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Bolsonaro downplays Armed Forces Viagra scandal

Wednesday, April 13th 2022 - 20:44 UTC
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Viagra is used to treat other diseases but not at the doses purchased by Brazil's Armed Forces Viagra is used to treat other diseases but not at the doses purchased by Brazil's Armed Forces

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Wednesday downplayed the importance of the alleged scandal regarding the purchase of 35,000 pills of Viagra, a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction.

The head of state claimed the drug is also employed to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). However, according to experts consulted by G1, the dosages included in the transactions were appropriate for that use.

The bidding process provides for the acquisition of 25 mg and 50 mg tablets of Viagra. The Ministry of Defense informed that the drug was to be used in the treatment of military personnel with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), which is approved by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa).

Experts heard by G1, however, pointed out that the disease is rare and that the doses in the bidding suited erectile dysfunction rather than PAH.

During breakfast with ministers, lawmakers, and evangelical pastors, at the Presidential residence of the Alvorada Palace, Bolsonaro criticized the press for reporting the case. “The Armed Forces buy Viagra to combat high blood pressure and, also, rheumatological diseases. It was thirty-something thousand pills for the Army, 10,000 for the Navy, and I didn't get it from the Aeronautics, but it must add up to 50,000 pills. With all due respect, this is nothing... ”

The president's speech was broadcast by a deputy on social media.

Experts consulted by G1 pointed out that the standard dose of Viagra for PAH was the 20 mg tablet. The disease is uncommon and affects more women than men.

Doctor Marcelo Bandeira, from the Brazilian Society of Cardiology, explained the 25mg Viagra dose, which is included in the bid, is used for erectile dysfunction. Only when there is a shortage of the 20 mg drug does the Brazilian Society of Cardiology admit the use of higher dosages, of 25 mg and 50 mg.

Pulmonologist Margareth Dalcolmo highlighted that HAP was “an uncommon disease that depends on a relatively sophisticated diagnosis and it affects younger people, between 20 and 40 years old, mainly women.”

The bidding process for the purchase of 35,000 pills of Viagra by the Armed Forces is on the Transparency Portal of the Federal Government and gained repercussion Monday after federal deputy Elias Vaz (PSB-GO) asked for explanations from the Ministry of Defense about the acquisition.

Bolsonaro also commented on the case of his son Jair Renan, who last week gave a three-hour deposition to the Federal Police in Brasilia. He is investigated on suspicion of money laundering and influence peddling in the federal government.

“The kid is 24 years old now, I don't think anyone knows him, he lives with his mother, he has been away from me for a long time, but I receive him here from time to time. He has his life, I'm not going to say if it's right or if it's wrong, but I ask God to protect him. But this is all the time, 24 hours a day,” said the president.

The investigation was opened in March last year, at the request of the Federal Public Ministry, based on a complaint filed by members of parliament who oppose the government.

Jair Renan is under investigation for events that allegedly happened in November 2020, when the company Gramazini got two meetings at the Ministry of Regional Development to talk about a project to build affordable housing. At the time of the opening of the investigations, Bolsonaro's son's company (Bolsonaro Jr Eventos e Mídia) posted a photo of two marble pieces, which decorate the office, and tagged “Gramazini.”

Read also: Brazil's military spends large amounts on Viagra and baldness drugs


Categories: Politics, Brazil.

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  • imoyaro

    I'm sure he thinks it's a great idea.

    Apr 14th, 2022 - 12:09 am 0
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