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Argentina adapts strategy on Falklands/Malvinas sovereignty claim: “There is no discussion”

Wednesday, February 28th 2024 - 23:28 UTC
Full article 24 comments

Argentina's strategy on its sovereignty claim over the Falkland/Malvinas Islands “has changed,” Chancellor Diana Mondino said after meeting with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron. Read full article


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  • Monkeymagic

    It’s simple, convince the islanders that Argentina is a better choice. England (sic) will happily oblige.

    Yes, the first step is a healthier economy
    Second is stop lying about history
    Third is offer the islanders similar autonomy to what they have today
    Fourth is put the Peronist liars in prison

    After 30-40 years who knows?

    It’s far better than the last 50 years of lies and bullshine

    Feb 28th, 2024 - 04:23 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Bud Spencer

    Could not have put it better Monkey M.

    Feb 28th, 2024 - 05:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve Potts

    You can’t have a sovereignty claim, sign a peace treaty then reinvent the claim.

    Convention of Peace – End of Argentina’s Claim to the Falklands:

    Feb 28th, 2024 - 07:37 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Chicureo


    Argentine politics CAN have a sovereignty claim, sign a peace treaty then reinvent the islands are theirs.

    Argentina is infamous for crying...

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Feb 28th, 2024 - 09:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan Cervantes

    Take a lot more than 40 years to trust Argentina, especially the Peronists , an independent sovereign nation is the future, whether that is 20 or 40 or 60 years time, population is the key,

    Feb 28th, 2024 - 10:01 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Steve Potts


    Critics of the Argentine government's strategies and rhetoric toward the Falkland Islands have coined a new verb - to malvinize - to describe how the claim of memory and of the Falklands is used simply to divert attention from more serious national socio-economic problems.

    Feb 29th, 2024 - 11:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    ‘There is no possible discussion about the Malvinas, it is in the Constitution.’

    An interesting admission from someone in her position, perhaps a change in the constitution could be being considered?

    As for:

    ‘changing strategies so as not to reach options such as war or the denial of relations with England,’

    Well, for poor old Malv that has got to hurt, the worst of all outcomes, progress and business as usual on all other matters, while sovereignty is ‘parked’.

    Feb 29th, 2024 - 01:15 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Malvinense 1833

    Incredible! I practically agree with almost all of your points.
    It is true we need a better country not only for the islanders but also for the inhabitants of the continent.
    As for autonomy, the Argentine provinces are autonomous, they have their own government and constitution, the same could happen with the islands, it is a matter of dialogue and looking for the most convenient option for them.

    Feb 29th, 2024 - 02:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh


    Not 'autonomy' as a part of the Argentine South Atlantic Empire but genuine autonomy where they make their own decisions just as they do today.

    Feb 29th, 2024 - 02:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinense 1833

    So I find it very difficult. But Argentina is not an empire, the empire is its country, which takes land from others instead of remaining on the islands of the North Atlantic.

    Feb 29th, 2024 - 02:26 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    From a Chilean perspective, I hope my neighbors reform and accept Dollarization.

    Milei’s sweeping decree in the Senate puts it at risk of being overturned as regular sessions get underway next week, jeopardizing his initial dose of economic shock therapy.

    Alongside the Peronist bloc, which holds 33 seats, the signatories have enough votes to overturn the decree

    Milei’s challenging ordeal is to fight the socialist cabal and fight like a raging lion.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Feb 29th, 2024 - 04:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan Cervantes

    Malvi, all you Spanish and Italians that came from the North Atlantic and stole from the true owners of South America, are exactly an empire and colonists. the remote chance that you had of joint sovereignty has gone when Galtieri made the biggest mistake oh his life,, that ship has sailed whether you like it or not, the best you can hope for is to work with the islanders and may be get some economical benefits from it,

    Feb 29th, 2024 - 08:00 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Malvinense 1833

    @ Juan

    You forgot to mention the English.
    You mention the natives because you cannot justify the invasion of one state into another.
    It is the same as Argentina invading England and then justifying itself by saying that the Angles stole land from the Picts.
    I agree that Galtieri made a serious mistake but he is not the only one responsible, Rex Hunt and Margaret Thatcher are also responsible.
    Argentina is open to cooperation, cultural exchange, student exchange, etc.
    Many may not know it but there are family ties between the people of the islands and the mainland.

    Mar 01st, 2024 - 11:04 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Juan Cervantes

    Stop lying Malvy, you make a fool of yourself, nothing more than a fanatical troll.
    oh, so now you finally admit that their where no evictions of the failed multi national business venture ,and people chose to stay. a small step towards the truth their Malvy

    Mar 01st, 2024 - 12:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinense 1833

    @ Juan

    Mar 01st, 2024 - 12:46 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Juan Cervantes

    Kohen rodriguez. , dont make me laugh, get a life troll,

    Mar 01st, 2024 - 12:56 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Pugol-H

    Oh, oh, oh, oh PMSL, you have got to be joking, or you’re on another planet???

    That’s a laugh coming from an Indian murdering, land stealing, Creole Conquistador Planter from peninsulas in Southern Europe.

    Argentina is a country only recently carved out of other people’s lands, which were ethnically cleansed in the process, and now wants to annex the British territories of the S. Atlantic/Antarctic.

    Except, unlike Atahualpa or the Mapuche, the British have more than just sticks and stones with which to defend their territory.

    When the British arrived in the S. Atlantic then the Antarctic, they were uninhabited, unexplored and unclaimed, you cannot say to same for the territory that today you call Argentina.


    Also the Falklands situation today cannot be compared to either Chagos or Hong Kong, the fundamental difference being both Chagos and Hong Kong were always going to be ‘handed back’ at some point.

    The Falklands however has always been British Territory and never legitimately belonged to anyone else.

    I trust this clears up any misunderstanding resulting from Kohen Rodriguez’s complete misrepresentation of what is very obviously, a completely unrelated and unconnected issue.

    Mar 01st, 2024 - 01:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Bud Spencer

    Sheer desperation by 1833, little by little he begins to see the lie that is the Malvinas myth, but it must really hurt him , hence the irrelevant pointless desperate posts.

    Mar 01st, 2024 - 03:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Roger Lorton

    It is for the Islanders to decide. One day, they may wish to join Argentina. And pigs, if they flex those front leg muscles enough ...

    Mar 02nd, 2024 - 06:57 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • darragh


    If Argentina is not an empire how did it get hold of Patagonia? Argentina invaded, conquered and committed brutality against the indigenous people. If that's not imperialism I don't know what is.

    What is your claim to the FI, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands, large chunks of Antarctica if not imperialism?

    You can't have it both ways sonny so grow up.

    But of course being an Argentine you can't see reality when it smacks you in the face

    Mar 02nd, 2024 - 12:17 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Monkeymagic


    Unfortunately, you claimed to agree with me and then went on to exhibit EXACTLY the behaviour and attitude that stops Argentina from convincing the islanders.

    Your version of history is false, I have proven it false to you on many occasions. Trying to prove “England” (sic) stole the islands from Argentina is a lie which p1sses off the islanders and means they will never trust you.

    England doesn't care, it doesn't need to disprove the lie to “keep the islands”, it will follow the will of the islanders.

    So, my advice, stop reading and repeating Kohen, it is nonsense.
    Admit that Argentina never had sovereignty, that is was a made up Peronist scam, full of lies.
    Admit that the 1982 invasion was a terrible mistake and a shameful act and entirely and only Argentinas fault.
    Admit that the islanders alone own sovereignty
    Build a successful and honest economic democracy
    Show the islanders they would be better off under an Argentine umbrella, offering them the same autonomy as today
    Maybe, just maybe, after several decades, the islanders may choose to affiliate with you.

    It wont mean the islands will be part of Argentina, they are not part of “England” today, but its the best you can hope for.

    You are the problem Malvi, not the solution.

    Mar 03rd, 2024 - 07:37 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Malvinense 1833

    I reiterate that on several points I agree with you and some other forum participants.
    For example I don't agree with some parts of the English version of the story. The islands were invaded by England. There was no British population in West Falkland/Great Malvina, there was no population in East Falkland/Soledad. There was no English population during the French, Spanish or Argentine occupation.
    The ancestors of the current islanders are the settlers who arrived after the usurpation, mostly from Scotland and Wales.
    They settled in Puerto Soledad/Port Louis until their later transfer to the new town of Port Stanley.
    The islands were populated and administered by the Spanish and then, even before independence by Argentina, the islands achieved self-determination more than 200 years ago.
    Argentine sovereignty is not a Peronist scam, Darwin commented on the surprise it caused him to see the British flag flying on the islands. The news of the usurpation was published in the newspapers of Buenos Aires, they should show this to the islanders because it is part of their own history.
    I do not agree that only the islanders possess sovereignty.
    I agree that we must build a successful democracy and economy.
    I agree that we should show them that they would be better off under an Argentine umbrella.
    I do not agree that the islands cannot be part of Argentina.
    They could have the same autonomy as today or a special autonomy.
    With dialogue everything is possible, unfortunately your country always refused dialogue.

    Mar 04th, 2024 - 10:18 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Juan Cervantes

    You can disagree as much as you want Malvi, but facts are facts, your dubious claims would not stand up in court, the Islanders facts would,
    oh but it is a Peronist scam, anyone with half a brain can see that ,its always been a scam.
    no usurping what so ever, no inheritance, no evictions, no Argentine town, no nothing.
    Spain is not Argentina,
    UN, self determination trumps EVERYTHING. whether you like it or not,
    Buenos Aires newspapersreported ?? thats a joke in itself,
    no one refuses dialogue, the islanders would talk to you tomorrow, YOU refuse to talk to the islanders,
    Britain talks to you all the time, but sovereignty is not on the table, end of story,
    it is your lot that withdrew from a negotiated deal, through your crazy Peronists,
    stop wasting your life on a pack of lies a myth and a fantasy, and get a life, nothing you do or say is either relevant, or will change anything, its a complete waste of your life, 200 years FFS,

    Mar 05th, 2024 - 03:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monkeymagic


    For example I don't agree with some parts of the English version of the story. The islands were invaded by England (no they weren't).
    There was no British population in West Falkland/Great Malvina (yes there was in 1760s), there was no population in East Falkland/Soledad. There was no English population during the French, Spanish or Argentine occupation (yes there was), there was never an Argentine occupation.
    The ancestors of the current islanders are the settlers who arrived after the usurpation (no usurpation), mostly from Scotland and Wales.
    They settled in Puerto Soledad/Port Louis until their later transfer to the new town of Port Stanley.
    The islands were populated and administered by the Spanish and then, even before independence by Argentina, the islands achieved self-determination more than 200 years ago (yes, and all the Spaniards left and returned to Spain in 1810).
    Argentine sovereignty is not a Peronist scam (yes it is), Darwin commented on the surprise it caused him to see the British flag flying on the islands. The news of the usurpation was published in the newspapers of Buenos Aires, they should show this to the islanders because it is part of their own history.
    I do not agree that only the islanders possess sovereignty.
    I agree that we must build a successful democracy and economy.
    I agree that we should show them that they would be better off under an Argentine umbrella.
    I do not agree that the islands cannot be part of Argentina.
    They could have the same autonomy as today or a special autonomy.
    With dialogue everything is possible, unfortunately your country always refused dialogue (we havent always refused dialogue, only since you invaded costing 600 lives).

    Mar 05th, 2024 - 10:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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