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Re-wilding agricultural land to avoid methane and exploding cows

Friday, May 12th 2023 - 11:08 UTC
Full article 1 comment

By Gwynne Dyer – 'At least half the current agricultural land on the planet, more likely two-thirds of it, has to be re-wilded in order to restore the world’s principal carbon sink and to preserve the biodiversity on which the entire ecosystem depends. Read full article


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  • Vladimir

    Bla, bla. bla, everybody knows this is a hoax, the worst polluters are big oil tankers... Look into it, a small fleet of huge oil tankers pollute more than all the cars in the whole world in a year... CO2 hoax is the same stuff, it makes only 1.5% of the greenhouses and farting cows even less... Publish truth, journalists in Uruguay, not this crap. And if you do not agree, then study this topic honestly without prejudices. Only about 3% of scientists agree with the climate change hoax but are afraid to speak up, because they would be immediately cleared off “the airwaves” and subjugated to losing their jobs or research grants... You know that very well, right?

    May 13th, 2023 - 07:20 pm - Link - Report abuse +1

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