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IMF report on Argentina calls for further expenditure control

Monday, August 28th 2023 - 11:29 UTC
Full article 2 comments

The latest International Monetary Fund (IMF) report on Argentina highlighted that the targets for reserve accumulation, fiscal deficit, and monetary financing of the deficit were missed “by wide margins.” As a result, imbalances have increased, so “further expenditure control will be needed throughout the election period.” The 1.9% GDP fiscal deficit target remained unchanged. Read full article


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  • Pugol-H

    ‘targets for reserve accumulation, fiscal deficit, and monetary financing of the deficit were missed “by wide margins.” As a result, imbalances have increased, so “further expenditure control will be needed’

    Hummm, so it’s still getting worse and so is the cure.

    5% pay cut for people who had a 10% pay increase at a time of 120% inflation???

    Are there no rich people to tax and seize assets from?

    I wonder what the annual budget is for the Argentinian Ministry for Colonisation of the S. Atlantic/Antarctic?

    Aug 28th, 2023 - 01:51 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • imoyaro

    Graft and pilfering cost money. It's just part of the cost of government...

    Aug 28th, 2023 - 06:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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