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Falklands' Liberation: 5,6 miles yomp Charity challenge, remembering Royal Marines epic 56 mile yomp in 1982

Wednesday, March 23rd 2022 - 09:00 UTC
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An image of both sides of the commemorative coin (Picture: RMA - The Royal Marines Charity). An image of both sides of the commemorative coin (Picture: RMA - The Royal Marines Charity).

Britain's Royal Marines Charity has set a challenge for its supporters, wherever they are in the world, to run, walk or cycle 5.6 miles in June to mark 40 years since the liberation of the Falkland Islands and raise money.

In addition, Commando and Reserve Units, the Royal Marines Association and cadet community across the UK will recreate 45 Commando's 1982 brutal three day, 56-mile yomp across the East Falklands rough terrain and in unforgiving weather.

The distance of 5.6 miles has been chosen by the Royal Marines Charity as it is one tenth of the original 56-mile yomp plus it helps to make the challenge available to as many people as possible.

In what is considered by the Royal Marines Corps to be a momentous period in its history, and is recognized as one of the major Corps battle honors, more than 3,500 members of 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines deployed to the Falkland Islands in April 1982 to liberate British citizens from the Argentine invasion.

A week later, the Commando unit attacked and defeated the Argentine forces in the famous Battle of the Two Sisters.

RMA – The Royal Marines Charity offers lifelong support to help Marines and their families overcome challenges like life-changing injuries or limiting illness, mental health issues, transition to civilian life and even poverty.

So far, at least 60% of the £10,000 target has been raised thanks to donations and hundreds of fundraisers. When registering, those who wish to take part will have an online fundraising page created for them via an online fundraising tool.

As an extra bonus, anyone who manages to raise at least £25, for RMA - The Royal Marines Charity, will receive a unique Falklands 40/RM Commando 80 commemorative coin, thanks to the event supporter Patron Capital Partners LLP.

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