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State-Owned Enterprises essential in global recovery, G20 reviews

Monday, March 14th 2022 - 09:00 UTC
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Blair said Indonesia assumed the G20 Presidency at a very important time for the world community Blair said Indonesia assumed the G20 Presidency at a very important time for the world community

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair last week played a key role during discussions in Jakarta regarding global health actions towards a prompt recovery. State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) were found to be pivotal in this regard. Indonesia this year presides over the G20.

Indonesia and the Global Health Security Consortium (GHSC) discussed the importance of advocacy in the global health sector and what steps can be taken in the future to be more prepared to cope with the present pandemic crisis. the GHSC and the G20 have agreed to move forward with a work plan, which focuses on global preventive medicine, with major milestones to be fleshed out.

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir told Blair there were three main focuses on the agenda of the G20 Presidency of Indonesia, namely the global health architecture, digital transformation, and the transition to sustainable energy. In line with the global recovery which is the main theme of the G20 Presidency, the minister said he believed in the importance of leading state-owned companies through our concrete steps that can have a global impact.

“I believe that the world will not only see Indonesia being able to make a long-term contribution to the world's governance and sustainability agenda through the G20 Presidency but also see the key role of state-owned companies as part of a joint effort to promote change and collaboration at the global level,” the minister said in a written statement.

Blair said Indonesia assumed the G20 Presidency at a very important time for the world community. The agenda is not only to lead the global recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic but also to create strong and inclusive international cooperation.

“We also feel it is very important to discuss the short-term role of SOEs in supporting the global recovery, as well as the long-term role of SOEs in strengthening our collective capacity to achieve sustainable development goals, both individually and collectively,” said Blair.

“In line with this spirit, SOEs in Indonesia are undergoing an important transformation process, and we welcome the opportunity to lead this global discussion with Minister Erick Thohir and the SOE Ministry team,” Blair went on.

He also vowed that the TBI would provide strategic support to the Ministry of SOEs throughout the G20 Indonesia Presidency, particularly on the significant role of state-owned companies in the country, and throughout the world, in supporting global recovery and achieving sustainable development goals.

The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI) is an organization established to support government institutions in building open, inclusive, and prosperous societies in the current globalized world.

Categories: Economy, International.

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