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Argentina insists Navitas Petroleum has a ban due to “illegal” operations in Falkland Islands

Monday, September 25th 2023 - 10:00 UTC
Full article 13 comments

Argentina has again complained that the Israeli company Navitas Petroleum LP is operating in the Falkland Islands, Malvinas Islands, involved in illegal activities in Argentine insular territory without the pertinent hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation permits from the competent authorities. Read full article


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  • darragh

    I just sat down to have my morning break and I thought I'd have a look at the latest nonsense from Argentina and guess what? it's the same old, same old.

    Will they ever grow up? Probably not in my lifetime.

    Sep 25th, 2023 - 10:30 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Steve Potts

    Narnian law is meaningless outside ...Narnia.

    Sep 25th, 2023 - 10:34 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Bud Spencer

    Does any overseas business or industry take notice of anything these foolish Argentine politicians say, what planet do they live on, probably Uranus, certainly not earth,

    Sep 25th, 2023 - 10:36 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Trimonde

    Needless to add, consciously deciding to assist in imperialistic unilateral expansionism through unlawful usurpation. Birds of a feather, flock together.

    Sep 25th, 2023 - 10:54 am - Link - Report abuse -11
  • Steve Potts

    I see no Narnian sea...

    Falklands – Territorial Waters :

    Sep 25th, 2023 - 10:59 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Trimonde

    You cannot build legitimacy on bullying and overpowering another country through an usurpation backed by military superiority. You can try, but as long as the other country continues to protest, it will never be lawful.

    Sep 25th, 2023 - 11:31 am - Link - Report abuse -10
  • Pugol-H

    Argentinian law does not apply in the S. Atlantic, is the ‘uncomfortable truth’, for Argentina.

    They can ban who they like in Argentina, that is a matter entirely for them.

    Just as it is the FIG who decides what happens in Falklands waters.

    The ‘status quo’ is, as defined in UNGA 1514, that the British are the administering power and the inhabitants have the right to ‘freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources’.

    ‘overpowering another country through an usurpation backed by military superiority’


    Wot like the Conquest of the Desert?


    ‘Our self-respect as a virile people obliges us to put down as soon as possible, by reason or by force, this handful of savages who destroy our wealth and prevent us from definitely occupying, in the name of law, progress and our own security, the richest and most fertile lands of the Republic.’

    — Julio Argentino Roca.

    Not so easy trying to conquer the S. Atlantic, is it? Not dealing with a ‘handful of savages’ there, are you?

    In fact the whole of what is today Argentina was usurped by military force, wasn’t it?

    Sep 25th, 2023 - 12:35 pm - Link - Report abuse +7
  • imoyaro

    Hell, Argentine Law doesn't apply in Argentina!

    Sep 25th, 2023 - 02:31 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • The English Pirate

    Hahahaha - I love the way they talk about “conservation and preservation” when what it actually means is that they want to keep it for Argie politicians to steal and ferret the proceeds away in their own personal bank accounts. Also, since when was any part of the Argie government a “competent authority”???

    Sep 25th, 2023 - 06:25 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • darragh


    'birds of a feather etc'.

    Well you would certainly know all about tits wouldn't you?

    Sep 25th, 2023 - 10:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Roger Lorton

    3rdWorld says - “You cannot build legitimacy on bullying and overpowering another country through an usurpation backed by military superiority.”

    So will Argentina be returning Tierra del Fuego to Chile? Or Patagonia to the tribes? Or the Missiones to Paraguay?

    People in glass houses ........ shouldn't

    Sep 26th, 2023 - 12:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan Cervantes

    Birds of a feather ???, Argentina cosying up to China and buddies with Venezuela .Cuba and Putin Land. jeeeez, you couldnt make it up could you.

    Sep 26th, 2023 - 07:41 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Monkeymagic

    You cannot build legitimacy on bullying and overpowering another country through an usurpation backed by military superiority. Every single country in the world exists entirely because at sometime the current inhabitants took it from someone else. The Falkland Islands would appear to be the most peace and least harmful “usurpation” in that nobody was hurt, no inhabitant evicted, nobody financially harmed.

    Sep 26th, 2023 - 10:39 am - Link - Report abuse +1

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