Tit for tat. Russia expanded its sanctions list on Sunday to all British Overseas Territories, including the Falkland Islands, accusing them of “unfriendly actions” against Moscow. Read full article
Well..., hardly surprising...
After all..., how small are the chances of...
Engrish operatives involved in the Kerch, NordStream & Sevastopol attacks...
Having received specialized training in them windblown occupied Malvinas Isles....
In the hope that ya Kelpers don't misuse the Arkhipkins as Prügelknabe I do salute you...
Your (Anglo) friend on FB should rather observe that Russians acknowledge the British military occupation of them windblown Malvinas Isles... Good morning to you too...
- Here was one having a civilized & fructiferous monologue of sly innuendos with foxy Mike and haughty Roger..., and in come them usual Brainwashed Anglo Turnip Huns..., eclipsing that short transiently while...
I think Falklands are also a Chinese “unfriendly territory” specially if they are going to have a naval base in Tierra del Fuego and that in addition to the one the Chinese Army already has in Rio Negro province.
It is all about to get very interesting over there, as comrade Lenin said: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”
It's funny that they put the Ukrainian flag together with the Union Jack... because in reality, what Russia did in Ukraine is similar to what the British did in 1833 with the inhabitants of the islands.
Russia invaded and displaced the Ukrainians from the Donbass, to implant their population and hold illegal self-determination referendums in Donetsk, Lughanks, Crimea and Kherson.
And even if 300 years pass from here to the future, Ukraine and the international community will never recognize Russian sovereignty over those territories.
Argie cit, that is the most stupid thing you have ever said and you have said some pretty silly stuff, the whole Ukraine war is about a power mad crazy man, he is ex KGB who mourned the death of the Soviet Union, he has on record said he does not recognise Ukraine as a country, and wants to recreate a Russian empire. the so called Russian nationalists in the Ukraine are Putin plants , as far as the Falklands go, it was the United Provinces who sent the military to take the islands by force in the 1800sm and then again your evil junta did it again in 1982, grow up and get an education and stop spouting stupid drivel, better still go live in Russia were free speech is forbidden were protesters are jailed or killed, were hundreds of thousands have fled the country in fear, where their military bombs schools and hospitals,
Whether you agree or not , the simple fact is the islands were recorded and claimed by Britain long before Spain and France and long before the United Provinces existed, the claim was never given up, just because an island is uninhabited is irrelevant, are all the Argentine islands inhabited, of course they are not, are all Pacific and Carribean islands, no they are not, are all Russian islands occupied ? no they are not, but you already know this, your argument would never stand up in court,
Shogun, you couldnt be more wrong, i have done quite a lot of reading about Russian history, probably a lot more than you, after the break up of the Soviet Union, Russia signed up to and agreed on the territorial border between Ukraine and Russia, no complaints from anyone, just let that sink in, when the people of Ukraine started looking westward it got under Putins skin, he didnt want a Russian speaking democracy on his door step, all this madness is down to one man,
“Korman is very specific on page 156 of his book about why the conquest does not apply to the Malvinas.”
What mislead me was that page is unavailable, but she in fact did state that.
That is exciting, as we now have a conundrum as Kelsen says clearly you can.
“Taking possession through military force of the territory of another State against the latter’s will is possible, however, without any military resistance on the part of the victim. Provided that a unilateral act of force performed by one State against another is not considered to be war in itself” p.214 GENERAL THEORY OF LAW AND STATE
While the USS army considers.
“...But, after critically reviewing the bases for Argentina’s claim to sovereignty, one must conclude that Argentina never developed definite title to the Islands. None of the bases argued by Argentina are conclusive in establishing sovereignty. Applying the rules concerning the mode of extinctive prescription to Great Britain's claim results in a different conclusion. Extinctive prescription involves possession,... ...However, since this was such a long period of time, exceeding eighty years, l7O one could conclude under general principles of international law171 that this was a sufficient period to extinguish Argentina's claim in spite of her diplomatic protests.
Regardless of the conclusion reached above, however, the establishment of the world courts changed the situation so that diplomatic protests were no longer sufficient to keep Argentina's claim to sovereignty alive.172 ”
The Falklands (Malvinas) Islands: An International Law Analysis of the Dispute Between Argentina and Great Britain Major James Francis Gravelle
Pamphlet NO. 27-100-107 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY; Washington, D.C., Winter 1985
@Terrence Hill, u had to purchase the book for read the full book.. Maybe so you can read the entire book of korman.
Or you can access some of the free view pages of his book, such as p108 where korman says why the conquest does not apply in the malvinas and why the negotiators, diplomats and legal team of the united kingdom wisely do not argue the stupidity of Steve Potts, and Pascope&Pepper
what the united states army considers is irrelevant, there was no acquisitive prescription on the part of argentina, and what you are citing is a pamphlet from the us army from 1985, a power allied to the united kingdom, both in the uss lexignton attack in 1831 and in the 1982 war.
In fact, the United States Navy and Army were involved in the state terrorism that hit Latin America during the 1970s, and they were the ones who placed Galtieri in power, bursting with democracy in Latin American countries.
Judge Jose
You have no idea of the history of Ukraine just by your statement that “Russians are implants”
Putin is no mad man the Ukraine is a means to an end.
If you cannot see that or understand the overall picture of what is happening then best of luck with that, because I just do not have the time to go into a discourse of the why's and therefore's
Shogun, you are talking crap, i know all about Russian history right back to their revolution, , There was no trouble after independence, until Putins cronies whipped up Russian nationalism in those areas, that is what has caused this madness, and if you cant see that then you are a Russian Troll, Russia agreed to those borders, Crimea perhaps should have been a different issue, so dont patronise me little boy,, Putin is on record as saying Russia created Ukraine and can uncreate it too, he does not recognise it as a country, Moldova would have be next if he succeeded . he has already interfered in Georgia, Putins henchmen have already said that other countries were also on the list, as you said i have more important things to do than waste my time with an apologist for a ruthless dictator, get an education.
“Korman is very specific … about why the conquest does not apply to the Malvinas.”
I’m amazed that her whole claim is based on The Caroline affair (also known as the Caroline case) was a diplomatic crisis beginning in 1837. Which makes Korman’s claim absolute bunkum as it cannot be applied to an act that preceded its creation
As the former President of the ICJ wrote:
The Acquisition of Territory in International Law
by Robert Yewdall Jennings
Intertemporal Law
The rule that the effect of an act is to be determined by the law of the time when it was done, not of the law of the time when the claim is made, is elementary and important. It is merely an aspect of the rule against retroactive laws, and to that extent may be regarded as a general principle of law. It is especially important in international law because of the length of the life of states. It is peculiarly apt to questions of title; though by no means confined to questions of title.
Judge Jose.
Can you read english ?
I said Ukraine history
You reply “ I know all about Russian history right back to their revolution ”
That should be in the plural there were 3, one in 1905 and 2 in 1917
1917 onwards to the break up of the USSR is recent history and is Soviet history. Think your the one that needs to get an education
Ah I see its all Putins fault, nothing to do with the advancement of Nato and USA installing a right wing fascist leaning government then proceeded to pour in arms, with their armed forces displaying nazi insignia.
Obviously very democratic place to live where opposition parties are banned and journalists disappeared..Probably not unlike Russia in your eyes barring the nazi insignia..
@Terence Hill between 1700 to 1850 it was the law of that time... and i quote Korman, for show an example of the scientific ignorance of potts, Pascope&Pepper
Just quote it because in their pamphlet, they put Sharon Korman as an example to argue british position by the “conquest”..
Ignorantly, they never read Sharon Korman's book, because if they had read it they would see that she herself on page 156 and page 108 specifies why the conquest does not apply in the case of the Malvinas and why the legal and diplomatic team of the United Kingdom has never mentioned it as an argument..
That's why when I read those arguments by potts quoting the pascope & pepper pamphlet I remembered the book by korman that I had read a few months before and poste it.
Besides, pure logic... the argument of the United Kingdom is that the sovereignty of the islands belonged to them since before the Argentine settlement of 1820.
How can you conquer something that was already yours according to you?
Shogun, , i know all about the info you have just posted, i can post loads of stuff to counter that propaganda, but i have a life, and have better things to do,
countries apply to join Nato, no one forces them, why do they want to join, these former Soviet states know Putin far better than you do, they join because of what i said in my first post, Putin is an insecure power mad dictator, and you are a patronising apologist for him,
get educated not with propaganda, end of discussion,
And i quote Korman to show an example of the classic ignorance of applying the results of a legal determination prior to its inception.
”...The rule of the intertemporal law still insists that an act must be characterized in accordance with the law in force at the time it was done, or closely on the next occasion. ...
The Acquisition of Territory in International Law by Robert Yewdall Jennings a Judge of the International Court of Justice from 1982. He also served as the President of the ICJ between 1991 and 1994.
Moreover, I don’t see any mention of Korman in P & P’s publication
A question to any “Intelligent” Anglo (and any Kelper) reading this...:
- Above..., an intelligent Argie poster said above....:
“It's funny that they put the Ukrainian flag together with the *Union Jack.”
*(N.A., Anglo occupied Malvinas flag..., actually...)
Doesn't any of you, Anglo/Kelpers..., Tænk that it is kind of “funny” that a ~2.500 souls minority group, culturally and idiomatically diverse from their immediate Argie neighbours..., who have ended there (were they now are) by some ~200 years auld imperial design..., and who currently base their whole existential case on the UN principle of (Indigenous) Peoples Right of Self-Determination and (1)-one not legally recognized nor internationally accepted local referendum...............
........................................ are siding, aiding and abbeting the bombing and murdering of a ~9.000.000 souls minority group, culturally and idiomatically diverse from their immediate Ukrainian neighbours..., who have ended there were they now are by some ~1.000 years auld imperial design and who currently base their whole existential case on the UN principle of (Indigenous) Peoples Right of Self-Determination and many not legally recognized nor internationally accepted locally organized referendums...?
You are rambling Trunks... If Argentina had any kind of argument - legal, historical or geographical - it would lobby the UN to have a question put to the ICJ. As little Mauritius did. Why doesn't Argentina approach the ICJ trunks?
And where does Res 1514 mention indigenous peoples?
Aren't they doing well?
Russia will not be seen as a superpower again.
Nope..., it is you that is rambling..., Rodge...
And dodging the simple question I asked any intelligent Anglo reading it...
Ukraine, you say...?
Are they doing well, you reckon...?
I Tænk you Anglos are as brainwashed 'bout the Ukraine skirmish as most Argies were under the Malvinas skirmish...
Actually the public relations are quite similar. The Argies were winning (apparently) until the 13th June when things took a bad turn.......through no fault of their own. Ruskies making good progress too ?????
Perhaps you should make the question shorter Trunks?
The Islanders exercised their self-determination in 2013 with a referendum. Only a few South American States said that they would not recognise it. Russia publicly recognised the referendum in 2014 when using it to justify the invasion of Crimea and their subsequent referendum.
Seemingly confirmed by Russia now recognising the Falklands as NOT part of Argentina.
There is no doubt about the Islanders right to self-determination. If there were, Argentina would put the question to the ICJ.
One can no other than luuuuuuv your above unreasoning...!
It embodies the spirit that permeates the whole of your “Malvinastimeline.Brummie.Copper”...
The only “problem” with your above unreasoning is that if......:
......“THERE WERE NO DOUBT ABOUT THE ISLANDERS RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION”..., then them Russians would be doing the “right thing” and our dear Kelpers should..., besides their sym-pathetic “RAM on TUSSOCK”..., be flying that pretty Russian ”TWO HEADED CROWNED EAGLE WITH RAISED EXTENDED WINGS, HOLDING A SCEPTRE AN AN ORB IN ITS CLAWS AND BEARING ON ITS BREAST A SHIELD DEPICTING ST. GEORGE SLAYING THE DRAGON...
Unless of course..., one's guideline in life is the constant use & abuse of double standards...
“Unless of course..., one's guideline in life is the constant use & abuse of double standards..”
“The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed, the passion is the measure of the holder’s lack of rational conviction. Opinions in politics and religion are almost always held passionately.” Bertrand Russell,
You wrote above...:
- “The Islanders exercised their self-determination in 2013 with a referendum. ONLY A FEW SOUTH AMERICAN STATES said that they would not recognise it.”
I kindly ask..:
- Could you..., in your best haughty British Encyclopedic way..., be so kind to inform all of us which SOUTH AMERICAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you..., in your haughty British Encyclopedic way..., be so kind to inform all of us which CENTRAL AMERICAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you..., in your British Encyclopedic way..., be so kind to inform all of us which CARIBBEAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you..., in your Encyclopedic way..., be so kind to inform all of us which NORTH AMERICAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you..., in your way..., be so kind to inform all of us which EUROPEAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you..., in any way..., be so kind to inform all of us which AFRICAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you.be so kind to inform all of us which ASIAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you inform any of us which OCEANIAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
Feel free to take your time to compile the list..., copper...
- ”Doesn't any of you, Anglo/Kelpers..., Tænk that it is kind of “funny” that a ~2.500 souls minority group, culturally and idiomatically diverse from their immediate Argie neighbours..., who have ended there (were they now are) by some ~200 years auld imperial design..., and who currently base their whole existential case on the UN principle of (Indigenous) Peoples Right of Self-Determination and (1)-one not legally recognized nor internationally accepted local referendum...............
............................................................................ are siding, aiding and abbeting the bombing and murdering of a ~9.000.000 souls minority group, culturally and idiomatically diverse from their immediate Ukrainian neighbours..., who have ended there (were they now are) by some ~1.000 years auld imperial design and who currently base their whole existential case on the UN principle of (Indigenous) Peoples Right of Self-Determination and many (~9) not legally recognized nor internationally accepted locally organized referendums...???”
The deafening silence from even the worst Brainwashed Anglo Turnips and your haughty but futile attemps to dodge my simple question contradict you..., copper...
“Unless of course..., one's guideline in life is the constant use & abuse of double standards..”
“The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed, the passion is the measure of the holder’s lack of rational conviction. Opinions in politics and religion are almost always held passionately.” Bertrand Russell,
“Which SOUTH AMERICAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum”
The best official number of how many countries reject the Falklands Referendum appears to be twelve and the highest claim, but typically unconfirmed by Argentina, is twenty. Moreover, the UN does not support the Argentine view that the Referendum is illegal. http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/content/argentina-demands-un-reject-result-falkland-islands-referendum
There are one hundred and ninety-three members of the UN, of which the clear majority, legally would be considered opposed to Argentina. But, regardless as the Referendum is based on the UN Charter, and further endorsed by subsequent ICJ rulings. So, it is well beyond the reach of vox populi decisions.
Disclaimer & comment rulesWell..., hardly surprising...
Oct 31st, 2022 - 11:40 am - Link - Report abuse -4After all..., how small are the chances of...
Engrish operatives involved in the Kerch, NordStream & Sevastopol attacks...
Having received specialized training in them windblown occupied Malvinas Isles....
In the hope that ya Kelpers don't misuse the Arkhipkins as Prügelknabe I do salute you...
El Tænk...
As one of my friends observed on FB this morning, good to see the Russians acknowledging British sovereignty of the Falkland Islands. Good morning.
Oct 31st, 2022 - 11:44 am - Link - Report abuse +6Your (Anglo) friend on FB should rather observe that Russians acknowledge the British military occupation of them windblown Malvinas Isles... Good morning to you too...
Oct 31st, 2022 - 12:02 pm - Link - Report abuse -6Did Russia just recognise the Falklands as not being part of Argentina?
Oct 31st, 2022 - 12:11 pm - Link - Report abuse +4A pretty laughable story, Russia has very few friends, and even the few they do have are distancing themselves from the Moscow mad man,
Oct 31st, 2022 - 12:17 pm - Link - Report abuse +3Oh dear poor old Stinky fancy that, your Russki paymasters recognising British Sovereignty over the FI.
Oct 31st, 2022 - 02:56 pm - Link - Report abuse +2Down to the St Petersburg job centre for you.
Oct 31st, 2022 - 03:17 pm - Link - Report abuse -2- Here was one having a civilized & fructiferous monologue of sly innuendos with foxy Mike and haughty Roger..., and in come them usual Brainwashed Anglo Turnip Huns..., eclipsing that short transiently while...
Chuckle..., chuckle...
I think Falklands are also a Chinese “unfriendly territory” specially if they are going to have a naval base in Tierra del Fuego and that in addition to the one the Chinese Army already has in Rio Negro province.
Oct 31st, 2022 - 03:58 pm - Link - Report abuse +3It is all about to get very interesting over there, as comrade Lenin said: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”
This counts as a badge of honour for the free world
Oct 31st, 2022 - 04:39 pm - Link - Report abuse +1It's funny that they put the Ukrainian flag together with the Union Jack... because in reality, what Russia did in Ukraine is similar to what the British did in 1833 with the inhabitants of the islands.
Oct 31st, 2022 - 11:03 pm - Link - Report abuse -3Russia invaded and displaced the Ukrainians from the Donbass, to implant their population and hold illegal self-determination referendums in Donetsk, Lughanks, Crimea and Kherson.
And even if 300 years pass from here to the future, Ukraine and the international community will never recognize Russian sovereignty over those territories.
Argie cit, that is the most stupid thing you have ever said and you have said some pretty silly stuff, the whole Ukraine war is about a power mad crazy man, he is ex KGB who mourned the death of the Soviet Union, he has on record said he does not recognise Ukraine as a country, and wants to recreate a Russian empire. the so called Russian nationalists in the Ukraine are Putin plants , as far as the Falklands go, it was the United Provinces who sent the military to take the islands by force in the 1800sm and then again your evil junta did it again in 1982, grow up and get an education and stop spouting stupid drivel, better still go live in Russia were free speech is forbidden were protesters are jailed or killed, were hundreds of thousands have fled the country in fear, where their military bombs schools and hospitals,
Nov 01st, 2022 - 12:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0@judge jose, how is it that Argentina took the islands by force in 1820? they were Terra nullis, uninhabited.
Nov 01st, 2022 - 12:34 am - Link - Report abuse -1I recognize you that the evil military junta that placed the United States in power took the islands by force in 1982
Judge Jose
Nov 01st, 2022 - 12:39 am - Link - Report abuse -1Learn a bit of History about Ukraine and Russia you are obviously lacking in the subject
Whether you agree or not , the simple fact is the islands were recorded and claimed by Britain long before Spain and France and long before the United Provinces existed, the claim was never given up, just because an island is uninhabited is irrelevant, are all the Argentine islands inhabited, of course they are not, are all Pacific and Carribean islands, no they are not, are all Russian islands occupied ? no they are not, but you already know this, your argument would never stand up in court,
Nov 01st, 2022 - 12:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0Did Argentina exist before 1823 Argie Zit? Not recognised by any serious nation. As for Jewett in 1820, what did do? Nothing according to his report.
Nov 01st, 2022 - 08:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0https://falklandstimeline.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/jewett-report-resignation-letter-feb-1-1821-x-5-1-2-agn.pdf
Shogun, you couldnt be more wrong, i have done quite a lot of reading about Russian history, probably a lot more than you, after the break up of the Soviet Union, Russia signed up to and agreed on the territorial border between Ukraine and Russia, no complaints from anyone, just let that sink in, when the people of Ukraine started looking westward it got under Putins skin, he didnt want a Russian speaking democracy on his door step, all this madness is down to one man,
Nov 01st, 2022 - 09:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0“Korman is very specific on page 156 of his book about why the conquest does not apply to the Malvinas.”
Nov 01st, 2022 - 09:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0What mislead me was that page is unavailable, but she in fact did state that.
That is exciting, as we now have a conundrum as Kelsen says clearly you can.
“Taking possession through military force of the territory of another State against the latter’s will is possible, however, without any military resistance on the part of the victim. Provided that a unilateral act of force performed by one State against another is not considered to be war in itself” p.214 GENERAL THEORY OF LAW AND STATE
While the USS army considers.
“...But, after critically reviewing the bases for Argentina’s claim to sovereignty, one must conclude that Argentina never developed definite title to the Islands. None of the bases argued by Argentina are conclusive in establishing sovereignty. Applying the rules concerning the mode of extinctive prescription to Great Britain's claim results in a different conclusion. Extinctive prescription involves possession,... ...However, since this was such a long period of time, exceeding eighty years, l7O one could conclude under general principles of international law171 that this was a sufficient period to extinguish Argentina's claim in spite of her diplomatic protests.
Regardless of the conclusion reached above, however, the establishment of the world courts changed the situation so that diplomatic protests were no longer sufficient to keep Argentina's claim to sovereignty alive.172 ”
The Falklands (Malvinas) Islands: An International Law Analysis of the Dispute Between Argentina and Great Britain Major James Francis Gravelle
Pamphlet NO. 27-100-107 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY; Washington, D.C., Winter 1985
@Terrence Hill, u had to purchase the book for read the full book.. Maybe so you can read the entire book of korman.
Nov 01st, 2022 - 06:53 pm - Link - Report abuse -1Or you can access some of the free view pages of his book, such as p108 where korman says why the conquest does not apply in the malvinas and why the negotiators, diplomats and legal team of the united kingdom wisely do not argue the stupidity of Steve Potts, and Pascope&Pepper
Nov 01st, 2022 - 07:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0what the united states army considers is irrelevant, there was no acquisitive prescription on the part of argentina, and what you are citing is a pamphlet from the us army from 1985, a power allied to the united kingdom, both in the uss lexignton attack in 1831 and in the 1982 war.
In fact, the United States Navy and Army were involved in the state terrorism that hit Latin America during the 1970s, and they were the ones who placed Galtieri in power, bursting with democracy in Latin American countries.
Judge Jose
Nov 01st, 2022 - 08:39 pm - Link - Report abuse -2You have no idea of the history of Ukraine just by your statement that “Russians are implants”
Putin is no mad man the Ukraine is a means to an end.
If you cannot see that or understand the overall picture of what is happening then best of luck with that, because I just do not have the time to go into a discourse of the why's and therefore's
Shogun, you are talking crap, i know all about Russian history right back to their revolution, , There was no trouble after independence, until Putins cronies whipped up Russian nationalism in those areas, that is what has caused this madness, and if you cant see that then you are a Russian Troll, Russia agreed to those borders, Crimea perhaps should have been a different issue, so dont patronise me little boy,, Putin is on record as saying Russia created Ukraine and can uncreate it too, he does not recognise it as a country, Moldova would have be next if he succeeded . he has already interfered in Georgia, Putins henchmen have already said that other countries were also on the list, as you said i have more important things to do than waste my time with an apologist for a ruthless dictator, get an education.
Nov 01st, 2022 - 09:27 pm - Link - Report abuse +2“Korman is very specific … about why the conquest does not apply to the Malvinas.”
Nov 02nd, 2022 - 12:12 am - Link - Report abuse +1I’m amazed that her whole claim is based on The Caroline affair (also known as the Caroline case) was a diplomatic crisis beginning in 1837. Which makes Korman’s claim absolute bunkum as it cannot be applied to an act that preceded its creation
As the former President of the ICJ wrote:
The Acquisition of Territory in International Law
by Robert Yewdall Jennings
Intertemporal Law
The rule that the effect of an act is to be determined by the law of the time when it was done, not of the law of the time when the claim is made, is elementary and important. It is merely an aspect of the rule against retroactive laws, and to that extent may be regarded as a general principle of law. It is especially important in international law because of the length of the life of states. It is peculiarly apt to questions of title; though by no means confined to questions of title.
Judge Jose.
Nov 02nd, 2022 - 01:35 am - Link - Report abuse -2Can you read english ?
I said Ukraine history
You reply “ I know all about Russian history right back to their revolution ”
That should be in the plural there were 3, one in 1905 and 2 in 1917
1917 onwards to the break up of the USSR is recent history and is Soviet history. Think your the one that needs to get an education
Ah I see its all Putins fault, nothing to do with the advancement of Nato and USA installing a right wing fascist leaning government then proceeded to pour in arms, with their armed forces displaying nazi insignia.
Obviously very democratic place to live where opposition parties are banned and journalists disappeared..Probably not unlike Russia in your eyes barring the nazi insignia..
Listen and learn
@Terence Hill between 1700 to 1850 it was the law of that time... and i quote Korman, for show an example of the scientific ignorance of potts, Pascope&Pepper
Nov 02nd, 2022 - 05:49 am - Link - Report abuse -2Just quote it because in their pamphlet, they put Sharon Korman as an example to argue british position by the “conquest”..
Ignorantly, they never read Sharon Korman's book, because if they had read it they would see that she herself on page 156 and page 108 specifies why the conquest does not apply in the case of the Malvinas and why the legal and diplomatic team of the United Kingdom has never mentioned it as an argument..
That's why when I read those arguments by potts quoting the pascope & pepper pamphlet I remembered the book by korman that I had read a few months before and poste it.
Besides, pure logic... the argument of the United Kingdom is that the sovereignty of the islands belonged to them since before the Argentine settlement of 1820.
How can you conquer something that was already yours according to you?
Shogun, , i know all about the info you have just posted, i can post loads of stuff to counter that propaganda, but i have a life, and have better things to do,
Nov 02nd, 2022 - 07:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0countries apply to join Nato, no one forces them, why do they want to join, these former Soviet states know Putin far better than you do, they join because of what i said in my first post, Putin is an insecure power mad dictator, and you are a patronising apologist for him,
get educated not with propaganda, end of discussion,
And i quote Korman to show an example of the classic ignorance of applying the results of a legal determination prior to its inception.
Nov 02nd, 2022 - 08:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0”...The rule of the intertemporal law still insists that an act must be characterized in accordance with the law in force at the time it was done, or closely on the next occasion. ...
The Acquisition of Territory in International Law by Robert Yewdall Jennings a Judge of the International Court of Justice from 1982. He also served as the President of the ICJ between 1991 and 1994.
Moreover, I don’t see any mention of Korman in P & P’s publication
A question to any “Intelligent” Anglo (and any Kelper) reading this...:
Nov 02nd, 2022 - 09:35 am - Link - Report abuse -3- Above..., an intelligent Argie poster said above....:
“It's funny that they put the Ukrainian flag together with the *Union Jack.”
*(N.A., Anglo occupied Malvinas flag..., actually...)
Doesn't any of you, Anglo/Kelpers..., Tænk that it is kind of “funny” that a ~2.500 souls minority group, culturally and idiomatically diverse from their immediate Argie neighbours..., who have ended there (were they now are) by some ~200 years auld imperial design..., and who currently base their whole existential case on the UN principle of (Indigenous) Peoples Right of Self-Determination and (1)-one not legally recognized nor internationally accepted local referendum...............
........................................ are siding, aiding and abbeting the bombing and murdering of a ~9.000.000 souls minority group, culturally and idiomatically diverse from their immediate Ukrainian neighbours..., who have ended there were they now are by some ~1.000 years auld imperial design and who currently base their whole existential case on the UN principle of (Indigenous) Peoples Right of Self-Determination and many not legally recognized nor internationally accepted locally organized referendums...?
You are rambling Trunks... If Argentina had any kind of argument - legal, historical or geographical - it would lobby the UN to have a question put to the ICJ. As little Mauritius did. Why doesn't Argentina approach the ICJ trunks?
Nov 02nd, 2022 - 01:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0And where does Res 1514 mention indigenous peoples?
Aren't they doing well?
Russia will not be seen as a superpower again.
Nope..., it is you that is rambling..., Rodge...
Nov 02nd, 2022 - 01:55 pm - Link - Report abuse -1And dodging the simple question I asked any intelligent Anglo reading it...
Ukraine, you say...?
Are they doing well, you reckon...?
I Tænk you Anglos are as brainwashed 'bout the Ukraine skirmish as most Argies were under the Malvinas skirmish...
Actually the public relations are quite similar. The Argies were winning (apparently) until the 13th June when things took a bad turn.......through no fault of their own. Ruskies making good progress too ?????
Nov 02nd, 2022 - 03:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0And yet another Anglo dodging the simple question I asked above...
Nov 02nd, 2022 - 03:46 pm - Link - Report abuse -1How strange...
Perhaps you should make the question shorter Trunks?
Nov 02nd, 2022 - 10:32 pm - Link - Report abuse +2The Islanders exercised their self-determination in 2013 with a referendum. Only a few South American States said that they would not recognise it. Russia publicly recognised the referendum in 2014 when using it to justify the invasion of Crimea and their subsequent referendum.
Seemingly confirmed by Russia now recognising the Falklands as NOT part of Argentina.
There is no doubt about the Islanders right to self-determination. If there were, Argentina would put the question to the ICJ.
Hope that helps, Trunks
Geeeeeeee, Rodge...
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 09:51 am - Link - Report abuse -1One can no other than luuuuuuv your above unreasoning...!
It embodies the spirit that permeates the whole of your “Malvinastimeline.Brummie.Copper”...
The only “problem” with your above unreasoning is that if......:
......“THERE WERE NO DOUBT ABOUT THE ISLANDERS RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION”..., then them Russians would be doing the “right thing” and our dear Kelpers should..., besides their sym-pathetic “RAM on TUSSOCK”..., be flying that pretty Russian ”TWO HEADED CROWNED EAGLE WITH RAISED EXTENDED WINGS, HOLDING A SCEPTRE AN AN ORB IN ITS CLAWS AND BEARING ON ITS BREAST A SHIELD DEPICTING ST. GEORGE SLAYING THE DRAGON...
Unless of course..., one's guideline in life is the constant use & abuse of double standards...
“Unless of course..., one's guideline in life is the constant use & abuse of double standards..”
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 11:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0“The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed, the passion is the measure of the holder’s lack of rational conviction. Opinions in politics and religion are almost always held passionately.” Bertrand Russell,
B.T.W., me dear auld Brummie ex-copper in Siam...
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 12:13 pm - Link - Report abuse -1You wrote above...:
- “The Islanders exercised their self-determination in 2013 with a referendum. ONLY A FEW SOUTH AMERICAN STATES said that they would not recognise it.”
I kindly ask..:
- Could you..., in your best haughty British Encyclopedic way..., be so kind to inform all of us which SOUTH AMERICAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you..., in your haughty British Encyclopedic way..., be so kind to inform all of us which CENTRAL AMERICAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you..., in your British Encyclopedic way..., be so kind to inform all of us which CARIBBEAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you..., in your Encyclopedic way..., be so kind to inform all of us which NORTH AMERICAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you..., in your way..., be so kind to inform all of us which EUROPEAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you..., in any way..., be so kind to inform all of us which AFRICAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you.be so kind to inform all of us which ASIAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
- Could you inform any of us which OCEANIAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum” held in them windblown Malvinas /Falkland Isles...?
Feel free to take your time to compile the list..., copper...
Trunks, show me which nations have denied the legitimacy of the Falklands referendum.
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 12:36 pm - Link - Report abuse +1Capise?
So..., copper...
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 01:03 pm - Link - Report abuse +1You couldn't find a single one..., huhhhhhh...?
Chuckle..., chuckle...
Apparently, nor could you.
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 01:13 pm - Link - Report abuse +1Chortle, chortle
And my original question remains unanswered...:
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 01:26 pm - Link - Report abuse -1- ”Doesn't any of you, Anglo/Kelpers..., Tænk that it is kind of “funny” that a ~2.500 souls minority group, culturally and idiomatically diverse from their immediate Argie neighbours..., who have ended there (were they now are) by some ~200 years auld imperial design..., and who currently base their whole existential case on the UN principle of (Indigenous) Peoples Right of Self-Determination and (1)-one not legally recognized nor internationally accepted local referendum...............
............................................................................ are siding, aiding and abbeting the bombing and murdering of a ~9.000.000 souls minority group, culturally and idiomatically diverse from their immediate Ukrainian neighbours..., who have ended there (were they now are) by some ~1.000 years auld imperial design and who currently base their whole existential case on the UN principle of (Indigenous) Peoples Right of Self-Determination and many (~9) not legally recognized nor internationally accepted locally organized referendums...???”
No denial = tacit consent Trunks, and your 'question' makes no sense.
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 01:31 pm - Link - Report abuse +1Perhaps you should read more?
The deafening silence from even the worst Brainwashed Anglo Turnips and your haughty but futile attemps to dodge my simple question contradict you..., copper...
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 01:53 pm - Link - Report abuse -1“Unless of course..., one's guideline in life is the constant use & abuse of double standards..”
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 02:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed, the passion is the measure of the holder’s lack of rational conviction. Opinions in politics and religion are almost always held passionately.” Bertrand Russell,
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 03:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“Which SOUTH AMERICAN states have recognized the 2013 “referendum”
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 04:30 pm - Link - Report abuse +1The best official number of how many countries reject the Falklands Referendum appears to be twelve and the highest claim, but typically unconfirmed by Argentina, is twenty. Moreover, the UN does not support the Argentine view that the Referendum is illegal.
There are one hundred and ninety-three members of the UN, of which the clear majority, legally would be considered opposed to Argentina. But, regardless as the Referendum is based on the UN Charter, and further endorsed by subsequent ICJ rulings. So, it is well beyond the reach of vox populi decisions.
Just a loud chirp..., chirp..., chirp...................
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 07:02 pm - Link - Report abuse -1(And my auld defective sockpuppet..., that tænks there are TWENTY (20 !) Countries in SOUTH AMERICA...!!! )
Chuckle..., chuckle..., rechuckle...
“TWENTY (20 !) Countries in SOUTH AMERICA”
Nov 03rd, 2022 - 07:48 pm - Link - Report abuse +2You mean all impotently reduced to stamping their little feet, like you.
That’s because the colour of right is the UK’s alone.
“There is no obligation in general international law to settle disputes”.
Principles of Public International Law, third edition, 1979 by Ian Brownlie
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