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Argentina joins Belt and the Silk Road as Fernández and Xi meet in Beijing

Monday, February 7th 2022 - 09:10 UTC
Full article 1 comment

President Alberto Fernández has rounded up the Chinese stop of his new international tour by arranging Argentina's entry into the Belt and the Silk Road which will represent financing in excess of US $ 23 billion for the South American country. Read full article


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  • RedBaron

    This could be a VERY significant move to garner support for their Falklands heist, at a time when world tensions are growing in all directions. When it was an cobbled-together fleet of British ships mimicking Dunkirk and we were left to it, then the 1982 conflict could be won but the situation and global dynamics are entirely different, forty years later.
    The last thing any of us needs is a newly encouraged Argentina, egged on by the Chinese imperialist colonial State, ramping up the volume and shouting that Taiwan is Chinese, so the Falklands must be Argentinian.

    Feb 07th, 2022 - 10:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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