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Scottish salmon, UK's biggest food export in 2022, almost US$ 700 million

Tuesday, February 14th 2023 - 10:14 UTC
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European destinations dominated as the sector continued to bounce back from Brexit. Scottish salmon was exported to 54 countries European destinations dominated as the sector continued to bounce back from Brexit. Scottish salmon was exported to 54 countries

Scottish salmon was the UK’s biggest food export in 2022, new HMRC figures have revealed. Sales of the fish have grown reaching £578million (US$ 696 million) in the calendar year, with France leading the global demand.

European destinations dominated as the sector continued to bounce back from Brexit. Scottish salmon was exported to 54 countries, with North America and Asia reporting strong demand.

Overseas Scottish salmon sales outperformed all the UK’s other main food exports including bakery goods, chocolate, cheese, cereals and lamb.

Farm-raised salmon directly employs 2,500 people in Scotland and a further 10,000 jobs are dependent on the sector.

Fresh, whole Scottish salmon export sales of £578 million were down just six per cent on 2021 (£614million) and a similar rate below the record £617million in 2019. The EU accounted for almost 64 per cent of sales, with the US and Chinese markets remaining popular.

The volume of fish transported overseas fell by 26 per cent, reflecting tight supplies globally and more Scottish salmon being sold in the UK domestic market - which is valued at around £1.2billion-a-year.

Tavish Scott, chief executive of Salmon Scotland, said: “Scottish salmon is an extraordinary global success story that we can all be immensely proud of, supporting thousands of jobs and contributing hundreds of millions of pounds to the UK economy.”

“With such pressure on public services during the cost-of-living crisis, the revenue generated by our farmers has never been more important.

“Scottish salmon, grown sustainably in the cold waters off our west coast, is recognized as the best in the world – which is why it is in such high international demand.

“Through responsible growth of the blue economy we can help feed the world, rearing one of the most nutritious foods that we can eat.

“Thank you to everyone involved from egg to plate for delivering such a successful year for Scottish salmon.” (FIS/MP)

Categories: Fisheries, International.

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