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Falklands police has staff shortage; drink driving and speeding the main concerns

Monday, July 31st 2023 - 11:05 UTC
Full article 1 comment
The Royal Falkland Islands Police headquarters in Stanley The Royal Falkland Islands Police headquarters in Stanley

The Falkland Islands are short of uniformed police officers, was made public at the Police Committee meeting by Inspector and Acting Chief of Police Barry Thacker. A recruitment process has been started, and in the meantime the Royal Falkland Islands Police (RFIP) is using detectives in uniform, management, and reserve police officers to provide the policing service as well as relying on officers to work on rest days.

This staff shortage was reflected in the financial report which showed high overtime claims. The RFIP has been boosted with two officers on secondment from Police Scotland.

Inspector Thacker thanked the senior management of the Falkland Islands Government who allowed reserve constables to be released from their normal duties to support police work.

In the period April 2023 to June2023, RFIP carried out forensic work for a serious case on Ascension Island. This allowed the case to be completed earlier, as there is currently a nine-month waiting list in the UK for forensic work.

Inspector Thacker added RFIP had been contacted by other British Overseas Territories for assistance with the development of domestic abuse and safeguarding as RFIP is seen as good practice.

From April to June this year, the police has seen a total of 28 crimes, including 16 that are still under investigation. Out of 548 calls during the three months, 59 were false 999 calls and Inspector Thacker attributed these to, “pocket dials”. The burglary which prompted concern turned out to be a misplacing of items rather than theft. Drink driving and speeding continue to be the main concerns for the police.

Categories: Politics, Falkland Islands.

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  • portman

    despite the understaffing and by working flat out the royal fi police have managed to keep the fi mafia under reasonable control. the absence of real organised crime is testament to the extreme efforts and diligence of our bobbies on the beat. may the force continue to be with you!

    Jul 31st, 2023 - 11:36 am 0
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