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Argentina: Milei announces mega reform emergency package

Thursday, December 21st 2023 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 54 comments

Argentine President Javier Milei Wednesday announced in a recorded message broadcast at 9 pm -instead of at noon as originally scheduled- an emergency decree containing 366 measures to deregulate the economy, of which he only highlighted 30. Read full article


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  • Mike Summers

    What do Argentine commentators think about this. Will we finally see Argentines free of the shackles of overbearing Government, it will it just be a different disaster ?

    Dec 21st, 2023 - 11:22 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Falklands-Free

    Going to be an interesting time in Argentina. It sure needs to start the process of change if they want the country to get back on track. They need to while they are at it remove the illegal sovereignty claim over the British Falklanf Islands and start working with that region and UK rather than against it.
    The entire country and indeed the entire region would be a much better place if free trade were to happen without embargoes on other countries as Argentina does to the Falkland Islands.
    It is this previous attitude that has caused Argentina to end up where it is today.
    The Falklands war did remove a military dictator, but it also financially ruined the country. Then further ruined by greedy politicians.
    So yes change is vital , but it has to be for all the right reasons. It will take several follow up presidents to make this happen. I doubt the current president will see much of his new plans in his time in office. But let's hope we see a more stable Argentina filled with happiness rather than aggression in the following years.

    Dec 21st, 2023 - 11:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Javier Milei is boldly doing the impossible for my Argentine neighbors. (Something that's unthinkable!)

    I cheer for them for success.

    Meanwhile Madame's sister and niece are having a great time here in Chile. Our country has become a prime vacation destination.

    Wishing everyone here at the MP readership a blessed Christmas.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Dec 21st, 2023 - 01:16 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Brasileiro

    Argentina with Milei is reaching rock bottom. China cut swaps and Brazil will only trade in dollars with it.

    Either the United States and the United Kingdom invest and lend massively in the Argentine economy, or I cannot see a better future for it in the next four years.

    If the West wants Argentina, the time is now. 150 billion dollars to start.

    Dec 21st, 2023 - 02:08 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Tænk

    Foxy smile Mike Summers above...

    - This humble Argentine commentator Tænks it will..., guaranteed..., be a much bigger disaster...
    - (Pls. notice though..., that not one of those Argie Peronist Politicians... Sub-Human in your Anglo-Kelper eyes..., as are them bloody Palestinians..., them bloody Serbs..., them bloody Russians..., them bloody Yemenites..., them bloody Afghanis..., them bloody Persians... them bloody Chinese..., etc..., etc..., etc..., have raised the minimal doubt about the democratic legitimacy of that bloody Milei sociopath upcoming four years administration...)

    - Now..., about your deeply ideological...: “Will we finally see Argentines free of the shackles of overbearing Government” comment above...
    - Our problem ain't some “Shackles of some overbearing Government”...
    - Our problem has always been the “Shackles of corrupt, self-serving Governments”...
    - Nothing wrong about some “Check & Balances of a honest, overbearing Government”..., matey...

    - If in any doubt..., take a good look at them “Overbearing Governments” of Denmark..., Finland..., Sweden..., Iceland or Norway...
    The last one..., Norway... with just “ONE SCHACKLED OVERBEARING SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC DECISION SOME 50 YEARS AGO*...,” was transformed from a peripherial, almost forgoten little place somewhere up north..., to the richest, happiest Country & Population of the World in REAL TERMS...
    - * “STATOIL”

    - If Scandinavia is too exotic for your NeoCon Anglo-Kelper taste..., take a good look at them Islas Malvinas and their local “Shackling Overbearing Government”...
    -It is..., BY FAR..., the most “Social-Democratic Shackling Overbearing Government” in the whole American Continent..., Canada included...


    Dec 21st, 2023 - 03:05 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Brasileiro

    Welcome back, Think. You are greatly missed here.

    Dec 21st, 2023 - 03:20 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • JoJo

    19. Implementation of the open skies policy. Great, does that mean we can expect passenger exchange charter planes to start? Perhaps even the reinstatement of the Wednesday flight to Sao Paolo?

    Dec 21st, 2023 - 05:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tænk

    Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo...., Brasileiro...

    Dec 21st, 2023 - 05:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Well, at least Argentina is trying something different this time.

    Don’t see what they have got to lose at this point.

    Up till now, pretty much everything they tried was a disaster.

    Dec 21st, 2023 - 07:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo


    Happy Christmas and all the very best wishes for the New Years...

    Tænk & Brasileiro

    Sincerely I wish you both only the warmest greetings.

    Our Argentine neighbors deserve the healthy recovery needed to survive.

    * * *

    Although our family are all meat lovers, we are all greatly enjoying the marvelous summer fruit and delicious vegetables from our gardens.

    This evening's fare includes roasted honey baked lamb, with avocado salad and a delicious mixed fruit dessert.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Dec 21st, 2023 - 08:34 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Tænk

    .... Poor auld me must instead settle for the winter harvest of lemons..., mandarins..., oranges & kumquats from the south facing citrus terrace just above my humble Ligurian abode overlooking the Med...

    - Anijáu..., hermanito...
    Even if your Schadenfreude against us, your big brothers ALLENDE la cordillera, shines through loud and clear... we wish you only good...


    Hasta la Victoria

    Dec 21st, 2023 - 09:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brasileiro

    From Chicureo's perspective, Christmas is not for everyone. Another Christian lost in the shadows.

    I wish everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS

    Especially for you, my friend Think.

    Dec 22nd, 2023 - 10:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    And a happy Christmas and prosperous new year to you and yours, my friend.

    And to anyone else who knows me, season of goodwill and all that.

    RIP Shane MacGowan, thanks for the music.

    Saludos de Colonia Nervia Glevensium.

    Dec 22nd, 2023 - 03:35 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Monkeymagic

    Who else relishes the pain of Thick that his beloved Peronists are out of office?


    Dec 22nd, 2023 - 08:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jo Bloggs

    Mega reform is needed but can he pull it off before being suicided, assassinated or overthrown?

    Poor old Think. There are many safe media outlets for him at the moment. All the Peronistas/ Kirchenistas must be in denial big time.

    Dec 22nd, 2023 - 10:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tænk

    Me dear half-blood Kelper Jo Bloggs...

    - Contrary to you..., I read and remember the posts of commentators that show some values...

    - Still remember your profound indignation with Scottish poster DoveOverDover..., when he told us that his son was a member of the British Armed Farces Occupation Troops in Malvinas and using most of his free-time at improving them Islands Race..., by having some healthy fun with the young, bored lasses of the Isles...
    (With the not soooo improbable posibility of your daugthers being on his hitlist... :-)))

    - In my case..., I am on record in here at MercoPress as a declared Social-Democrat of the auld school and as an individual that has never voted for any Peronist Presidential Candidate...

    -Having said the above..., It is evident that the best Presidency of Argentina in Socio-Economic-Political terms in the last 70 years was the Kirchners 2003 - 2013 period...

    Back to 2023..., one thing i certainly can say is that I am glad that Sergio Massa..., the losing Peronist Presidential candidate didn't win...
    He is a shrewd, narcisistic political operator that.., by his splitting of the Peronist party in 2015..., was directly responsible of the 2015- 2019 Mauricio Macri debacle presidency..., and the even bigger debacle the 2023-2027 Javier Milei presidency will be...

    Hoping all's good in the Bloggs family and that your daugthers are breeding good auld Anglo-Kelper male stock...

    El Tænk...

    Dec 23rd, 2023 - 08:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monkeymagic

    A blatant fascist claiming to be a social democrat…hilarious

    Dec 23rd, 2023 - 09:10 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jo Bloggs


    What was good in economic terms about the Kitchener period… unless you were receiving brown paper bags full of cash? Are you suggesting that Argentina was NOT in a dire economic situation; or that the previous government was just about to turn it all around? You’re having a laugh, mate.

    As for my daughters (and sons), their daughters and sons are indeed adding nicely to the Kelper bloodlines.

    I see the Fiadore - Duncan agreement has already been fetched out of the bin and cella tape has be called for. It’s on the agenda for the extraordinary sessions that have been called for.

    You have a good Christmas also. My Argentine friends all assure me they’ll be happy enjoyable festive seasons know the lunatics have left the pink house.

    Chuckle chuckle

    Dec 23rd, 2023 - 12:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Although a very few Argentine neighbors may be upset, I would imagine the reasonable ones will be happy with all the necessary changes.

    * * *

    Meanwhile our expanded gypsy clan have been busy preparing for the Christmas feastives.

    Besides the bountiful fruit from our peaches, plums, apricots and nectarines - we're enjoying the wonderful baked specialities from the ovens.

    Due to the warm weather, most of the fare is cold salads.

    Life is wonderful and I hope everyone is enjoying the delightful Christmas season.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Dec 23rd, 2023 - 01:07 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    Dec 23rd, 2023 - 03:44 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Tænk

    - NOTHING was good ..., In ANY terms..., for AFRIKA about the KITCHENER period..., Mr. Bloggs...

    - Is evident that if you do not even know the SURNAME of two recent Presidents of Argentina..., you can have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER about anything else Argentinian...

    - As I have stated before on these pages..., Nestor KIRCHNER's was the best Argie presidency period in the last 70 years...

    - I remember having asked Mr. SHICURÉO..., (Good Military neighbour from Shile, always keeping a watching eye over us..., prosperous convinced fascist and very disoriented Catlick.., wishing everybody a happy CHRIST-MAS in this very period..., were the Hebrews are claiming to their Modern Roman Dominators for the Crucifixion of a whole People..)... to mention a better one...
    HE COULDN'T...

    It ain't me having a laugh..., mate...
    It's you having a typical Haughty Anglo Ignorance Spell over anything foreign...


    Dec 23rd, 2023 - 05:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jo Bloggs

    Poor old Think

    Don’t get your panties in a twist, you silly bugger. There’s a thing on these modern phones called predictive text. Couple that with me having a pair of old prescription safety glasses on- because I was tinkering in my workshop when I decided to entertain your BS- and, hey presto, Cyclops and CFK became Kitchener.

    Anyway, surely you have to admit that it will feel good to get the old finances back into some semblance of responsibility. Even if you don’t even feel the need to live in the country you claim to be oh so fond of…

    Chuckle chuckle chuckle…

    Dec 23rd, 2023 - 09:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    ...I prefer to ponder that someone has been enjoying too many drams of the elixir of Scotland...

    Everyone is granted amnesty for the holiday season, even those inhabitants of the Italian coast...

    Weather this evening is stunning beautiful...

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Dec 23rd, 2023 - 10:36 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • imoyaro

    Gauchito Drink is on a toot! And in that spirit I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 01:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tænk

    Geeeeee..., Mr. Bloggs...
    - Goooood excuse that one about the “predictive text” coupled with a pair of old, underpowered prescription glasses...!
    (Duly noted for my personal use against them sons and grandsons snarky remarks... :-)
    - Now please tell me... Does “Predictive Text” and your auld underpowered reading glasses prevent you from Googleing the IMF..., the World Bank or the CIA Official Economic Indicators for Argentina under the two first presidencies of the Kirchners..., BEFORE you embarrass yourself commenting wrongly about them...?

    Geeeeee..., Shicuréo...
    - As you have been duly informed..., my consumtion of beverages containing EtOH has been reduced to a bare minimum many years ago...
    - Though coincidentally..., some days ago..., one of them grandsons came by with a bottle of the elixir of Nihon..., a Nikka Yoichi no age Single Malt one...
    - After properly having watered my..., one and only..., dram of this bottle down with some Uliveto natural effervescent volcanic mineral water..., I can say that them good folks from the Speyside have got a more than dangerous contestant...


    Dec 24th, 2023 - 08:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jo Bloggs

    Poor old Think

    They always say that Christmas is the loneliest time for people on their own.

    Let’s agree then that Cyclops (not a predictive text error) DID have a handle on things, what happened when Crissy the whore (not a predictive text error) took over?

    Tell me this also, Think, why is it that of the nine Argentines I know very well - and have no hesitation to call my friends - not one of them thought the previous Kirchner administrations were good in any way.

    These nine Argentines are very independent of each other and most of them don’t even know each other. I’ve met them over my life, mainly through work but not all through work. Some of them have their own businesses, some just have regular jobs. None of them EVER have a good word to say about Crissy the whore (not a predictive text error).

    Now, I know your alcohol-riddled brain will say that’s only NINE people; fair enough, but I didn’t meet them at conservative political rallies. I just met them randomly throughout my life.

    Those nine people all assure me that they don’t know anybody who supports Crissy the whore (not a predictive text error). Not amongst their families, their work colleagues, old school friends or anywhere else.

    They say the sorts of people who support the whore are the people who all turned up to the office for the first time in months- just in case- on Milei’s first day in office. Lots of government offices didn’t have enough desks to accommodate them all. Or people who have never worked a day in their whole lives except if you call hopping on an organized coach to attend a rally, work.

    In short, the sort of people my friends have to work extra hard to support.

    Why is it, Think, that you love your country so much, that you live abroad?

    Have a good day tomorrow. Try not to just stay pickled all day… and stay off Mercopress; it doesn’t do you any good.

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 10:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tænk

    Mr. Jo Bloggs
    From the beginning:

    A) There is a huge difference between being lonely and being alone. I cherish my aloneliness.

    B) The first presidency of Mme. Cristina Kirchner was also quite good according to the IMF, the World Bank and the CIA Official Economic Indicators for Argentina I mentioned earlier.
    Unemployment went down from ~50% to under 10% between 2003 and 2009, and my own minimum old age pension wich I recieve like some 6,000,000 other Argie pensioners do, went up in the same timeframe from a real value of about 100 U$ to almost 600 U$.

    C) I don't Tænk Mme. Cristina Kirchner can be called a whore, as neither can your sweet daughters, just because their rolls in the tussac with them virile Engrish officers & gentlemen.

    D) I know plenty Argies that feel like your “Magnificent Nine” about Mme. Cristina Kirchner.
    - I know plenty Argies that feel much stronger (In both directions) than your “Magnificent Nine” about Mme. Cristina Kirchner.
    - I also know pleeenty UKistanis that feel like your “Magnificent Nine” about Mme. Margaret Thatcher.
    What can one infer from the above?
    Not much
    I Tænk.

    E) You ask...: “Why is it, Think, that you love your country so much, that you live abroad?
    - Loong story short:
    - In 2019 I came to Italy to be of assistance to my favourite ancient ”plastic” Auntie that was hastily succumbing to the same senile demency that afflicts Joe Biden today.
    She went in 2021 in the midst of Covid, leaving me some nice olive and citrus terraces and a humble abode overlooking the Med here in Liguria.
    My interest in art, culture, history and a climate that allows me to type these lines sitting on a sundrenched terrace wearing a light shirt in the midst of winter did the rest.
    - I gave my horses away to some good neighbours, left them dogs under the good care of a sweet Scottish widow in Chubut (SHE recently made clear that, in case of my eventual return, I'll not getting HER's last surviving Border Collie back... :-)


    Dec 24th, 2023 - 12:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    I came to Italy to be of assistance to my favourite ancient ”plastic” Auntie that was hastily succumbing to ...“

    Auntie must have been thrilled to bits that she would no longer have to worry about about her chattels.

    Francis and Isabella were having their usual battle of the sexes.
    ”Italian men are all stupid,“ screamed Isabella
    ”Oh, yeah?“ yelled her husband. ”I'll have you know it was an Italian man who invented the toilet seat!“
    ”And I'll have you know,“ said his wife, ”it was an Italian woman who thought of putting a hole in it!”

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 04:00 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo

    Unfortunately Skippy has now entered the discussion with his moronic poor humor...

    ... perhaps Skippy can explain why he continues the fraudulent stealing the honor of a deceased RAF Airman, who served during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis...

    It must be very cold and miserable in Utah for poor Skippy...

    ¡Saludos de Chile!

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 04:18 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Skippy has now entered the discussion”

    Well you're only one to mention him. But that is no surprise as you are a malignant narcissist, and he is your obsessive projection, because he is fat and pethetic like you.

    “stealing the honor of a deceased RAF Airman, who served during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis...”

    The only one claiming that is the person who postesd it.

    “An assertion is a statement offered as a conclusion without supporting evidence. since an argument is defined as a logical relationship between premise and conclusion, a simple assertion is not an argument.”
    Ignoring the Burden of Proof http ://

    As former SAC T.L. Hill, 18 Squadron, RAF, March 1963.
    Oh what shame I get to prove yet again what a malignant narcissist lying bag of shite you really are.

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 05:34 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Pugol-H

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 05:47 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo


    Thanks for sharing the thoughful video....

    I also pity Skippy's poor mother...

    Meanwhile, we are enduring this warm afternoon with delicious cold Chilean Champagne...

    ¡Saludos de La Dehesa!

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 06:16 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Meanwhile, we are enduring this warm afternoon with delicious cold Chilean Champagne”

    The only one who has identified himself as a closet alcoholic is you.

    ”I've been surprisingly disproved as someone has been drinking way too much eggnog this evening and is behaving like a mean drunk on these joyous days.“
    ”Early this morning, over a mug of Baileys and coffee, I was trying to remember last night's remarkable .. conversation
    Besides all the normal beverages — we still have plenty of Casillero del Diablo Cabernet Sauvignon ..

    “Overview of Alcohol-Induced Psychosis

    Jumbled or disorganized thoughts
    False beliefs
    Seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there
    Fear and paranoia
    Loss of interest in activities
    Trouble holding a coherent conversation
    Becoming angry, upset, or energized for no apparent reason
    Becoming lethargic, inactive, or experiencing anhedonia for no apparent reason
    Jumbled or disorganized thoughts
    False beliefs
    Seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there

    No proof, no proof “...simply says it all..” Says a narcissistic poser, who babbles his inane opinions, and has never once proved anything he's ever posted.

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 08:43 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo

    It's amusing that Skippy is upset with my love of wine and Bailey's Irish cream...'s a part of his Mormon faith to abstain from caffeine and alcohol...

    Skippy's delusional weird life is clearly documented on his YouTube channel...

    ...I'm finished exposing the idiot...

    * * *

    Meanwhile I'm enjoying a delicious bowl of ripe nectarines along Chilean Champagne...

    ¡Saludos de La Dehesa!

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 09:03 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    No proof, no proof “...simply says it all..” Says a narcissistic poser, who babbles his inane opinions, and has never once proved anything he's ever posted.

    “It's amusing that Skippy is upset with my love of wine”

    Skippy was never here, and you're all here.

    The OBSESSED Narcissist

    “The narcissist has a difficult time knowing what is real, and what is a delusional that they made up in their crazy minds..
    As a DSM-IV trait, the narcissist's need to fend off inner emptiness, feel special and in control, and avoid feeling defective. The narcissist can become so delusional that they are bordering on a fine line between their own delusions and what is actually real.
    As unhealthy this is for the narcissist, it is even more unhealthy for people in he narcissist life. And it usually will turn into to gaslighting for the narcissistic individuals family members. It causes them confusion, frustration, and delusional thinking...”

    Babble on little brook.
    “One of the first businesses of a sensible man is to know when he is beaten, and to leave off” Samuel Butler
    Oops the maricón just coughed up another fur-ball.
    You have delusions of adequacy. (Walter Kerr)
    I wish I had a lower I.Q., maybe then I could enjoy your company.
    This is no battle of wits between you and me. I never pick on an unarmed man.
    I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works.

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 09:18 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo

    ...It's like winding up a mechanical monkey...
    ...the ones that beat their tiny cymbals and chatter nonsense...

    * * *

    Meanwhile the gypsy women of our motley clan are busily preparing a remarkable feast...

    Life is truly wonderful!

    Best wishes to all...
    ... including poor Skippy in Utah...

    ¡Saludos de La Dehesa!

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 10:08 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Best wishes to all...
    ... including poor Skippy in Utah.”

    Your projected obsession, is not even aware of his abuses by you.
    In the meantime.“stealing the honor of a deceased RAF Airman, who served during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis...”

    The only one claiming that is the person who posted it.

    “An assertion is a statement offered as a conclusion without supporting evidence. since an argument is defined as a logical relationship between premise and conclusion, a simple assertion is not an argument.”
    Ignoring the Burden of Proof http ://

    As former SAC T.L. Hill, 18 Squadron, RAF, March 1963.
    Oh what shame I get to prove yet again what a malignant narcissist lying bag of shite you really are.

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 10:29 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo

    I'm greatly amused that Skippy had a chance to stew over his toxic defamations.

    ...It's like winding up a mechanical monkey...
    ...the ones that beat their tiny cymbals and chatter nonsense...

    Let's hope he had a wonderful day with his charming mother in Utah...

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Dec 26th, 2023 - 12:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “I'm greatly amused that Skippy”

    It's all of that particular transference you talk about. Just typical narcissist utterings, you're one sick puppy.

    ”Transference (German: Übertragung) is a theoretical phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of the feelings a person has about a second person to feelings the first person has about a third person. It usually concerns feelings from an important second-person relationship from childhood, and is sometimes considered inappropriate. Transference was first described by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who considered it an important part of treatment in psychoanalysis.“ Wikipedia

    ”Melanie Klein, one of the founding figures of psychoanalytic theory who furthered Freud’s theories, pointed out that projection can also be not just about denying parts of ourselves but also about
    connecting ourselves to others in a way that allows us to feel we can acquire parts of what they have.”

    Dec 26th, 2023 - 01:59 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Tænk

    Christmas greetings from my kind of Noneternal Jew...:

    Dec 26th, 2023 - 05:26 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    My goodness...

    The enraged mechanical monkey is so predictable...

    It's a real joy to expose Skippy...

    Meanwhile the grandchildren have harvested almost two boxes of nectarines and one of Santa Rosa ripe plums...

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Dec 26th, 2023 - 05:34 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    “It's a real joy to expose Skippy...”

    No you have just revealed what a complete and utter whack job you are, with an attempt to project your obsession; who has never visited this site.
    But that is no surprise as you are a malignant narcissist, and he is your obsessive projection.

    ”Projection (The Narcissists’ Weapon that Can Be Used Against Them)
    In the case of narcissists, because they’re unable to see these things inside themselves they have to project them on other people. Because they’re unable to be accountable and responsible for their stuff, they have to project it onto other people.
    Projection is a combination of misdirection and blame-shifting. They’re diverting and distracting you from what is really going on and they’re getting you to take responsibility for it in some way. On the surface that’s what they seem to think is going on. But, if you learn to read the narcissist instead of just taking everything personally, you’re going to see how valuable their projections are for revealing who they are and what they’re doing.
    The narcissist accuses you of lying because the narcissist is a pathological liar.”

    A man is known is known by the company he keeps, and also who he is projecting. It's just two fat peculiar guys.

    Dec 26th, 2023 - 08:50 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    It's a real joy to expose Skippy's reality...

    The video was taken 6 years ago and he's now far worse.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Dec 26th, 2023 - 09:05 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Tænk


    Newly broadcasted on Israeli TV..., ..., 03:01 minutes video testimony of a captured and freed Jewish Israeli mother anf her Jewish Israeli teenage daugther about the unspeakeble things the Hamas Sandnigga Monsters did to them...!

    Strong, corageous Jewish Princesess can offend them Brainwashed sensibilities...

    Dec 26th, 2023 - 09:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “It's a real joy to expose Skippy's reality...”

    I know I get real chuffed exposing your peculiarities.

    “Narcissists are renowned for using psychological projection to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong. With regards to the narcissist, they too can have deep and repressed feelings, this is because their view of the world is so cut off from real life. It is not that a typical narcissist fails to know the difference between right and wrong. They do, it’s that when they themselves fail, they feel such an incredible sense of shame that they cannot deal with it.
    Their delicate ego has to be protected at all costs and so the blame for the failure has to be directed elsewhere.
    A narcissist is basically an empty husk of a human being who manufactures an attractive exterior in which to fool the people around him or her. Narcissists do not know how to feel love, pain, empathy or guilt, and seemingly surround themselves with people who have the exact qualities they lack.”

    Dec 26th, 2023 - 09:19 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo


    You already know my position about Israelites and the unfortunate Palistines...

    Our accountant has two grandsons serving in the IDF currently.

    They say to pray for peace, but we both know that will happen now.

    Speaking of grandchildren, I had the privilege to take them to to farm to pick produce today.

    We love Summer fruit!

    ¡Saludos de La Dehesa!

    Dec 27th, 2023 - 12:55 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Tænk

    Really..., hermanito...?
    - You reeeeeally Tænk...: “We both know that will happen now.” ?
    For my part..., I do NOT know what the bloody hell will happen now...!

    - I can though infer..., from my looong and still very insuficient live experience..., that those Partigiani / Maquisards / Minutemen / Militants from Hamas have provoked EXACTLY the Worldwide Paradigm-Shift (In Israels disfavour...) they wanted..., with their successful military action on Oct. 7...

    - From the humble wievpoint of my little terrace..., I can clearly see the current Gravitational Shift of the Arab block..., the African block..., the India/Far-Eastern block..., the world's 1.8 billion Muslim block..., and ~3/4' of the Latinamerican block away from the -“Anglosphere Double Standard Rules Based World-Order”- and towards the Chinks and Ruskies less haughty..., overbearing and racist offer...

    Can't you...?

    Dec 27th, 2023 - 10:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    I was just referring to the sad consequences of the attack on the Israel population.

    Sadly the Palistine population is suffering, especially as the Jews are united now.

    (By the way, I'm strongly sympathetic to the Russian side of the Ukrainian conflict. )

    * * *

    Meanwhile, Madame and company are decamping to Viña as well as myself, and both her sister and niece for the cool sea air.


    Dec 27th, 2023 - 11:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tænk

    Keep in line captain Shicuréo...!

    - It's not fitting for a good rightwing Shilean Officer to play the hypocrisy Anglo card of “Sad Consequences...blah..., blah..., blah...”
    -Ain't you anyhow the one always saying that...: “To make an omelette you have to break some eggs” and other similar empty clichés...?

    - Besides..., your knowlege of Jewish social cohesion..., culture & traditions seems to be strongly influenced by the propaganda from that originally ATHEIST branch of the Hebrew Diaspora calling themselves “SIONISTS”...

    - The Jewish mother and daughter hostag3s from my above linked video are..., by their choice of telling the truth..., a perfect example of “Non Sionists”...

    - BTW..., on my humble Argie experience in the Country that..., until recently..., hosted about 5% of the World's Jewish population..., six normal Jews discussing an issue..., any issue..., will at least have seven diverse opinions... :-)


    Dec 27th, 2023 - 12:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    I'm waiting patiently for the women of our gypsy clan to assemble for the short drive to Viña...

    ...such is my current fate...

    Although my family genealogy is probably is intermixed with God-knows-what in past religions originated pasts...

    ...I'm unaware of any Jewish roots...

    My religion heritage however is far worse...


    Dec 27th, 2023 - 03:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tænk


    “Waiting for them Women”...
    That..., I don't miss...:-)

    “Your family genealogy intermixed with God-knows-what but you're unaware of any Jewish roots...”?

    Same here...

    My family genealogy, Odin-knows, is mixed with no other than Nordic bloodlines and I'm full aware of my absolute lack of any Jewish roots...” !

    Dec 27th, 2023 - 04:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Saying the lineage does not exclude the most likely certainly Maputche intermarriage in the 15th or 16th century... my Scottish immigrant roots are most certainly mixed with Viking blood...

    Meanwhile, the womenfolk are almost ready to decamp for the coast...

    I have the pleasure to accompany our nice, who's truly lovely and highly intelligent...


    Dec 27th, 2023 - 05:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tænk

    Geeeeeeee..., hermanito...

    Yet another coincidende between our families history...!

    Your tænk that your male lineage *“intermarried” some Jet-black haired Mapuche women in the 15th or 16th century..., huhhhhh...?
    (*“Intermarried”..., what a poetical way to put it...)

    Our Nordic Clan's Saga recounts of my Grand³⁶uncle Ragnar..., who lost the last longship back home from Scotland to Scandinavia because he was to busy “intermarrying” them freckled ginger female natives from Alba in the X century....

    Maybe you are not just my geographical hermanito..., but also my primito³⁷ carnal... :-)))

    Dec 27th, 2023 - 08:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    I do know my Basque criminal heritage probably did not import all their brides from Spain...

    ...what ever happened in Scotland is predictable...

    We arrived to Viña in record time...

    The sea ambiance is invigorating!

    By the way, this is Madame's sister and niece's first visit to our “new” apartment.

    New Year's plans are for a seafood paella feast...

    ¡Saludos de Viña del Mar!

    Dec 27th, 2023 - 09:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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