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Hamilton Mourão, vice-president of Brazil, arrived in Montevideo to meet with Uruguayan authorities

Friday, May 6th 2022 - 13:54 UTC
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The vice-president met Thursday the vice-president of Uruguay, Beatriz Argimón The vice-president met Thursday the vice-president of Uruguay, Beatriz Argimón

The vice-president of Brazil, Hamilton Mourão, arrived on Thursday in Uruguay, where he will remain until Saturday on an official visit.

The vice-president met Thursday the vice-president of Uruguay, Beatriz Argimón, in the office of the Presidency of the Senate, in the Parliament.

As part of the Brazilian delegation, the Brazilian Ambassador to Uruguay, Marcos Leal Raposo López, the Chief of Staff of the Vice-Presidency of Brazil, César Leme Justo, the diplomatic advisor, Tatiana Esnarriaga Arantes Barvosa, and Mourão's special advisor, Helio Fernando Rosa de Araujo, will participate in the meeting.

His visit will take place a few days after the arrival in the country of Brazilian Foreign Minister Carlos Alberto Franco França, who met with his counterpart Francisco Bustillo and estimated that in 2023 the waterway in Laguna Merín will be completed.

Mourão, 68 years old, has held various posts over 46 years in the Brazilian Army, according to his biography on the Brazilian presidential website. Among them, he was in charge of the Southern Military Command in Brazil. It was in that position that they met the former commander-in-chief of the Army and current leader of Cabildo Abierto, a right-wing Uruguayan political party, Guido Manini Rios.

The Brazilian vice-president is scheduled to hold a press conference on Friday afternoon.


Categories: Politics, Brazil, Mercosur, Uruguay.

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