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United States barely avert gov't shutdown, but only for a few months

Friday, October 1st 2021 - 08:41 UTC
Full article 3 comments

US President Joseph Biden Thursday signed into law the government funding bill, hours after Congress agreed on it in a last-minute rush to avoid a shutdown. Read full article


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  • SB4

    For the readers that don't know how serious this is, I give a sample of the situation: I have not slept well this week. Today, I was up at 2:OO am.

    Is October 1, 2021, 11:37 ET, and still waiting for the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
    to set the voting time for the 3.5 Trillion Bill.

    Oct 01st, 2021 - 03:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Sorry to hear you’re having such a hard time over this.

    Easy for me to say I know, but maybe try and ride the storm a bit, that kind of stress is just not good for you.

    I seem to be happening more regularly in recent time.

    I thought Biden was supposed to be familiar with how to get bills passed, having spent some 30 years doing it.

    Perhaps he has forgotten how it works.

    Oct 01st, 2021 - 05:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • SB4

    Most Americans are tired of Biden-Harris Administration's failures. The Mexican border crisis, the Afghanistan crisis, and now the 3.5 Trillion dollars Bill that is not agreed between Democrats to pass. Biden's visit to Congress today did not help much. There is no money to pay such an amount, and printing or borrowing money will evaluate the dollar and cause inflation. What a mess!

    Oct 01st, 2021 - 11:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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