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US envoy to discuss climate change with Brazilian VP and ministers

Monday, February 27th 2023 - 07:57 UTC
Full article 1 comment

United States Presidential Advisor on Climate John Kerry landed in Brasilia Sunday for talks with Vice President Geraldo Alckmin (who is also Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services), with Environment and Climate Change Minister Marina Silva, and with Deputy Foreign Minister Maria Laura da Rocha, Read full article


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  • FortHay

    What, no story about the Iranian navy visit?

    Actually, the delay was probably due to some mulla finally figuring it out: “No way you guys visit Rio before Ash Wednesday !”

    Kerry is in town giving instructions on how to handle those disappointed sailors.

    Feb 28th, 2023 - 04:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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