s claim is nothing more than him fraudulently stealing the valor of an RAF airman.

    There are further reasons why several MP readers detest ‘Terence’ but I have a lack of space…

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 03:32 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    ‘LOKAL LEGEND Terence Hill’ and has continuously insulted without impunity MercoPress contributors due to their nationality and profession Please note that is an unproved assertion, thus it must be false.

    “An assertion is a statement offered as a conclusion without supporting evidence. Since an argument is defined as a logical relationship between premise and conclusion, a simple assertion is not an argument.”

    Ignoring the Burden of Proof http ://

    What sticks in his claw is that I've let his little secret out.
    The champion of “Comment removed by the editor.” Says it all.
    Say's the fascist with no morality “Although I've defended Pinochet despite his regrettable actions...I support nationalists that are willing to protect their nation ...Just giving the vote to women has resulted in our current nightmare.“

    ”Terence repeatedly shows a photograph of a beer mug commemorating the 1963 service of a RAF airman as his argument as himself serving during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis which is patently false.“ The proof is, oh no surprise , no proof like I said.
    Mean while the proof is at
    ”Terence Hill has ... videos about his unusual lifestyle.“ They're videos of your obsessed muse 'Skippy'

    You continue to malign me to no effect, as you have failed to prove your claim.
    Whereas I'm able to prove you a liar from your own narrative.

    ”The Salt Lake Tribune did an article about Terence Hill in 2012 when he was 34 years old:”

    https ://
    https ://

    How unusual your claim that the SLT did an article about me seems to be astonishingly devoid of my name. So you have conclusively proved your own lack of veracity

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 07:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Knowledge is power and once ‘Terence’ was identified by the software algorithm — we now know with certainty he’s Skippy Jessop living in Utah.

    Once Skippy’s digital fingerprint was identified — it was not least surprising learning about his perverted weird virginal lifestyle!

    (It’s amusing that his own long deranged rants were the reason how he was discovered.)

    Reading him trying to deny this proven fact is highly enjoyable schadenfreude!

    I was pleasantly accompanied with Madame today for a delicious le déjeuner of Cobb salad — composed with grilled chicken breast, smoked bacon, our own avocados, crumbled Fourme d'Ambert chèvre, cherry tomatoes, boiled quail eggs, red sweet onion — all arranged on a bed of freshly harvested baby Gem lettuce with sourdough garlic croutons and an Occitan vinaigrette dressing.

    Although it’s a cool sunny day here — we are drinking Meyer variety lemonade as I’ve been busy preparing the garden beds for final seeding when the soil temperatures rise appropriately. (We’re also planning doing a lot of staggered planting of sweet corn to extend the harvest season.)

    I’ve been enjoying her company as she’s here busy preparing the barn workshop for the newly formed Woman’s Panquehue Cooperative Microempresa. (The cooperative has an agreement to sell crafted products at local winery giftshops.)

    We’re excited about this month’s scheduled for the planting of avocado nursery trees onto the newly created 2.44 hectare hillside field and will take at least 4 days to fully bed and lay irrigation lines. (We expect our first commercial harvest by 2025.)

    This evening’s fare is simply Porotos Granados — a Chilean country dish of beans, corn and butternut squash that Madame prepared that’s absolutely sublime.

    Our meal will be accompanied with a locally bottled ‘14 Reserva Viña Arboleda Carménère that cost less than USD4 wholesale.

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 07:32 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    “ today for a delicious le déjeuner of Cobb salad —”

    Why Do Narcissists Lie So Much?
    September 5, 2020 by Alexander Burgemeester
    ”… They lie about ... WHAT THEY HAD FOR DINNER.“

    Detailed descriptions of dark personalities are beyond the scope of this post, but in short:

    Narcissists are arrogant and entitled.
    Machiavellians tend to be calculating and deceptive.
    Psychopaths are disinhibited and callous.
    Sadists are cruel.
    Sadists are sometimes confused with psychopaths. However, unlike psychopaths, who typically behave cruelly when provoked or when it serves an instrumental purpose, sadists enjoy cruelty itself.

    “The concept of malignant narcissism was expanded by psychiatrist Otto Kernberg, who termed it a toxic combination of four highly dysfunctional traits and behaviors:

    1. Narcissism, with its grandiosity, lack of empathy, need for attention, and sense of entitlement.
    2. Antisocial behavior, with its lack of remorse, destructive and impulsive behavior, deceitfulness, and disregard for and violation of the rights of others.
    3. Paranoid thinking, with its sense of persecution, difficulty trusting others, preoccupation with others' loyalty, tendency to bear grudges, and tendency to view benign actions of others as attempts at deception or exploitation.
    4. Sadism, with its cruelty, efforts to humiliate or manipulate others, and deriving enjoyment from others' pain and suffering.”

    ”Diagnostic Terms for Defining Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse

    Malignant Narcissist.
    A special sub-type of narcissist that has also some traits of ASPD, such as aggressiveness, deceitfulness, and remorselessness.

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 07:59 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Oh my! My gypsy farm life really upsets him…

    Skippy is unhinged about what I enjoy during the day — even a simple countryside dish of beans…

    …He’s especially become angry with the mention of my perfumed bedsheets as well as my holiday enjoyment of Baileys coffee…

    I will agree that my primary objective is to HUMILIATE Skippy for his repeated trolling…

    …he was warned and his current misery is highly enjoyable schadenfreude!

    If he’s smart — he’ll stop digging his own grave…

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 08:21 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    “My gypsy farm life really upsets him…”
    You wish, watching advocados grow is just a tad too cramping for me.

    As a cluster B personality disorder, NPD is mainly characterized by behaviors that are:

    dramatic and exaggerated
    emotional and intense
    erratic and unpredictable

    Grandiosity and self-importance

    Exaggeration is often the basis for grandiosity. This means that people with NPD tend to have an inflated sense of self-importance. They may feel they’re more powerful, intelligent, capable, and charming than they really are and more than other people in general.

    To reaffirm this sense of superiority, someone with NPD may exaggerate or lie about their accomplishments, skills, and talents.

    Jealousy, envy, and distrust

    People with NPD usually believe others are competing with them or are envious of who they are. In the same way, they may often compete with others or feel envious of their accomplishments.

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 10:51 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    This early evenings campesino fare was absolutely delicious and the Carménère is superb as I’m savoring it alongside a wedge of Fourme d'Ambert chèvre as I write this post.

    (I’m highly amused how my gypsy countryside lifestyle insanely infuriates him.)

    As you can see from his videos — his misadventures of trying to date women as well a quarreling with transvestites certainly make my simple life truthfully boring…

    The difference is I greatly enjoy my current situation!

    I’ve been alarmed as our quarrelsome Utah narcissist refuses to accept the image he has before him in the mirror! (The literally HOURS of video reflect a hideous corpulent physique that Terence’s mental disorder he pathetically fails to recognize!)

    Although Terence claims he’s “slim and trim” — video evidence show the contrary truth!

    You can see for yourself that he’s a heart-attack imminent to happen. He certainly is the exact type of narcissist reminded of his charade of manipulation as well as exploitation exhibiting inadequacy with shame and extreme self-loathing in his tediously boring posts!

    Perhaps due to genetics and certainly due to a lack of exercise and a healthy diet — but the Marxist useful idiot Terence Hill exhibits the worst attributes of what can happen when you regularly consume frozen microwaveable Great Value brand pizza. (Your really have to laugh at Terence without a shirt in his latest video!)

    I sincerely hope he seeks bariatric surgery as it may be his only option — as he despises fresh fruit and vegetables. (He certainly won’t touch a healthy avocado from Chile!)

    Thinking back when Terence was just an enigma troll define by a suspicious bogus photograph — you can imagine my reservations first accepting that his real identity was a fat middle aged virgin oinker residing in Utah!

    (BTW: I have many more embarrassing videos of Terence!)

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 11:05 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    “Although Terence claims he’s “slim and trim” — video evidence show the contrary truth!”
    No it doesen´t, there is only one bona fide image of me on the web, any other claims will fail for lack of authenticity. posted March 17 2018

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
    A type of personality disorder in which a person has grandiose fantasies of success and power with few or no achievements behind the fantasies. … they are unique and entitled to special treatment, admiration, and obedience.

    Considered to be sub-types of ASPD where the criteria must include disregard of laws and norms.. Only the term “psychopath” has been recognized in the DSM-5, and it is not an official diagnosis. Some researchers believe that there are differences between the two in how they behave. For example, they believe that a psychopath is more calculating and a sociopath acts more spontaneously. The main features that both terms share that are relevant to narcissistic abuse are the lack of a conscience or remorse and the ability to manipulate and deceive.¹

    ”Over time, however, it seems that narcissists out themselves as the self-absorbed, emotionally immature braggarts they really are. Meanwhile, emotionally intelligent people are like the proverbial tortoise: Slow and steady, they will eventually win people over with their ability to recognize the emotions of others and respond accordingly.

    https ://

    Aug 17th, 2021 - 11:20 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Swede

    Why must so many comments derail? Concentrate on the topic of the article. Your personal feud has nothing whatsoever to with the defence of the F.I. It is just boring.

    Aug 18th, 2021 - 07:39 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Chicureo

    I emerged from our perfumed cocoon of bedsheets to enjoy the dawn rising over the Andes and took a tour of our table grape vineyards before returning to the farmhouse for a hearty breakfast of our favorite avocado California omelets with perfectly prepared caffè lattes.

    We’re both in a marvelous mood as tomorrow evening we have reservations at Les Dix Vins for their special evening of fresh oysters and Champagne with our son and Schwiegertochter that live nearby in Vitacura!

    S W E D E — the reason for my complete unmasking of Skippy is because of his incessant nasty insulting of many contributors — including my personal occupation as a fruit grower.

Four of us here on MercoPress have questioned Skippy’s falsely claiming serving in the Royal Air Force during the Cuba Missile Crisis of 1962. 

After an investigation — his actual bona fide identity was uncovered using a software algorithm specifically designed to detect plagiarism.

As I stated earlier — an experienced airman with a qualified technical rating then would have had to be at least in his early twenties and would be an octogenarian today! (Skippy is currently in his mid-40s and simple mathematics cannot be ignored.)

As I said — a simple Internet software search query of Terence Hill’s quixotic and odd quotations are EXACTLY found WORD for WORD in Skippy Jessop’s social media.

    I provided earlier the exact link to the Turnitin software that utilized the algorithm to detect the Marxist useful idiot Skippy Jessop in Utah.

    “Turnitin Originality efficiently surfaces contract cheating insights and evidence for educators — but can be easily utilized to source original authors.”

    Why Terence the psychopath is so frantically denying his identity is because his authentic life as Skippy Jessop is highly embarrassing!

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Aug 18th, 2021 - 01:05 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    “Why Terence the psychopath is so frantically denying …”
    I´m not, since I don´t have too, since you bear the burden of proof, not me.

    ”The burden of proof lies upon him who affirms, not on him who denies, (since by the nature of things, he who denies a fact cannot produce any proof). The claimant is always bound to prove: the burden of proof lies on him. Upon the one alleging, not upon him denying, rests the duty of proving.”
    Soma's Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Maxims and Phrases: A Compendium of ..

    Coming from the claims of a proven liar
    “Thoughts are either true or false in an absolute sense, never both or neither.”
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; States of Affairs
    “An assertion is a statement offered as a conclusion without supporting evidence. A simple assertion is not an argument.”
    “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” Christopher Hitchens
    Even though I don´t bear any obligation to prove. The following picture of myself with conclusive evidence of my history; versus your unproven assertion.
    S.A.C T.L. HILL
    MARCH 1963. posted March 17 2018

    Aug 18th, 2021 - 02:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    S W E D E

    To simply clarify why I’m publicly exposing Terence Hill as a fraud is because of his incessant nasty insulting of many MercoPress contributors on this forum — including my personal occupation as a fruit grower.

    Four of us here on MercoPress have questioned Skippy’s falsely claiming serving in the Royal Air Force during the Cuba Missile Crisis of 1962. 

    After an investigation — his actual bona fide identity was uncovered using a software algorithm specifically designed to detect plagiarism.

    As I stated earlier — an experienced airman with a qualified technical rating then would have had to be at least in his early twenties and would be an octogenarian today!

    (Skippy is currently in his mid-40s and simple mathematics cannot be ignored.)

    As I said — a simple Internet software search query of Terence Hill’s quixotic and odd quotations are EXACTLY found WORD for WORD in Skippy Jessop’s social media.


I provided earlier the exact link to the Turnitin software that utilized the algorithm to detect the Marxist useful idiot Skippy Jessop in Utah.

    “Turnitin Originality efficiently surfaces contract cheating insights and evidence for educators — but can be easily utilized to source original authors.”

    Why Terence the psychopath is so frantically denying his identity is because his authentic life as Skippy Jessop is highly embarrassing!

    Madame and I are currently in a marvelous mood as tomorrow evening we have reservations at Les Dix Vins for their special evening of fresh oysters and Champagne with our son and Schwiegertochter that live nearby in Vitacura!

    I hope you and all that are dear to you the very best regards!

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Aug 18th, 2021 - 03:44 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “His incessant nasty insulting of many MercoPress contributors on this forum”
    If that were true you would have proved it. No proof, no truth.
    “Four of us here on MercoPress” Meaning the narcissist and four flying monkeys.
    “Skippy is currently in his mid-40s” Your other self certainly is Ollie, so that makes it impossible for him to be in the RAF in 1963., and proves you a liar yet again.
    “Turnitin Originality efficiently surfaces contract cheating insights and evidence for educators”
    What it may do is of no help in proving your assertion, in fact its failure proves you to be revealed yet again as a liar.
    “We have reservations at Les Dix Vins for their special evening of fresh oysters and Champagne “
    Why Do Narcissists Lie So Much?
    September 5, 2020 by Alexander Burgemeester
    ”… They lie about ... WHAT THEY HAD FOR DINNER.“

    “And yes — the delightful German word schadenfreude expresses my sincere joy”
    “Envy divides the two faces of narcissism
    In this article, we test psychodynamic assumptions about envy and narcissism ... by examining malicious envy in the context of narcissistic grandiosity and vulnerability.
    The results suggest envy is a central emotion in the lives of those with narcissistic vulnerability and imply that envy should be reconsidered as a symptom accompanying grandiose features in the diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.”
    ”Is Schadenfreude a mental illness?
    Frequent schadenfreude can indicate a mental health condition.

    Aug 18th, 2021 - 09:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    I’m highly amused that Skippy has become unhinged in another rant!

    I do appreciate the free publicity for Les Dix Vins as we’re enjoying them more often since the pandemic restrictions have been lifted! Tomorrow’s evening there should be fantastic!

    Today’s le déjeuner was an extraordinary confit de canard – the duck is specially prepared using ancient preservation and slow-cooking process which we buy from Les Dix Vins. (The French duck meat is simply marinated in salt, garlic, and thyme for around 36 hours and then slow-cooked in its own fat at low temperatures.)

    (This is a marvelous product canned in France and the quality is superb!)

    It was served with confit roasted garlic potatoes with sautéed honey buttered baby carrots accompanied with a chilled ‘19 Casas del Bosque Sauvignon Blanc La Cantara.

    Tonight’s fare is simply a typical charcuterie board with an assortment of ham, chèvre , olives, dried nectarines, honey roasted almonds and sourdough baguette accompanied with an 1991 Viña Santa Rita 129 Tres Medallas Cabernet Sauvignon which is surprisingly smooth and excellent!


    As far as furthering this debate — I’ve made the TRUTH clear and have completely exposed Terence Hill as a complete fraud! Despite his protests — I’ve proved his authentic identity is Skippy Jessop residing in Utah with his poor mother.

    (If anyone else comments — I’ll comment — but otherwise I’m currently satisfied.)

    I will continue in the future to expose the mendacious Terence as Skippy Jessop!

    . . . and S C H A D E N F R E U D E certainly is one my favorite pleasures . . .

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Aug 18th, 2021 - 09:19 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “I’ve made the TRUTH clear and have completely exposed Terence Hill”
    We would all like see that, oh oh, no proof no truth.

    Skippy Jessop is merely your ´projection´ of your other self.

    ”What is Psychological Projection (In Layman’s Terms)?

    What happens when you have a whole bunch of uncomfortable, embarrassing and annoying emotions that you don’t want to unconsciously deal with? According to famous psychologist Sigmund Freud these emotions are projected on to other people, so that other people become carriers of our own perceived flaws. Fortunately (or unfortunately) for us, this form of emotional displacement makes it much easier to live with ourselves … because everyone else is responsible for our misery – not us!
    As a result of externalizing our emotions and perceiving them in others, we continue suffering terribly, often creating false self-images that portray us as “the victim” or “the good/righteous person” when the reality is that we aren’t.”

    Psst , being a narcissist means your not a nice person.

    Aug 18th, 2021 - 10:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    There is nothing more refreshing than enjoying the smell of the farm after a rainstorm!

    As I arose at dawn to enjoy the overcast gray sky — that delivered a substancial rainfall last night — I felt like celebrating and took a leisurely tour up the hillside to inspect the new 2.44 hectare field. The rain has been excellent to settle the new planting bed.

    I returned to the farmhouse to enjoy Madame’s Occitan crepes filled with crème fraîche and fresh strawberries from the coast. 

    Madame’s recipe is 2 eggs, 1/4 cup butter, melted, 2 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup milk, 1/8 cup water, 1/2 tsp vanilla and a tiny dash of salt.

    We enjoyed the crepes with Miguel Torres Cordillera Brut Pinot Noir tangerine mimosas as today we’re exceptionally pleased with the rain.

    With this recent storm we’re especially in a fantastic mood as we now expect to return to Valle Nevado tomorrow to enjoy the fresh powder — and this evening we’ll be celebrating with our son and Schwiegertochter with fresh oysters and Champagne with our friends!

    I was deeply troubled by the Skippy narcissist accusing me of “not being a nice person” and I could imagine the hurt he feels alone in his mother’s basement with only Long Dong Silver to give him solace.

    After re-reading Skippy’s last unhinged rant — I’ve taken pity for his horrific gross obesity disaster (which could result in his early death) which I wish on no one — no matter just how worthless they are to humanity.

    I did some research for medical clinics that could best assist Skippy which I submit here as a gesture of sincere help:

    “Being significantly overweight can affect your physical, mental, and emotional health. At University of Utah Health, our bariatric surgery specialists provide the latest in surgical weight loss expertise.”

    Sincerely I do hope Skippy seeks urgent help and I’m sure bariatric surgery is his best option!

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Aug 19th, 2021 - 03:00 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Skippy in his mother’s basement with only Long Dong Silver to give him solace.”
    You´re so lacking in originality that you`ve plagiarized entirely from your fellow fascist, the former anti-communist militia reservist Jack Bauer.
    I see that everything is so exciting at the avocado races, that the most entertaining thing you can do is to regale us with what you ate for lunch. Thank you, for reconfirming the finality that you are a completely boring nobody.
    “Diagnostic Terms for Defining Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse
    Malignant Narcissist.
    A special sub-type of narcissist that has also some traits of ASPD, such as aggressiveness, deceitfulness, and remorselessness. They are often sadistic and gain pleasure from hurting others.
    Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
    A type of personality disorder in which a person has grandiose fantasies of success and power with few or no achievements behind the fantasies. … they are unique and entitled to special treatment, admiration, and obedience.
    Considered to be sub-types of ASPD where the criteria must include disregard of laws and norms.. Only the term “psychopath” has been recognized in the DSM-5, and it is not an official diagnosis. Some researchers believe that there are differences between the two in how they behave. For example, they believe that a psychopath is more calculating and a sociopath acts more spontaneously. The main features that both terms share that are relevant to narcissistic abuse are the lack of a conscience or remorse and the ability to manipulate and deceive.¹
    ” it seems that narcissists out themselves as the self-absorbed, emotionally immature braggarts they really are. Meanwhile, emotionally intelligent people are like the proverbial tortoise: Slow and steady, they will eventually win people over with their ability to recognize the emotions of others and respond accordingly.
    https ://

    Aug 19th, 2021 - 05:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    We’ve now returned to our main gypsy encampment in Chicureo.

    (It was very pleasing as we experienced significant rainfall on our drive back!)

    We’re only concerned with a trip to the supermarket to restock the apartment in Valle Nevado. (It’s amusing that we’ve ordered additional supplies from Les Dix Vins for pickup tonight.)

    Today’s le déjeuner was perhaps Chile’s greatest sandwich: the Barros Luco Italiano! (Made with juicy tender slices of sirloin covered by oozing layers of queso mantecoso with slices of ripe avocado between a light fluffy bun from one of Chile's signature breads.)

    One thing I’m amused is being a plagiarist of the esteemed Jack Bauer who originally exposed Terence’s sordid relationship with Long Dong Silver! (I would also credit Pugol-TTWH for uncovering Terence’s alcoholism addiction and jealousy of my heterosexual lifestyle.)

    I enjoy sharing the hidden life of the corpulent grossly obese Terence Hill is Skippy!

    For the identity confused narcissist Terence still denying factual reality — I do hope he bravely embraces the actions of a woman who chose bariatric surgery to improve her life.

    Terence sincerely needs to carefully consider her personal story!

With Obamacare widely available — Terence should have a marvelous experience!

    Life at this moment is highly satisfying and I sincerely hope we’ll see future videos of a less obese Terence because all lives matter — including poor Terence’s!


¡Saludos cordiales desde Chicureo!

    Aug 19th, 2021 - 06:45 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Jack did squat except reveal what thoughts were broiling beneath that fetid brow of his. He´s second to you as the biggest liar on this site, with zero proof of anything ever.

    “The concept of malignant narcissism was expanded by psychiatrist Otto Kernberg, who termed it a toxic combination of four highly dysfunctional traits and behaviors:

    1. Narcissism, with its grandiosity, lack of empathy, need for attention, and sense of entitlement.
    2. Antisocial behavior, with its lack of remorse, destructive and impulsive behavior, deceitfulness, and disregard for and violation of the rights of others.
    3. Paranoid thinking, with its sense of persecution, difficulty trusting others, preoccupation with others' loyalty, tendency to bear grudges, and tendency to view benign actions of others as attempts at deception or exploitation.
    4. Sadism, with its cruelty, efforts to humiliate or manipulate others, and deriving enjoyment from others' pain and suffering.”

    Aug 19th, 2021 - 07:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    This afternoon is marvelous as Madame finished shopping at the Jumbo supermarket and I've been busy shopping with two phone gourmet orders to Les Dix Vins and the marvelous meat supplier Gourmeat located near our son's apartment for this afternoon delivery with a 25% discount!

    I sense some unfair hostility twords Jack which is terribly unfair as he's all for eliminating Communists — in fact it's an accolade!

    Poor Terence for denying TRUTH which only harms only himself!

    Bariatric surgery seems his best hope!


    Aug 19th, 2021 - 08:16 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Poor Terence “ has got your number, and has revealed you as the pathetic loser with a big head that you really are. You have revealed how you spend your time, trolling, and you´re abundantly more pathetic than your alter ego.

    Even more ironic is the research in the state of your obsession, has nailed you.

    “Researchers at Brigham Young University published a paper in the Journal of Social Media and Society shedding light on the motives and personality characteristics of internet trolls. For their study, the group of researchers ran an online survey on 400 Reddit users. Concluding the survey results, the researchers found that most of the trolls exhibited dark triad personality traits which include narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, combined with schadenfreude which is a German word for those who derive pleasure from another’s misfortune. People with these behavioral traits were most likely to be online trolls.”

    Poetic justice

    Psst, being a narcissist means you´re not a nice person.

    Aug 19th, 2021 - 10:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    This extraordinarily morning is exhilaratingly marvelous at 3000 meters!

    (We’ve done something completely irresponsible and very naughty last night!)

    From the Les Dix wine bar we called the resort about the current snow conditions and was told the road to Farellones was completely clear and almost no traffic — so after our Champagne and oysters alongside with a selection of chèvre Français we left directly for our pied-à-tere in Valle Nevado — arriving at almost two in the morning!

    It took almost an hour to place all the shopping away and fortunately remembered to reprogram the heating before falling asleep. (The apartment is radiant floor heated.)

    The morning is gray and overcast. Madame prepared Bellinis (prepared with nectarine purée with Möet & Chandon Champagne) alongside a delicious avocado California omelet topped with a dollop of crème fraîche. (No bread however as Madame still is waiting for the yeast dough to rise before leaving to ski.)

    We’re skipping today’s le déjeuner to enjoy the wonderful fresh powder and knowing ma mariée enchantresse we’ll happily ski through the afternoon!

    The evening’s fare will be prepared by myself of classic sirloin steaks au poivre and Belgian frites with a ‘16 Margaux - Château Cantenac — that we purchased last night — consisting of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc.

    Speaking of the great teacher Machiavelli and my enjoyment of poetic schadenfreude you can clearly observe Terence’s psychological issues — and I can understand his severe suffering as I see in his last videos of his tortured and tormented life in Utah — which obviously would drive any psychiatrist out of their mind!

    Certainly considering his inbred Mormon Brigham Young University dogma — he needs to reach desperately for help:

    “The website provides literature review looks at psychological risk during periods of isolation during epidemics, pandemics and other outbreaks!”

    ¡Saludos desde Valle Nevado!

    Aug 20th, 2021 - 11:37 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Terence’s psychological issues as I see in his last videos of his tortured and tormented life in Utah.”
    Until you can present proof its just the inane babblings of a tortured narcissist about his obsession with his alter ego.
    ”Narcissistic Abuse of others gets worse when Narcopaths get old
    Adult children of Dark Triad or Narcopath parents tend to find themselves in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s facing an (unfortunately) common conundrum. Having been raised by toxic parents, children tend to gravitate towards equally or more so toxic mates.
    Once an adult child of an abuser has cast themselves willingly — albeit unknowingly or not — into the role of Abuse Enabler with a romantic partner who reminds them of one or more of their residential housemates or primary caregivers during their early childhood years, the cycle of Narcissistic Abuse has already commenced.
    Those who grow up in the cycle of trauma bonding understand the phenomenon far too well.

    One parent takes the abuse while the other dishes it out. Then, the abused parent behaves in ways that make them appear hostile and psychologically unwell, typically displaying signs of extreme upset, physical or psychological terror, and pervasive upset… followed (typically) by the Abuser behaving quite happily and relaxed, hoovering and deriving pleasure from being rewarded for causing pain for others with tons of praise and arguably unhealthy perks all submissive partners tend to lavish on their Abuser(s) during the honeymoon phase of the push-pull domestic abuse cycle.

    Aug 20th, 2021 - 12:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Today’s skiing the powder snow was exhilaratingly and great fun!

    Each day we have a chance to enjoy our favorite sport is one of the great joys of enjoying precious life! Today was another day of our bliss!

    Not surprisingly we encountered a group of good friends that arrived midday and told us of their two hour traffic jam encountered on the road this morning — which took them nearly four hours to arrive to the resort!

    Our oldest daughter and her family will arrive in the evening — but has advised us that they’ll eat before leaving their home in La Dehesa. She asked what to bring and I requested Baileys Irish Cream as we are completely out! (Tomorrow will probably be a riot for breakfast!)

    We’ve arrived chilled, exhausted and hungry and both shared the shower together to warm up before preparing steak au poivre utilizing the filete from the Gourmeat shop. (The Belgian frites were prepared by Madame cut no more than one centimetre thick and the preparation involves frying the potatoes twice.)

    We opened the ‘16 Margaux - Château Cantenac that was very satisfactory — but nothing like the premium quality reds from our country.

    So now as we listen to the great French soloist Charles Trénet’s album ‘Les Meilleures Chansons’ and wait patiently for part of our gypsy horde to be reunited here at 3000 meters late this evening. (‘La mer’ is currently playing!)

    In regards to poor Terence’s lamentable frustration about my joyful embrace of schadenfreude — I would remind the psychopath that the Japanese have a saying: “The misfortune of others tastes like honey.”

    Madame describes it of “joie maligne” — a diabolical delight in other people’s suffering. Watching poor Terence suffer is undeniably pleasurable!

    Unfortunately Terence’s morose strange religious beliefs eschews most forms of pleasure with only sex (traditionally practicing polygamy) and denying almost all other forms of joie de vivre!

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Valle Nevado!

    Aug 20th, 2021 - 09:18 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Lamentable frustration about my joyful embrace of schadenfreude … Watching poor Terence suffer is undeniably pleasurable!”

    Hardly, it’s the icing on the cake since you have confirmed exactly the experts confirmation of my opinion you. I´m made of sterner stuff, ask Pie face and his ilk; or why they call me the Legend.

    Look your famous, a perfect asshole.

    Malignant Narcissist. A special sub-type of narcissist that has also some traits of ASPD, such as aggressiveness, deceitfulness, and remorselessness. They are often sadistic and gain pleasure from hurting others.

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). A type of personality disorder in which a person has grandiose fantasies of success and power with few or no achievements behind the fantasies. People with the disorder are constantly comparing themselves to others and feeling envious. They may also feel others are envious of them. They believe they are unique and entitled to special treatment, admiration, and obedience. In addition, they lack emotional empathy and have a willingness to exploit others for their own benefit.
    Psychopath/Sociopath. Considered to be sub-types of ASPD where the criteria must include disregard of laws and norms. Their meanings have changed over time and are used inconsistently. Only the term “psychopath” has been recognized in the DSM-5, and it is not an official diagnosis. Some researchers believe that a psychopath is more biologically-determined and a person’s environment is more responsible for producing a sociopath.. The main features that both terms share that are relevant to narcissistic abuse are the lack of a conscience or remorse and the ability to manipulate and deceive.¹

    Aug 20th, 2021 - 10:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Last night our oldest daughter and her family arrived late — but we were updated as they ascended the icy hairpin turns that was busy with heavy traffic.

    Although this cold gray morning is freezing outside — our pied-à-terre is delightfully enjoyable with the women of our family serving abricots à l'anglaise pastry as well as eggs Royale (poached egg in rich Hollandaise sauce with smoked salmon) as well as the large mug of Baileys coffee — I’m currently enjoying!

    Getting the children ready was a bit of a nightmare as our granddaughter’s ski clothes were inadvertently left in La Dehesa and she was not happy about wearing her cousin’s clothes.

    Today we are taking time for le déjeuner which will include grilled cheese and avocado sandwiches with Machas a la Parmesana (Chilean razor clams) accompanied with a chilled ‘19 Huber Terrassen — Traisental from Austria.

    This evening’s fare of classic lasagna was prepared with Emilia-Romagna, Bolognese sauce, béchamel with grated parmigiana — pre-made last week and frozen by our daughter in La Dehesa.

    As our son-in-law admires Don Melchor — we fortunately we have a 2004 bottle perfectly to accompany the meal.

    I’m amused that Terence suffers from the disorder he describes is perfectly documented on his YouTube channel and social media of grandiose fantasies about losing his virginity!

    Of course — Terence denying his authentic self of Skippy Jessop reveals serious psychological problems alone!

    Terence’s reality is so bizarre — if it were fiction — no one would believe it! (His claims about inviting Britney Spears out for a date and his quarrelsome lawsuit from being catfished has provided me with schadenfreude bountiful amusement!)

    I can hardly wait to share Terence’s latest YouTube antics to lose his virginity — as Long Dong Silver in his mother’s basement doesn’t count! The videos are revealingly hilarious!

    ¡Saludos de Valle Nevado!

    Aug 21st, 2021 - 01:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Terence denying his authentic self of Skippy Jessop”

    There´s no obligation on me , as its solely your burden.
    The only person that has any involvement is yourself, as the evidence clearly shows. Thus no truth, no proof.

    “Burden of proof is a philosophical concept that refers to the obligation to provide supporting evidence for a claim. It plays an important role in a variety of argumentation contexts, and it’s a key principle to making valid statements; all logical arguments need to have sufficient evidence to back up their conclusions.”
    https ://
    So at the end of the day you prove nothing and reveal exactly who and what you are.

    If you didn't want me to tell people that you were a lying piece of shit then you should not have been a lying piece of shit. Pretty simple.
    “And yes — the delightful German word schadenfreude expresses my sincere joy”

    “Envy divides the two faces of narcissism
    In this article, we test psychodynamic assumptions about envy and narcissism ... by examining malicious envy in the context of narcissistic grandiosity and vulnerability.
    The results suggest envy is a central emotion in the lives of those with narcissistic vulnerability and imply that envy should be reconsidered as a symptom accompanying grandiose features in the diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.”

    Aug 21st, 2021 - 02:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Pity our sad current situation — severe weather has forced us off the slopes early and we’re already on our second bottle of Huber Terrassen which is absolutely marvelous!

    The Machas a la Parmesana is incredibly delicious and I pity those who have never tried them!

    Very good news for our drought affected central zone however with welcomed substancial rain being reported today. Obviously more wonderful powder snow!

    Although Terence feels ignored — actually I read his rants with curiosity and even have answers to his accusations!

    An inflated sense of self-worth (Any married man will correct this silly statement.)
Constant fantasies about being better than others (Not a fantasy at all — just look at Terence’s webpage!)

    A belief that they are more special than others/should only associate with high-status people (Considering I associate with all levels of society — which most are campesinos — I find this amusing…) 

    An insatiable need for flattery and admiration (This was my mindset during my first officer commission — which reality demonstrated I was simply a fortunate Chileno.)

    Feelings of entitlement (Nope — as everything I’ve accomplished has been with merit and serendipity!)
Willingness to take advantage of others to get what they want (The story of my life — although some veritable human charity is as well.)

A lack of empathy (I can easily empathize with Terence’s poor mother…)

    Arrogance (Depends on your nationality — as we consider only Argentines as arrogant!)

    Feeling envious of others or that they're jealous (Yes, of my son especially! Other than his consistent habit to overwork at his firm — he has almost everything!)

    Again, Terence has forgotten my hard work to expose Terrance as Skippy in future MercoPress news articles — because “Arbeit macht frei” is a German phrase I learned at the Grange School!

    Terence needs not to reply any further as he’s clearly been completely exposed as residing in Utah!

    ¡Saludos de Valle Nevado!

    Aug 21st, 2021 - 07:08 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Is Schadenfreude a mental illness?
    Frequent schadenfreude can indicate a mental health condition.

    Psst, being a narcissist means you´re not a nice person.

    “Just look at Terence’s webpage”.

    Show us where this imaginary occurrence is, since I don´t, and never have had one. I guess that square peg is never going to fit in that round hole, you´ve created.

    ”Burden of proof is a philosophical concept that refers to the obligation to provide supporting evidence for a claim. It plays an important role in a variety of argumentation contexts, and it’s a key principle to making valid statements; all logical arguments need to have sufficient evidence to back up their conclusions.“
    https ://

    How ironic that their conclusions came from the very area where you troll, by your own admissions.

    “Study by US Varsity Finds Schadenfreude, Narcissism Among Many Dark Traits of Internet Trolls

    Researchers at Brigham Young University published a paper in the Journal of Social Media and Society shedding light on the motives and personality characteristics of internet trolls. For their study, the group of researchers ran an online survey on 400 Reddit users. Concluding the survey results, the researchers found that most of the trolls exhibited dark triad personality traits which include narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, combined with schadenfreude which is a German word for those who derive pleasure from another’s misfortune. People with these behavioural traits were most likely to be online trolls.”

    https ://

    Chicureo ”The delightful German word schadenfreude expresses my sincere joy of sharing!”

    Aug 21st, 2021 - 10:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Individuals who consistently quote from Brigham Young University in Utah is only another reason why it’s obvious that Skippy Jessop hides behind the username ‘Terence Hill’ — but I do credit him accurately quoting my SCHADENFREUDE.

    Aug 23rd, 2021 - 02:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “Brigham Young University in Utah is only another reason why it’s obvious that Skippy Jessop “

    Except, for the fact you have claimed your alter ego was “34 in 20012” which, means he was born in 1978.
    Perhaps, you can enlighten us as to how he was in the RAF in 1963 fifteen years before he was born.

    “People call it arguing out of both sides of your mouth,“ The Purposeful Argument: A Practical Guide By Harry Phillips, Patricia Bostian.
    “He is not to be heard who alleges things contradictory to each other.” This elementary rule of logic expresses, in technical language, the saying that a man shall not be permitted to “blow hot and cold” with reference to the same transaction, or insist, at different times, on the truth of each of two conflicting allegations, according to the promptings of his private interest.

    Aug 23rd, 2021 - 03:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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