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Military will replace strikers in UK, starting with 750 ambulance drivers; daily bonus proposal for the forces

Friday, December 16th 2022 - 12:33 UTC
Full article 12 comments
When the UK's Armed Forces provide support to civil authorities, it is officially termed as Military Aid to the Civil Authorities, or Maca. (Pic MoD) When the UK's Armed Forces provide support to civil authorities, it is officially termed as Military Aid to the Civil Authorities, or Maca. (Pic MoD)

A campaign has been launched for military personnel called in to cover a rash of UK strikes to get a daily bonus for their efforts. It comes after it was confirmed 750 military personnel are sent to be deployed to cover ambulance strikes as UK prepares to be hit by a wave of industrial action in the coming weeks.

 Former commanding officer of 1st Battalion Scots Guards, Colonel (retired) Lincoln Jopp, says the bonus for covering Armed Forces personnel could come out of the money saved by Government departments not paying those on strike. Col Jopp suggested £20 per person per day would be adequate.

“Let's face it, when not deployed on operations, members of our Armed Forces should be doing one of two things – either training or being with their families.

”There is an opportunity cost, whether it's missed training or missed family time, and I don't think it's inappropriate for them to get a little, a little bit, of extra money in order to make up for that.“

Jopp added: ”One of the ironies of whenever the military stands in for other personnel in cases of industrial action is that they're usually being paid less than the people who are going on strike before they've got the pay rise for which they're going on strike.“

When the UK's Armed Forces provide support to civil authorities, it is officially termed as Military Aid to the Civil Authorities, or Maca.

The Maca legislation allows the UK Government to call on the military to assist in times of emergency and to share the burden with civil organizations such as the police service, fire service, Border Force and the National Health Service.

Meantime the Chief of the Defense Staff, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, has thanked troops caught up in the ”unusual circumstances“ of strike action. In effect military cover for striking workers in a number of sectors was discussed at a government emergency Cobra meeting earlier in the week, when it was decided 750 military personnel are set to cover ambulance strikes.

The head of Britain's Armed Forces began his speech at the Royal United Services Institute in London on Wednesday evening, by paying tribute to ”those men and women from all three services who are on duty over Christmas, both at home and overseas“.

He added that, ”in the next few weeks we will be stepping in to fill vital public sector roles due to industrial action; whether it's the splendid ceremonial events that we saw earlier this year, or the critical work of driving ambulances, we serve the nation“.

”So, a big thank you from me to those who will be away from home this Christmas, and especially to their families.”

Earlier this week the British government disclosed that the Armed Forces have only 40 paramedics who would be qualified to work in the NHS.

Defense minister Dr Andrew Murrison said that of the 107 paramedics serving in the military, 40 have the qualification requirements set out by the Health and Care Professions Council.

The details, set out in a written answer to Liberal Democrat health spokeswoman Daisy Cooper, were disclosed as ministers prepare to deploy troops to cover for striking ambulance staff. (Source FORCES Net)

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  • Tænk

    Don't you worry..., me dear Brasileiro...

    Them Engrish soldiers are surely highly qualified and have all the needed certifications to replace them lazy civilian ambulance drivers...

    And..., when arriving to the hospitals they surely will use their high qualifications and certifications to act as hospital porters...

    And..., when inside the hospital they surely will use their high qualifications and certifications to act as nurses and midwifes...

    And..., when things inside the hospitals get a bit rough..., they surely will use their high qualifications and certifications to act as doctors and chirurgs...

    And..., when they are done at the hospitals..., they surely will use their high qualifications and certifications to go drive them buses..., go drive them trains..., go air controll them airports.., go distribute the mail..., go mantain them highways..., go run them nuclear plants... ;-)))


    Dec 16th, 2022 - 03:52 pm +2
  • Brasileiro

    I don't know the case. But, I don't think it's right to replace workers who are claiming better working conditions for soldiers.

    Dec 16th, 2022 - 12:51 pm +1
  • Tænk

    Don't you worry..., me dear Brasileiro...

    Dec 16th, 2022 - 07:42 pm +1
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