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HMS Protector pays tribute to explorer Shackleton at South Georgia on her trip to Antarctica

Wednesday, December 15th 2021 - 09:39 UTC
Full article 2 comments

Sailors from Ice Patrol HMS Protector paid tribute to legendary Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton – a century after he died pushing the boundaries of polar research. The crew of the icebreaker held a memorial service at his graveside on the island of South Georgia – the latest stop for the survey ship as she heads to the frozen continent for a summer of scientific research. Read full article


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  • Steve Potts

    South Georgia - also claimed by the Republic of Narnia as part of their Southern Cone.

    Dec 15th, 2021 - 11:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Yes, however it was discovered by the British in 1675, then landed on and claimed by the British in 1775.

    Argentina looked at a (British) map and then claimed it in 1927.

    British claims in the S. Atlantic/Antarctic are very old, Argentina’s claims are very new.

    Dec 15th, 2021 - 03:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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