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IMF official highlights importance of BCRA in tackling inflation

Friday, December 8th 2023 - 10:10 UTC
Full article 1 comment

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Communications Director Julie Kozack Thursday insisted during a press conference at the agency's headquarters in Washington that Argentina must have a “strong and credible” Central Bank to reduce inflation under future President Javier Milei. In Kozack's view, high prices are one of the most important imbalances the country needs to tackle. Read full article


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  • bushpilot

    One site gives the average annual salary of an IMF director at $1,023,000 per year. Currently this is Kristalina Georgieva.

    President Javier Milei: Argentina Central Bank “must go”.
    Communications Director Julie Kozack insists: Argentina “must have” a strong Central Bank.

    What the f-ck is the point of these two entities even coming near each other?

    4th paragraph: Argentina will need to re-negotiate with the IMF because when Argentina re-negotiated the last time, it did not fulfill the commitments it agreed to in that last negotiation. So, Argentina will re-negotiate again.

    This is f-cking stupid! The IMF should just let Argentina have the 46 billion!

    Don't re-negotiate! Tell them to do what they agreed to, which is an impossibility, then let them default! Then never loan them money again! Argentina and the whole world will benefit from this.

    The IMF sucks!! They totally deserve to lose 46 billion dollars!

    Argentina perpetually re-negotiates anything they agree to do! They aren't going to do what they agreed to! Never, ever! What the f-ck is the point in talking to them!?

    1st paragraph: In Kozack's view, high prices are one of the most important imbalances Argentina needs to tackle.

    Which one of the 8 billion people on this planet does not know this?

    5th paragraph: There were “positive” discussions.
    6th paragraph: It was a “constructive” meeting.

    Talk about saying nothing! And getting paid a lot of money for it!

    Milei will abolish the Central Bank.

    What would be even better is for the IMF to be abolished.

    Dec 08th, 2023 - 04:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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