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Lula is back as president of Brazil after narrowly defeating Bolsonaro

Monday, October 31st 2022 - 10:53 UTC
Full article 26 comments

Former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will return to power in Brazil for the third time after defeating incumbent head of State Jair Bolsonaro in the ballot by a very narrow margin, reflecting a huge division in the South American giant. Read full article


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  • Trimonde


    ... oh-oh... Poor Uruguay. We can now expect some mayor ass kissing increases by “British Falkland entities”, bullshit flowers and chocolates every morning ... and lots of “maaaan you're looking goooood! Did you lose some weight? You've been going to the gym, huh?”

    LOL LOL LOL oh yes. I can hear it coming from every English speaking harbor. Bloody cheating phony thieves, - social ideologies country destroying sick puppies.

    Oct 31st, 2022 - 11:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Have only one thing to say to those who live abroad and are euphoric with the ex-con's victory...even if by only 1.8 %......I'd invite them to come and live here since they think it's so great they say here, “pimenta no cú de outro não arde”.

    “Lula “represents many things, gender equality, freedom. Everything will change,” said Carolina Freio, a 44-year-old civil servant in Rio's Copacabana neighborhood, in tears”.

    Sure, the ex-con represents a lot of things, including the being the biggest crook Brazil has ever known.....Carolina Freio is the typical low class civil servant and PT voter, ignorant and incapable of learning from past mistakes. We will see if she is as happy at the end of 2023 as she is now...

    Also, very much doubt that she has the slightest notion of what Lula has in store for Brazil - she'll soon find out....probably he will revamp the Bolsa Familia (renaming it from “Auxilio Brasil”, back to Bolsa Família, reducing its value as the funds are not in next year's' budget ....but no problem, he'll try to get rid of the “Lei de Responsabildade Fiscal”, so that he can spend irresponsibly and blow up the “teto de gastos”. Amazing how a few crumbs can sway the vote...and keep poor families quiet.

    What Brazil needs is 'education', but that is the last thing on Lula's mind, after all, with a thriving middle-class, he and his cronies wouldn't stand a chance of being elected.


    I presume that your idea of a “LATINOAMERICA UNIDA” is much the same as Lula's....a close bond with Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, regimes that Lula adores and defends.

    Oct 31st, 2022 - 09:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Trimonde

    Don't respond to toxic logic.
    Lula is simply the heart of common sense. I may not subscribe to these new hysterically absurd American spun unnecessarily complicated social civil ideological ways of looking at our social problems that only lead to concrete mental segregations, never addressing the base source of them and real issues that cause them, but I do know that if we don't clean our air, our soil, our oceans and reforest the planet, we're dead.

    I'm sorry you see a nation's government as a football field playing “good team” vs “bad team”, but I no longer try to pull people out of that trap. Be stuck on that on your own.

    I don't believe in a United Latin America because of anyone's political agenda. I believe in it because I know the reasons myself, from my own studies and knowledge, without anyone ever needing to explain it to me, or suggest it.

    Stop condescending people.

    Nov 01st, 2022 - 12:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Hmm Lula was clean as the court correctly ruled. He hasn’t accumulated what the Bolsonaro’s have.

    “Jair Bolsonaro and his closest relatives bought 107 properties over the last 30 years and at least 51 of those properties were bought with cash,”

    I believe their holdings are valued at 25 million R$

    Nov 01st, 2022 - 10:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • FortHay

    Careful with the premature celebration. If I read the results correctly, the Bolsonaro faction picked up considerable legislative representation and also holds on to important state governors. Perhaps this will not 'burn as much', but the Bolsonarists are behaving like the 'sem terra' movement of past years, setting tires on fire across highways; a tactic they always professed to despise.

    Nov 01st, 2022 - 04:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Trimonde

    Why should that be a bad thing FortHay? Can we stop making this a fight between two teams in the world? Lula said he wants to end divisions and (stupid ignorance fostering) polarizations. That means he will be listening to his opposition to try and find an amalgamation of what the country wants as a whole.

    Nov 01st, 2022 - 07:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    “Don't respond to toxic logic. Lula is simply the heart of common sense”.

    You're right, no point in me discussing Brazilian politics with someone who is DISinformed and believes all the leftist media says.

    You believe Lula when he says he wants peace with the so-called 'right', and will not seek revenge against those he considers his enemies...I have my doubts.... because during the campaign, a few politicians close to him let slip out that he will go after them....also, it was Lula who first played the “us against them” game, when he was a union leader, and later when he became president in's in his blood, a cultural trait he has displayed in the past. But, time will tell.

    And by the way, FortHay is it stands at the moment, Lula can expect an initially hostile Senate....but if he resorts to the same tactics as he did during the “mensalão” (distributing money 'n favours to Congressmen, to obtain their support), he should be able to deal with is the only way to momentarily stop the fighting between the 'two teams' as you call it, as basically, most politicians will change their official position if the price is right.

    Look at Geraldo 2018, during his presidential bid, he claimed he could never support Lula, a convicted thief. This year, there he was, hugging Lula and wearing a red PT cap...what a change.
    And by the way, your good friend Terry believes “Lula was clean as the court correctly ruled.”....not exactly “clean”..Lula was released because the STF (not a unanimous decision) annulled the decisions against him, due to alleged wrong jurisdiction...really ? and they only realized this 5 years later ? anyway, what the STF “correctly ruled” is that the cases against him would have to go back to square one, the “correct” jurisdiction...which is ???.... and, they made a point of stating that he was never “acquitted”, i.e.,“NOT innocent”....despite Lula's lies to the contrary.

    Nov 01st, 2022 - 08:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “The STF on Wednesday officially decreed what has long been obvious: that Sergio Moro acted unethically and abused his judicial power. Moro did so, concluded the court’s majority, not just in any case but while presiding over the most consequential criminal trial in decades: the conviction of Lula da Silva, which resulted in eighteen months of unjust imprisonment for the former president.

    But this should not be regarded as a mere “stain” on Moro’s legacy: as if it is just one isolated mistake in an otherwise-noble career. Nor should Moro be viewed merely as a corrupt judge. Sergio Moro is much more than that. It is not hyperbole to say that Moro is the greatest enemy to Brazilian democracy since the country emerged from dictatorship in 1985. The former judge’s misconduct was not the result of negligence or incompetence. It was a sustained plot to override the will of voters and the foundations of democracy through judicial tyranny, by which the right of 220 million people to be self-governed was replaced by the ideological will of a single corrupt judge “

    Nov 02nd, 2022 - 12:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “The STF on Wednesday officially decreed what has long been obvious...”

    What is unfortunately obvious is the bias of some of the members of the Supreme Court. On too many occasions, they have acted based purely according to their politial preferences instead of the Constitution.
    That's what you get when presidents can appoint people they want, even if not qualified, and in total disregard to the recommendations of the National Association of Magistrates..

    Good examples of this are Toffoli and Lewandowski - two obscure PT lawyers who were appointed to the STF, by Lula, without any prior experience as judges...Fachin, appointed by Dilma, was much the same.

    Examples of their incompetence is clear when they decided, in 2018, to overturn jurisprudence approved only two years earlier, regarding prison after 2nd instance (a collegiate court)....WHY ??? to favour Lula.
    This paved the way for them to later announce that the decisions taken in the 1st instance Federal Court in Curitiba, was not the correct jurisdiction for the Lavajato investigation...
    ....which they themselves, had approved only 5 years earlier. This decision had absolutely no legal foundation....BUT, they had to free Lula.
    Their resemblance to Maduro's Supreme court justices in Venezuela, is amazing...

    And some of the members of the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) are members of the STF, so you can imagine what kind of decisions they made to favour the left in this election.
    The left can do no wrong...according to some of these (very partial) judges.
    But ok, the election is over, the 9-fingered toad won, we have to acceot this and hope for the best.....however, I feel sorry for the poor, ignorant voters who made it possible for the ex-con to return, because it is they who will suffer most when Lula resorts to his well-known antics.

    And to call Moro 'corrupt' makes no sense at all ...proof (e-mails, photos, documents) of Lula's guilt is abundant.. so, who bribed him to condemn Lula ?

    Nov 02nd, 2022 - 10:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    ”Bad neighbor: a US hand behind the Sérgio Moro show

    Now that the Intercept has revealed that the US Department of Justice/Curitiba Public Prosecutor’s cooperative Lava Jato (Car Wash) anti-corruption investigation’s primary goal was to destroy the Brazilian Workers party and usher in ultra-neoliberalism which has, among other things, turned over 75% of the nation’s pre-salt petroleum reserves at below market rates to northern petroleum corporations and pushed 13 million Brazilians below the poverty line, it is worth taking a look at how the US integral state contributed to this unmitigated political, labor, environmental and human rights disaster.
    Sérgio Moro he was accused in a article that was shared on the Brazilian Army website, of destroying 5 hard drives worth of physical evidence of bribery handed over by Odebrecht, ... ”Presumption of innocence could not be regarded as an ‘absolute’,(Moro) he declared: it was merely a ‘pragmatic instrument’ that could be over-ridden at the will of the magistrate. Leaks to the media he celebrated as a form of ‘pressure’ on defendants, where ‘legitimate aims cannot be achieved by other methods.’“
    Crisis in Brazil. Perry Anderson
    And, most importantly, he was accused of sabotaging the economy by paralyzing Brazil’s largest construction companies in 2015 instead of treating them as too big to fail, in a move which caused an immediate 500,000 layoffs in the construction sector and, according a study cited by BBC, a 2.5% drop in the GDP. This was all publicly available information at the time that Lula was arrested, but none of it made it up into the commercial Anglo media.”

    Nov 03rd, 2022 - 01:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer”

    So that's yr proof of a conspiracy to get rid of the PT? an article by Intercept's Brian Mier ?

    Honestly Terry, I knew you were a naive leftist fanatic, but to believe that, as proof ?

    Unfortunately, you have learnt nothing, you still get all your information from a notoriously biased leftist site.
    It's easy to put lies into print, and looks you swallow it hook, line and sinker....'nuff said.

    Nov 03rd, 2022 - 07:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    ”Lava Jato prosecution judge Sergio Moro has close ties with the US State Department and is a frequent speaker at neoliberal think tanks in the US such as the Wilson Center and AS/COA. At one speech at the Wilson Center in July 2016, Moro was asked about his refusal to prosecute corrupt politicians from the PSDB, to which he replied “This Party was in the opposition, so it wouldn’t make sense.” At the time he made the speech, however, two time presidential election runner up for the PSDB, José Serra, was serving as Brazil’s Minister of Foreign Relations.
    Moro’s justification for not prosecuting members of the PSDB seems suspicious since his wife Rosangela, whose law firm (Zucolotto Associados, ZA) negotiates Lava Jato plea bargains with corrupt businessmen, has also worked as legal advisor to Flavio Arns, Vice-Governor of Paraná for the PSDB. In another apparent conflict of interest, at the outset of the Lava Jato investigation ZA represented petroleum companies who directly benefit from the breakup of Petrobras, including INGRAX and Royal Dutch Shell.
    Despite the serious conflicts of interest within the Lava Jato investigation Sergio Moro continues to be treated as a hero in the American business community. On March 2, the corporate-funded think tank AS/COA, which recently held a private meeting with neo-fascist presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, will hold an event honouring Latin America’s “top corruption fighters,” featuring a speech by Moro.”
    Brian Mier, Extramural Contributor at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs
    ”the disclosure of leaked (US)state department cables which showed US collaboration with Lava Jato judge/prosecutor Sergio Moro since 2009”
    http ://

    Nov 03rd, 2022 - 08:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    ”As ex-president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva continues his appeal against charges of bribery that revolve around the gift of a beachfront apartment which courts were unable to prove he either owned or set foot on a property to a series of graver corruption misdeeds that led to charges against important members of the neoliberal Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira (Brazilian Social Democrat Party, PSDB), which governed Brazil from 1994-2002, have been dismissed by the Brazilian judiciary.[i]“

    Incredible ...Never heard such a blatant lie... ”...beachfront apartment which courts were unable to prove he either owned or set foot on....” what bullshit !...a flat in the building was purchased in D.Marisa's name (Lula's wife), financed by Bancoop (a consortium created fo finance homes for Federal servants), which was bankrupted by its president, Jose Vaccari Neto (PT treasurer)....Soon after, Lula's adiministration negotiated with OAS, to take over the project and finish the building...while this was being carried out, Lula's wife and son visited the apartment (still unfinished) several times in 2013/14, to instruct OAS owner, Leo Pinheiro, how they wanted the flat to be adapted to her and Lula's taste...there are even photos of the two (and Lula) in the flat, talking with Pinheiro and the engineer in charge. BTW, the kitchen was equipped by a firm called “Kitchens”, which just by sheer coincidence, was exactly the same as the one installed at the sitio in Atibaia...D.Marisa, more than once stated publicly that she and Lula planned to pass Christmas of 2014 at the flat, and urged Pinheiro to have it finished by then.....then, in November 2014, just after the Lavajato investigations pointed to the 'triplex' and Lula, D. Marisa went public to say that they didn't want the flat anymore...I wonder why ? After so much trouble to get it the way they wanted....

    As for Aécio Neves (PSDB), it was the STF which dismissed the Lavajato related charges against him, not Moro.

    Nov 03rd, 2022 - 10:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “US admits role in Operation Lava Jato, brags about Lula conviction
    In his speech, Blanco says, “the cooperation between the [US Justice] Department and Brazil has led to ...” He highlights the criminal charges against former President Lula which … for allegedly receiving illegal reforms on an apartment the prosecutors were unable to prove he ever owned or set foot in, as putting Brazil at the “forefront” of countries fighting corruption. “At the core between our two countries is a strong relationship built on trust. This trust allows prosecutors and agents to have direct communications regarding evidence. Given the relationship between the Depart. and the Brazilian prosecutors, we don’t need to rely solely on formal processes such as legal assistance treaties, which often take time and resources to draft, translate, formally transmit, and respond to.”
    The Lava Jato investigation has been hailed in the Anglo press as an objective anti-corruption investigation, but to date it has almost exclusively targeted center-left politicians across South America while ignoring much larger bribery and money laundering charges against conservatives, especially those involving the Brazilian PSDB party,. A December 22, 2017 Folha de São Paulo article shows that investigators have ignored and maintained in secrecy, more than half of the evidence produced implicating the Odebrecht construction company. ... Brasil’s elected President Dilma Rousseff was impeached for committing a technically non-impeachable infraction, involving no bribery or personal enrichment, that she was later exonerated from. ... The fact that it publicly admits collaboration with the Lava Jato investigation, which is specifically targeting left and center left governments, shows that the real purpose is not fighting corruption but opening up markets and lowering taxes for US corporations operating in the area”

    Nov 03rd, 2022 - 11:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Where's the PROOF numbnuts ???....repeating the same BS (biased, leftist reports with a lot of lies), over and over again, does not make it the truth. Even you should know that....or has the mold in your dear old Ma's basement screwed with what's left of your brain ?

    Nov 06th, 2022 - 10:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “Where's the PROOF numbnuts”

    Ask yourself, its your burden of proof, not mine. You said he was a crook, dingleberry.
    No proof, no truth.

    ”Lula’s arrest is “a gift from the CIA”, mocked Lava Jato prosecutor
    Moro and Dallagnol have been accused of “treason” for their illegal collusion with United States authorities. In 2017, deputy US attorney general Kenneth Blanco boasted at an Atlantic Council event of informal (illegal) collaboration with Brazilian prosecutors on the Lula case, citing it as a success story. ...
    On April 5, 2018, the day Lula was arrested by Moro, prosecutor Isabel Grobba revealed the news: “Moro orders Lula to be arrested,” head of the Lava Jato task force Dallagnol replied:

    Nov 07th, 2022 - 01:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Trimonde

    “Where's the proof” lol ...“show me the evidence”? Classic blankets under which people who entrench themselves in not wanting to admit facts hide.
    The thing Terence Hill; is that the difference with Latin America and Anglo North American cultures is that the English traditional upbringing that prevails in our societies is one of resisting the compulsion of acknowledging “guilt”. In America conscientiousness “gets in the way”. It is seen as challenge that can be overcome -or- chosen to be acknowledged if you are one of those who exceptionally wishes to take the righteous road.
    For Catholic based Latin-Americans it is very different. It is definitely not good behaviour if you try to suppress your conscientiousness. Lying is unequivocally bad. Never “understandable”. So what you see in the US and UK and other Protestant countries I imagine, is that money DOES get mishandled and corruption does very much occur, but you never hear of it. It's buried instantly as the act unfolds as if it were invisible, people automatically go into “swift-discretion mode” ...Oh yes, we do make movies about it “being bad” and news stories sometimes do make it to the general public, put it is not our style to just vomit it out. For Latin-Americans more typically it gets argued over among the people involved, some tending less to want to “play dumb” if not accepted. Once it gets out, the news will tend to be paraded. Everyone starts pointing their fingers as if it were the newest passtime.
    It's actually very interesting putting side by side respective similar scandals and analyzing them, because in turn what you see is that perpetrators act very different before the camera's and before the public, or in their respective defenses before the law. Latin Americans tend to seem like they truly feel “they did nothing wrong”, as if it were more “forgivable”, while Anglo North Americans, once they become aware the whole country knows what they did, become mortified and feel much more shamed.

    Nov 07th, 2022 - 09:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “For Catholic based Latin-Americans it is very different. … Lying is unequivocally bad.”

    Lying is your culture norm, you brag about it.

    “Viveza Criolla” in Argentina
    Main cause of a moral crisis, cultural, economic, social and political
    A serious moral failing and cultural, to and dominance in Buenos Aires, Argentina affects society and became a major factor in its decline and subsequent crisis, which led to the disappearance of social justice, economic dependency and loss of political sovereignty
    The main cause is the “lively Creole” as a philosophy of progress following the line of least resistance and ignoring the rules, the sense of responsibility and consideration for others, and is the vividness Argentina extended to all social strata and the entire country, although dominated with sharp features in Buenos Aires.
    The opportunistic predation native cunning means, ie the readiness to get the most out of every opportunity, sparing no means to use or consequences or harm to others.

    Nov 07th, 2022 - 11:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    The “evidence”, numbnuts nbr 2, is there for anyone who is not a voluntarily blind, radical leftie, to see. If you took the trouble to follow the investigation in real time, seeing the “evidence” presented, e-mails, photos, documents, off-shore accounts, assets far beyond their means, receipts forged by Lula's cronies to fool the court - to which they admitted to forging - and witnesses' statements, you would know.....but I know you radical lefties have a problem with accepting the truth.

    On the other hand, many of those who were condemned in the “Petrolão”, i.e., Lula's cronies, returned roughly R$ 6 billion they had received in bribes, to Petrobras...I suppose they did that out of the kindness of their hearts. What nice people....
    And they all confessed that as far as they knew, the head of the crime org waaasss...LULA !

    From the moment Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese, and Dom João VI stepped on to Brazilian soil, the culture has always been 'everything for the King and his friends, nothing for the rest'.
    That mentality prevails until today, so corrupt politicians (most of them - not restricted to the lefties) do actually believe that taking a bribe is the right thing to do...and their conscience feels al the better about it. The great majority of them are corrrupt, or corruptible....they are part of a system, and firmly believe that they shouldn't be the only honest Joe amongst all the thieves....being honest is frowned upon, it looks bad, and if they are (honest), they cannot be trusted.
    And just for your info, this mentality is most evident in all Northeastern states, where the oligarchies and political dynasties still abound.

    Nov 07th, 2022 - 03:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “The evidence”, dingleberry is:

    “The STF on Wednesday officially decreed what has long been obvious: that Sergio Moro acted unethically and abused his judicial power. Moro did so, concluded the court’s majority, not just in any case but while presiding over the most consequential criminal trial in decades: the conviction of Lula da Silva, which resulted in eighteen months of unjust imprisonment for the former president.

    But this should not be regarded as a mere “stain” on Moro’s legacy: as if it is just one isolated mistake in an otherwise-noble career. Nor should Moro be viewed merely as a corrupt judge. Sergio Moro is much more than that. It is not hyperbole to say that Moro is the greatest enemy to Brazilian democracy since the country emerged from dictatorship in 1985. The former judge’s misconduct was not the result of negligence or incompetence. It was a sustained plot to override the will of voters and the foundations of democracy through judicial tyranny, by which the right of 220 million people to be self-governed was replaced by the ideological will of a single corrupt judge “

    Nov 07th, 2022 - 04:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “Dingleberry” ? Wow, Terry, aren't you funny !! I see you are resorting to the names YOU are known original !!

    “....Sergio Moro acted unethically and abused his judicial power. Moro did so, concluded the court’s majority......

    Says who ? Lula's lawyers ? the fact that they made a molehill into a mountain about his conversations with Deltan Dallagnol, is totally overshadowed by the various secret meetings Lula's lawyers had with a few of the STF judges who later released Lula. I presume you are aware of that.....yes/no ?

    Well, it's a no brainer that all this rhetoric against Moro is political BS spread by the PT and those that Moro condemned.

    You lefties insist on Lula's innocence because you prefer to ignore the proof against him and many others who were convicted in the proceedings. You always ask 'what proof' ? as if that is all that is needed to confirm the toad's innocence.
    You have the right to not believe he's crooked, but come up with something more convincing than the ”what proof ?“ opinions of your leftist sites.

    Eight out of 11 members of the STF UNcondemned Lula....BUT after Moro, a 2nd instance Federal Court - 3 judges - were unanimous in their decision to condemn Lula , and even increased his jail time...then, another 5 judges in the 3rd instance - the STJ, which does not analyze the proof, but only checks legal procedure - also unanimously agreed he was guilty, and that everything was done correctly.....then 5 years later, the majority of the STF - all 'pink' judges - overturned a prior decision of ”theirs” to pave the way for Lula's release.

    Why do you insist that the STF judges who released Lula are right and that the previous 9 judges in 3 instances are wrong ? Especially when the STF, like the STJ, does not examine the proof either, so they came up with the weak excuse that the Moro's jurisdiction was incorrect... rather suspicious don't you think, Numbnuts ?.

    Believe what you want, but don't ignore the facts

    Nov 07th, 2022 - 04:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    You insist on Lula's innocence because you prefer to ignore the proof against him”

    ”Lula’s arrest is “a gift from the CIA”, mocked Lava Jato prosecutor
    Moro and Dallagnol have been accused of “treason” for their illegal collusion with United States authorities. In 2017, deputy US attorney general Kenneth Blanco boasted at an Atlantic Council event of informal (illegal) collaboration with Brazilian prosecutors on the Lula case, citing it as a success story. ...

    This week Brazil’s Superior Justice Court ordered the Justice Ministry to grant former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and his defense team access to previously sealed information on the existence of partnerships between the US Department of Justice and the Lava Jato investigation task force.
    Lula’s defense attorneys have argued for years, however, that this partnership operated on the margins of the law, repeatedly violating both the terms and conditions of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and Brazilian national security law, which prohibits things like informal communications between Brazilian and foreign government officials.
    In order to clarify this issue, Lula’s defense team requested that the Brazilian Federal Government’s Department of International Legal Cooperation (DRCI) pass over all information on the existence of written cooperation agreements with the US DOJ related to the Lava Jato case against Lula. According to Brazilian law, any partnership between Brazilian government officials and the officials of a foreign government has to be authorized by this Department. The defense team suspects that the Lava Jato task force may have illegally received advice from the US DOJ on establishing sentencing against Lula during the 2018 election year. After President Jair Bolsonaro’s Justice Minister refused to turn over the information, Lula’s defense team filed a motion with the Superior Justice Court.

    Nov 07th, 2022 - 08:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “This week Brazil’s Superior Justice Court ordered the Justice Ministry to grant former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and his defense team access to previously sealed information on the existence of partnerships between the US Department of Justice and the Lava Jato investigation task force.”

    Despite any cooperation - if at all - by the US DOJ, it does not change the nature of Lula's crimes....kick your little legs and wring your crooked hands in frustration Numbnuts, but you still have not managed to explain away the recovery of R$ 6 billion of Petrobras money from Lula's cronies's about time you stopped sidestepping the issue, as you, and the nine-fingered toad can say what you want, but the fact he is a corrupt SOB can never be swept under the carpet.

    The fact he is a free man etc, has absolutely to do with his alleged he cannot undo past criminal actions.

    Nov 08th, 2022 - 06:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “US DOJ, it does not change the nature of Lula's crimes..”

    It does not change the nature of US DOJ crimes against Lula.
    Identical to the claim against Lula, and the good old US DOJ just happens to be in the neighborhood.

    “An extraordinary special investigation by a federal judge has concluded that two Justice Department prosecutors intentionally hid evidence in the case against Sen. Ted Stevens, one of the biggest political corruption cases in recent history.
    A blistering report released Thursday found that the government team concealed documents that would have helped the late Stevens, a longtime Republican senator from Alaska, defend himself against false-statements charges in 2008.
    The 500-page report by investigator Henry F. Schuelke III shook the legal community, as law professors described it as a milestone in the history of prosecutorial misconduct.
    Brendan Sullivan, who defended the senator, had plenty to say.
    ”The extent of the corruption is shocking,“ Sullivan says. ”It's the worst misconduct we've seen in a generation by prosecutors at the Department of Justice.”
    For instance, the report says the Justice team argued to the jury that Stevens, who served the state of Alaska for 40 years, accepted pricey renovations to his Alaska chalet from oil services company executive Bill Allen.

    Nov 08th, 2022 - 09:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Terry, you're good at twisting the facts.....and totally ignoring what you can't explain...such as the R$ 6 billion returned by convicted thieves, and who is supposed to have bribed Moro - all lot of speculation involving the DOJ, but no proof.

    Useless trying to debate with you, you repeat the same crap like a robot, and ignore what you don't like. Obvious that you love Lula and the left, so please spare me anymore of your BS.

    Nov 09th, 2022 - 05:51 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “You're good at twisting the facts.”

    Which in your parlance means your unable to refute the evidence I have presented.
    It stands in stark contrast, to your unproven opinion laden diatribe.

    Totally ignoring what you can't explain...such as the R$ 6 billion returned by convicted thieves”.

    Nor do I have to as my remit is to defend a very obvious innocent man from political persecution.

    “This new ruling forced Globo’s Journal Nacional to finally acknowledge that the case against Lula, which kept him out of the 2018 election, had no basis.”

    Nov 09th, 2022 - 06:44 pm - Link - Report abuse -1

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