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UK goes full Net Zero: quits treaty allowing companies to sue green economy policies

Monday, February 26th 2024 - 04:18 UTC
Full article 10 comments
The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) was meant to make it easier and cheaper to trade energy between countries. But signatories have struggled to reform it The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) was meant to make it easier and cheaper to trade energy between countries. But signatories have struggled to reform it

Calling it “outdated” the United Kingdom has withdrawn from an international treaty that lets fossil-fuel companies sue governments pursuing climate policies for billions in compensation for lost profits.

As reported by BBC, the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is meant to make it easier and cheaper to trade energy between countries. But signatories have struggled to reform it - and last week the UK quit the treaty.

Green campaigners welcomed the news.

Energy Security and Net Zero Minister Graham Stuart said: “Remaining a member would not support our transition to cleaner, cheaper energy and could even penalize us for our world-leading efforts to deliver net zero.”

Since 2001, nearly 160 legal actions based on the ECT have been brought by investors claiming their investments had been damaged by green policies such as renewable-energy subsidies, and seeking compensation from governments.

Leo Mercer, policy analyst at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change, told the BBC: “[The treaty] was designed to protect energy companies from sudden policy decisions that undermine their investments.

”However, it has been abused by the oil and gas industry over the past few years... to the detriment of British consumers.“

In recent years, countries implementing climate-change strategies have tried to exclude fossil-fuel companies from being able to take legal action.

But after more than 15 rounds of negotiations, signatories were unable to agree when this should happen.

And the UK's withdrawal follows that of France, Spain and Germany, who worried the ECT would see them facing legal action from all sides - companies claiming they had breached the treaty and green organizations claiming they were not fulfilling their climate commitments.

In 2009, Germany faced a US$1.9bn claim by Swedish energy company Vattendal, after delays for permits to operate a coal-fired power station.

Kierra Box, of Friends of the Earth, said: ”Leaving this incredibly flawed treaty is a brilliant win for our environment and the climate.

“Future UK governments will now have more freedom to take ambitious action to protect our planet, without the threat of being sued for millions of pounds by companies based overseas.”

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  • Chicureo

    I'll just remind the MP readership the world's fuel supply is affected by reasonable costs.

    Food is a paramount example why the agriculture depends on petroleum.

    Farming also provides beneficial oxygen to our world.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Feb 26th, 2024 - 08:49 pm +1
  • Chicureo

    This climate hoax is destroying our world economy. We should encourage companies to exploit all petroleum sources.

    The ridiculous campaign to fight carbon dioxide is ridiculous.

    There is CO2 in cola. Take a cola out of the fridge, open it, set it on the table. As it warms, what happens to the CO2?

    Same thing with oceans... You can't stop it, no matter how much taxes you pay.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Feb 26th, 2024 - 05:26 pm 0
  • Tænk


    - Evil Greta Thunberg..., Machiavellian Tænk and some few other incredibly poweful influencers have conspired against them Benefactorial Seven (Oil) Sisters and..., with just ridiculous lies and humbug..., convinced the Brainwashed Brutish Tory Government to take yet another step closer to our “Diabolic Full Net Zero”Scheme” by quitting that magnificent ”Energy Charter Treaty” (ECT)...

    -Thank God we still have people like my little brother Shicurèo..., that still can Tænk clearly..., take a Coca Cola out of the fridge..., open it and..., hopefully enjoy it...


    Feb 26th, 2024 - 06:10 pm 0
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