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“China must respect Falklands' sovereignty”, foreign secretary Truss message to Beijing

Monday, February 7th 2022 - 10:09 UTC
Full article 35 comments

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss defended the Falkland Islands as “part of the British family” after Beijing backed Argentina’s sovereignty claim over the South Atlantic islands. Read full article


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  • RedBaron

    Dangerous times when the Argies decide to be freeloaders on the backs of China and Russia. Very sassy of them to be leveraging world tensions by paralleling Taiwan with the Falklands (not at all comparable, by the way) and probably hoping to get some free/ cheap planes and armaments from their new-found (but very distant) allies.
    We may have thought that the Chinese and Russians would not bother with a debt-ridden uncontrolled junta in South America and their silly claims about a rock in the South Atlantic but times have changed and the Chinese are trying to control every resource they can get their hands on- minerals, grain, fishing - you name it. If they have to put up with Argentina and their silly bleating about the Falklands, it will be a small price to get their hands on a load of valuable real estate with potential to feed their population and to provide more raw materials for their industry.

    Feb 07th, 2022 - 10:49 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Tim Huber

    300 Chinese fishing vessels in Argentine waters - soon to be 3000. Western man can forget about environemntal concerns, as such issues are unconcerned in the far east. The hipster president needs new threads and heads off to Wuhan in obeisance ...

    Feb 07th, 2022 - 11:13 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Trimonde

    Red Baron is so ignorantly blind by his social racist prejudices and propaganda educated mind against Latin America, he can't see the reality of the situation. ... I'm guessing he must speak English, the language of the clone-drones.
    Junta? What Junta? Are you insane?... Nop. You're not. You are simply written on, just like a said above.

    Feb 07th, 2022 - 01:16 pm - Link - Report abuse -7
  • RedBaron

    Trimonde - It takes one to know one, I guess.
    How's your inflation doing and what about that Peso exchange rate?
    Not too hard to figure out why Falklanders want to remain British, is it?

    Feb 07th, 2022 - 03:10 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Trimonde

    What are you like, twelve?

    Feb 07th, 2022 - 03:32 pm - Link - Report abuse -4
  • FitzRoy

    Trimonde, where did he make a racist comment?
    It is strange that some countries choose to ignore the Charter of the United Nations and cherry pick when it does suit them. Either you are in or out. Either you accept or you don't. You either signed up to the Charter or you didn't.
    If you accept the United Nations Charter, then you must have signed up and agree with the Right to Self-Determination. If you think that UN Res 2065 is the be-all and end-all, why did you ignore UN Res 502?
    Falkland Islanders, like any other population, be they in China, Germany, the US, et al are entitled to the Right of Self-Determination. Just accept it.

    Feb 07th, 2022 - 05:12 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Trimonde

    Well that is just so amusing coming from someone from the UK, who regularly tramples or disregards the UN charter in so many ways and even its mandates depending on what suits it! The people living on the islands are erroneously considered as such by the UN, in all likelihood because of UK influence, to do with how the UK very cleverly originally enlisted a territory made up of its own loyal subjects and citizens ORIGINALLY OFFERED TO SETTLE THERE as a “non-self governing territory”, in order to have the issue bypass Argentina's denouncement of occupation. You're cheating thieves and the world knows it already, using the bogus invention of a “BOT” in order to hide your geopolitical ambitions behind some kind of conversation to do with self determination. The people on the islands cannot be considered to posses the right of self determination, other than that of returning to Britain or accepting Argentine sovereignty, for the simple reason that they were put on the islands by Britain eleven years after Argentina made clear and official its protest. But more importantly elven years after Britain forcefully took the islands at gun point from another country's administrative sovereignty. Hence a territorial condition of sovereignty in dispute cannot allow for the establishment of a third party's lawful sovereignty right. Nor do the islanders posses the right to say “we want Britain to rule us”, and through that void the significance of an entire country's sovereignty right in this world and a 189 year old ongoing dispute for that land. That is simply ridiculous. That is not in the spirit of the United Nations, which was created to resolve problems and foster peace. It was not created as an instrument to be bought or manipulated in order favor the advantage of some over others who have less leverage within the United Nations, especially in particular when both parties have a valid argument regarding that dispute. Simply put in 1982 the UN was used by the UK and mistaken

    Feb 07th, 2022 - 05:48 pm - Link - Report abuse -6
  • Pugol-H

    Argentina would lovvv to do in the S. Atlantic/Antarctic what China has done in Tibet and is doing in the S. China sea.

    Colonial expansionism at its best, occupy your neighbours or at least their backyards.

    Except the British in the S. Atlantic are better able to defend themselves than China’s neighbours.

    What’s next then, talks on how to develop your economy with N. Korea, human rights of minorities with Syria, religious tolerance with Iran???

    They will all support Argentina’s claims, only question is, how low will Argentina go???

    ‘Something is Rotten in the state of Argentina’.

    Feb 07th, 2022 - 09:36 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Don Alberto

    What is wrong in “Trimonde”'s head?

    He is whining about the British Falkland Islands, although Argentina forcefully took the provinces Chaco, Formosa and Misiones at gun point from another country's sovereignty.

    Is this “Trimonde”' completely ignorant of Argentina's history, which also includes forcefully taking Patagonia south of Bahia Blanca from the indigenous people at gun point in a genocide?

    Feb 07th, 2022 - 10:28 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • imoyaro

    Well, Don Alberto, he comes across as a wannabe Kurepi. Like Sarmiento, he no doubt believes that all Paraguayans should be killed in the womb...

    Feb 08th, 2022 - 08:33 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Trimonde

    The Falklands don't have sovereignty. Are these people crazy? Why are they called a “BRITISH Overseas Territory” then? They are not called a Falklands Overseas Territory, are they? The “Falkland's people” are an occupational British population subjects to the Queen of England brought to the Malvinas expressively to occupy these islands after they had been snatched from Argentina at gun point, giving way to a territorial dispute started eleven years earlier in 1832/1833. What sovereignty???! And since when do countries have the right to tell other countries how they should relate to other nations or reason the truth of history??
    It truly is fascinating to hear and watch these countries of the English language, with authoritative boast, loud horn around the world their professing of values such as “Self Determination” “Freedom” Equal Rights and Democracy, while they themselves behave towards the world exactly the opposite by being world's most pedantically pretentious ones enforcing militarily their political economic prescriptions, as well as through constant insidiously malicious propaganda, in a never ending battle to homogenize the world into their self serving needs and social image. Perhaps it's time their own societies fess up and do some self examining and face the gargantuan amount of humanity's cultures they have already destroyed and obliterated in the world these last hundred years alone.

    Feb 08th, 2022 - 11:12 am - Link - Report abuse -4
  • RedBaron

    Not a Falklands Overseas Territory because the Falklands ARE the Falklands - How can you be 'Overseas' to yourself? Are you twelve? Are you crazy?
    In Liverpool there is a very good expression when people get over emotional - we say 'Calm Down' in a local dialect accent.
    Yes, there have been atrocities in China, India, North America, Zaire, Mali, Chad, Yemen, Brazil, Argentina, and all the way around the world, over and over again but the current Falklands status does not reflect any coercion or bad behaviour. No-one has been thrown out of an aeroplane because they didn't agree with policy made in Stanley.
    The people who live in the Islands moved there voluntarily and live there peacefully and democratically, in a financially self-supporting way.
    There was no destruction or obliteration to occupy the Falklands and that is how things still are there. Apart from British, there are many other nationalities living on the Islands and a referendum was held a few years ago to ask how residents felt about remaining under British protection. I am sure you know the result of this election so why would anyone want to change that now? As for the wrongs of the past, I'm sure you have not forgotten Argentina's treatment of the native people. People in glass houses should not throw stones.
    If Argentina represented a land of milk and honey where life was good and the government was performing well to support the economy and the people, then there may be more interest to become allied with their closest neighbours but maybe you should start by trying to convince the Falklanders of good reasons to change, rather than forcing yourselves on the Islanders.
    Try being Good Neighbours, rather than bad ones.

    Feb 08th, 2022 - 12:49 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Pytangua

    “... part of the British family” - the usual utter hypocrisy from the racist British political elite. Why did Truss and others never consider the people of Diego Garcia '“as part of the British family” before kicking them off their island to make way for a US air base? This is just another example of the well-earned international reputation of the British elite for rank hypocrisy.

    Feb 08th, 2022 - 02:08 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • dperlman

    China doesn't respect the sovereignty of Taiwan, Hong Kong, or Tibet, why would they respect the sovereignty of the Falklands/Malvinas or anywhere else in dispute?

    Feb 08th, 2022 - 02:54 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Trimonde

    China does respect Taiwan, otherwise they would have invaded immediately when the rebels sought to position themselves there in order to continue fighting the communist revolution, they are thus indeed the same country. In fact they felt safe going there precisely because it had finally returned to be part of China. No other country in this world has more ties and more rights to Taiwan than China does in fact, the West is very careful about not pushing too hard the wedge they try to drive in there, as they know damn well they don't belong there and are playing out of bounds. Those are Chinese people who came from the Chinese mainland, and if you want to talk about “families of peoples” well then, no one has more continuity to the people living on that island, and to the island itself than the Chinese people do.
    The only thing that needs to happen here is that the UK and US need to mind to their own business, stay in their place, and stop presumptuously fuxxing with other parts of the world they have absolutely nothing to do with.

    Feb 08th, 2022 - 03:51 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • What?

    For RedBaron and Trimonde, you do realise that both of you are correct and also incorrect don't you? Neither Argentina nor Britain (or China for that matter) can be said to be “clean” in this discussion... I'm not sure why you're supporting any one government in this argument since you have been fed a political line which has been spun to motivate your thoughts in precisely the way you are now doing. Your thinking is valid, but completely one dimensional. Clearly Britain, Argentina and China all have a desire to exert more political influence outside their borders, and clearly the best way to do this is for them to say “ah yes, but those inhabitants are ideologically part of our nation”, and you will see further examples in Russia/Ukraine soon apparently... If you think that the citizens of GB, Argentina, China etc are not manipulated and lied to for political and ideological gains then perhaps you aren't as thoughtful as you sound, and you both do sound like you should know what you're talking about. It's just worth bearing in mind that it is part of the manipulation process governments use when you suddenly find yourself with a polarised opinion against the opposing polarised opinion........... just sayin'!

    Feb 08th, 2022 - 05:38 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Don Alberto

    It is not surprising that “Trimonde” carefully ignores the fact that Argentina has forcefully taken huge territories at gun point, first from Spain, later from her neighbours.

    The poor chap also writes “otherwise they [Communist China] would have invaded immediately when the rebels sought to position themselves there in order to continue fighting the communist revolution”

    How should they have done that? swimming to Taiwan?

    Feb 08th, 2022 - 06:03 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • imoyaro

    I like Trimonde's utter dismissal of the true inhabitants of Taiwan, in order to promote his agenda of Taiwan having always been Han. But you'll notice that the forces he supports have a long history of conquest and genocide...

    Feb 08th, 2022 - 07:08 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Trimonde

    imoyaro... My point has nothing to do with judgement. It simply underlines the fact that countries need to honor and respect that line which defines when to hold back and not get involved in the affairs of others, especially in such cases where all demographic political geographical and historical matters are contained within the disputing countries. We simply need to stop meddling with situations concerning other nation's histories, and put and end to seeking to exploit them in ways of drawing advantage from their problems. I am talking about a fundamental moral premise all nations should respect, period.
    ... and What?; it is really not that complicated. The Malvinas Falkland Islands dispute is a very simple case study of human political belligerent injustice and abuse of power in human civilization. All that needs to happen for our respective blinders to come down and this knot start untangling in order to reveal for us the one single resolving narrative that should summon the sincerity of both parties concerned, is for Britain to just propose having the courage and character to admit the 1833 mistake of the expulsion by force of the Argentine administrative presence on the islands in light of a supposed political friendship with that country, as well as the unlawful unjust and invasive attack by the USS Lexington in 1831/32. From that point on plus through other recognitions that ought to warrant an official apology, like the invasions of 1805 and 1806, as well as the Paraná invasions of 1945, which could be requited with an official apology to the islanders by the Argentine military for the recovery occupation of 1982, what could be expected is a discussion of elements and their historical human significance in politics leading to the one and only way of interpreting what should happen to the islands and what ought to be the proper roll of the islanders put there by Britain after forcefully vacating those Argentinians who did not yield their loyalty to the Queen

    Feb 09th, 2022 - 12:41 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Terence Hill

    “What sovereignty???” The one you don’t have a claim to.

    ”A State which has ceased to exercise any authority over a territory cannot, by purely verbal protestations, indefinitely maintain its title against another which for a sufficiently long time has effectively exercised the powers and fulfilled the duties of sovereignty in it.''(Theory and Reality in International Law, de Visscher, 1957, p201).

    “Where a State fails to lodge effective protests, which in the present era ought, if necessary, to include instituting international judicial or arbitral proceedings, against attempts at wrongful usurpation into sovereign territory, that …failure to protest, where a protest is called for, must have a detrimental effect on the position of the party concerned and may afford evidence of non-existence of title.”
    Gerald Fitzmaurice, The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice, Vol.1 (1995), 299.
    Sir Gerald Gray Fitzmaurice GCMG QC (24 October 1901 – 7 September 1982) was a British barrister and judge. He was a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration between 1964 and 1973 and a Senior Judge of the International Court of Justice between 1967 and 1973.

    Feb 11th, 2022 - 02:43 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Chicureo

    Really a beautiful marvelous Summer’s day here in the Aconcagua Valley…

    …we just lunched on a bounty of delicious garden vegetables and perfectly ripe nectarines…

    Tending to our own plantings is one of the most satisfying avocation one could imagine.

    I’m very encouraged that Skippy has embarked upon a new activity and one image says it all!

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Feb 11th, 2022 - 04:25 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “This recent avocado planting utilizing the remanding terrain has exhausted any future planting.”

    Turns out the word avocado comes from the Aztec word āhuacatl, which means “testicle.” Boy does that explains a lot, along with your other claims.
    It certainly explains why you talk a load of bollocks.

    “The most common way narcissists create alternative narratives is by projecting. If they say that the other person is jealous of them, then you know that the narcissist is jealous. If they say that the other person was lying and cheating, they were the one lying and cheating. But more often than not whatever the narcissist is presenting the other person as is a much more accurate description of the narcissist. The mechanism here is that in the narcissists mind they try to attribute their own unhealthy behavior, perspective, and character traits to the other person because it shifts attention and responsibility from them. And if the other person is all these bad things, then it can’t be that I am these things thinks the narcissist I’m the good guy here.”

    Feb 11th, 2022 - 04:41 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    …I’m so pleased that THE LOKAL LEGEND Skippy Jessop is finally has heeded my advice about his serious obesity problem and embarked upon a new activity!

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Feb 11th, 2022 - 04:46 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    THE LOKAL LEGEND who is not Skippy Jessop has absolutely no obesity problem.

    Indications are that Chicureo, by the narcissist employment of his lies and projections; must therefore be obese.

    THE LOKAL LEGEND in reality looks slim and trim, in this picture of myself with my tankard in March 2018; according to the only authentic photo of me.
    S.A.C. T.L. HILL
    MARCH 1963

    “Slander, triangulation, character assassination

    There are several ways how the narcissist employs their lies and projections, and the goal is always to turn others against you in hope that they won’t try to figure out the truth.
    One of the ways to do that is triangulation. In psychology, it means controlling and manipulating communication between two parties. It is related to gossiping, smearing, and slandering, where the narcissist spreads false information around. A more extreme version of all of that is character assassination, where the lies are much more severe and damaging.
    Closer analysis
    If you actually examine the narcissists narrative, you quickly notice that they are full of crap.”
    https ://

    Feb 12th, 2022 - 11:03 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Trimonde

    London: “China must respect Falklands sovereignty” . What a ridiculously presumptuous statement! When will the Americans and British stop talking to the countries of the world as if they had some kind of political authority over them? China “must” NOTHING, it is a sovereign country with its own sovereign right to interpret world affairs. If China believes Argentina has a worthwhile righteous cause and its claim to sovereignty on the Malvinas / Falkland Islands is a valid one that warrants serious diplomatic talks by Britain; there must be a substantial historical reason for it. Obviously the same reason Britain and the US want to play dumb about and ignore.

    Feb 12th, 2022 - 12:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “There must be a substantial historical reason for it.”
    When you find it let us know what it is.

    Feb 12th, 2022 - 12:19 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Chicureo

    As I was earlier explaining — it takes GUTS to do this…

    …I’m so pleased that THE LOKAL LEGEND Skippy Jessop is finally has heeded my advice about his serious obesity problem and embarked upon a new activity!

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Feb 12th, 2022 - 01:05 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “THE LOKAL LEGEND Skippy Jessop ...his serious obesity problem ” Is indeed not; no proof no truth.

    “The most common way narcissists create alternative narratives is by projecting. If they say that the other person is jealous of them, then you know that the narcissist is jealous. If they say that the other person was lying and cheating, they were the one lying and cheating. But more often than not whatever the narcissist is presenting the other person as is a much more accurate description of the narcissist. The mechanism here is that in the narcissists mind they try to attribute their own unhealthy behavior, perspective, and character traits to the other person because it shifts attention and responsibility from them. And if the other person is all these bad things, then it can’t be that I am these things thinks the narcissist I’m the good guy here.”

    “What you say about others says a lot about you, research shows.
    “Your perceptions of others reveal so much about your own personality,” says Dustin Wood, assistant professor of psychology at Wake Forest and lead author of the study, about his findings
    The study appears in the July issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
    … negative perceptions of others are linked to higher levels of narcissism and antisocial behavior. “A huge suite of negative personality traits are associated with viewing others negatively,” Wood says.
    This research suggests that when you ask someone to rate the personality of a particular.., you may learn as much about the rater providing the personality description. The level of negativity the rater uses in describing the other person, may also be a tip off that the rater is unhappy, disagreeable, neurotic -- or has other negative personality traits.”
    https ://

    Feb 12th, 2022 - 08:51 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    There are so many explanations why he’s is a proven fraudster — but one image says it all!

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Feb 12th, 2022 - 09:51 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “He’s is a proven fraudster — but one image says it all”

    I couldn’t have said it better, thanks.

    THE LOKAL LEGEND in reality looks slim and trim, in this picture of myself with my tankard in March 2018; according to the only authentic photo of me.

    S.A.C. T.L. HILL
    MARCH 1963

    Feb 12th, 2022 - 09:57 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    There are so many explanations why Skippy is a proven fraudster — but one image says it all!

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Feb 12th, 2022 - 10:20 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Skippy is a proven fraudster.”

    Well, you’re the only one relying on him.
    Moreover, your link is all the poof we need.

    “Error 401 Unauthorized - invalid signature”

    Feb 12th, 2022 - 10:52 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    There are so many explanations why Skippy is a proven fraudster — but one image says it all!

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Panquehue!

    Feb 13th, 2022 - 11:40 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • RedBaron

    But the most important question of all is ''What has Skippy got to do with China, Argentina or the Falklands?'' - I thought Skippy came from Australia.

    Feb 13th, 2022 - 12:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “Skippy is a proven fraudster.”

    Yet again, you’re the only one relying on him.
    Moreover, your failed link is all the proof we need.

    “Error 401 Unauthorized - invalid signature”

    Skippy, in this instance is Chicureo´s sock-puppet. He’s forced to rely on fiction as he’s unable to produce a winning argument.
    “The best way to win an argument is to begin by being right.” Jill Ruckeshaus

    Feb 13th, 2022 - 03:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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