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Falklands Legislative Assembly reaffirms rights to self-determination amid Chagos sovereignty negotiations

Friday, November 4th 2022 - 10:40 UTC
Full article 6 comments
Falklands Legislative Assembly reaffirms rights to self-determination amid Chagos sovereignty negotiations. Photo: Enrique Marcarian/Reuters Falklands Legislative Assembly reaffirms rights to self-determination amid Chagos sovereignty negotiations. Photo: Enrique Marcarian/Reuters

Members of the Falkland Islands elected Legislative Assembly made on Thursday an official release commenting on the announcement made by the UK government over the decision to begin negotiations on the exercise of sovereignty over the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) / Chagos Archipelago.

In the release Falklands' lawmakers said that the decision made over the BIOT/Chagos Archipelago, while relating to sovereignty, cannot be compared to the Falkland Islands.

Falkland Islanders clearly stated their desire to remain a part of the UK overseas family in the 2013 referendum, when 99.8% voted for the Islands to remain a self-governing UK Overseas Territory. We remain a diverse, resilient and peaceful community that has prospered over time, thanks to the pioneering efforts of the people who travelled here from across the globe, with some families being able to trace their heritage back 9 generations. We are not an isolated enclave at the tip of South America, but a strong, self-determined democracy.

The Argentine Government will likely attempt to use this decision as an opportunity to support its colonial aspirations towards our home. However, no one can rewrite or overwrite the evidence of history or the human rights of the Falkland Islanders. The illegal Argentine invasion of our peaceful Islands 40 years ago, which resulted in the loss of almost 1000 lives, has not been forgotten. We have ensured that in 40th year since our liberation we have celebrated how far we have come as an Island nation while being a part of the UK overseas family.

The UK government continually respect the people of the Falkland Islands right to self-determination. There will be no talks about the status of the Falkland Islands unless Falkland Islanders wish for these talks to happen.

Chagos former inhabitants forcibly displaced by Britain

Friday's edition of the Falklands weekly, Penguin News amplifies the information pointing out that the UK Government has notified Parliament that the UK and Mauritius have agreed to begin negotiations on the exercise of sovereignty over the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT)/Chagos Archipelago.

The intended agreement will allow for the return of former inhabitants of the Chagos archipelago who were forcibly displaced by the British government in the 1950s.

The UK would intend to maintain control of its strategic Pacific Ocean military base in Diego Garcia, which it leases to the US.

However, “UK Ministers are very clear that this does not represent a broader shift in UK policy towards the Falkland Islands, which is a modern relationship, based on partnership, shared values and the right of the Falkland Islanders to determine their own future.

“The UK Government will always defend UK sovereignty in the South Atlantic and remains committed to upholding the rights of the Falkland Islands people to determine their own future.

“The Falkland Islanders have clearly stated their views in the 2013 referendum, when 99.8% voted for the Islands to remain a UK self-governing Overseas Territory.”

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  • Pytangua

    The racist hypocrisy of the UK government is quite simple - the Falkland Islanders are white and the Diego Garcia people are brown - as anyone in the British military will say openly after a few drinks in the pub of Port Stanley.

    Nov 04th, 2022 - 04:56 pm 0
  • Roger Lorton

    What makes you think that the Falkland Islanders are white?

    Nov 05th, 2022 - 03:09 am 0
  • Tænk

    The Brummie copper has been reading the Malvinas 2021 census...!
    And his detective senses immediately spotted that 9% ongoing South East Asian “invasion”...
    Cleverly disguised by them Communist Chink Oddjobs as an inocuous “Philippine Mailorder Bride” business...

    Now..., seriously... ;-)
    To whitewash and whiten the darkening future of them Windblown Isles (and earn some very good monies)..., the still dominant white Kelper male minority (In dire need of female company)..., should contact Brutish Home Secretary -CRUELLA BRAVEMAN- and arrange for the monthly shipping of some 101 Dalmatian human female youngster natural blonde refugees... (Or similar, depending of stock...)


    Nov 05th, 2022 - 08:14 am 0
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