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“We want a good relationship with Argentina, but will never negotiate Falkland Islanders rights”

Thursday, March 14th 2024 - 08:26 UTC
Full article 33 comments
“My right honorable Friend the Foreign Secretary reassured the Islanders about our enduring commitment during his welcome visit to the Falkland Islands last month,” David Rutley “My right honorable Friend the Foreign Secretary reassured the Islanders about our enduring commitment during his welcome visit to the Falkland Islands last month,” David Rutley
Mrs Sheryll Murray, Conservative and chair of the British Overseas Territories All party Parliamentary Group, asked if as Mrs Thatcher in 1982, “does government retain that steely resolve?” Mrs Sheryll Murray, Conservative and chair of the British Overseas Territories All party Parliamentary Group, asked if as Mrs Thatcher in 1982, “does government retain that steely resolve?”

”The UK Government will always protect and promote the Falkland Islanders’ right of self-determination and only they can decide their future. We want a good relationship with Argentina, but have been very clear that we will never negotiate away the Islanders’ democratic rights. My right honorable Friend the Foreign Secretary (Lord David Cameron) reassured the Islanders about our enduring commitment during his welcome visit to the Falkland Islands last month,“ David Rutley, Under Secretary for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, replied to questions from Parliament members on Tuesday, who asked ”What steps he is taking to uphold the Falkland Islanders right to self determination?.

Mrs Sheryll Murray, Conservative MP for South East Cornwall, chair of the British Overseas Territories All party Parliamentary Group addressing minister Rutley said that she remembered “watching the ships leave the Tamar in my constituency and head to the Falklands more than forty years ago, in 1982, and at the time Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher underlined, ”defeat? I do not recognize the meaning of the word,“

The question is,”Do the government retain that steely resolve?

Minister Rutley replied, “I am young enough to remember those days as well, and yes, the UK Government remain steadfast in their resolve to ensure that the Falkland Islanders’ right of self-determination is upheld, and we will continue to use all diplomatic means to that end.”

A second question this time from Louie French MP Conservative from Old Bexley and Sidcup, asked, “Will my hon. Friend join me in recognizing the efforts of the Falkland Islanders to build a modern, thriving community and economy, and does he agree that as long as they wish to remain part of the British family, the sovereignty of the Falklands Islands will not be up for discussion?

An enthusiastic Minister Rutley agreed, ”Well said. The modern, diverse, economically prosperous Falkland Islands of today is testimony to the Islanders’ achievements since the 1982 conflict. The Islanders are a valued part of the British family, and as long as they want to remain part of the family, sovereignty will not be up for discussion.

Finally, Gregory Campbell, Democratic Unionist Party for East Londonberry, Northern Ireland asked, “Have the very commendable words that the Minister has said at the Dispatch Box today been relayed to the Argentine authorities?”

To which minister Rutley replied, “As I have said, we are working on our good relations with Argentina, but the country is very clear about our position on the Falkland Islands.”

Read also:  FCDO Minister reaffirms Falklands' people right to decide their own future

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  • Monkeymagic

    The vast majority of Malvinistas on these forums are total fruitcakes Trimonde, Argentine zit, Brasilliero etc. Just trolling fruitcakes.

    There are two exceptions:

    Think is a broken alcoholic. An embittered loser in life, who trolls Mercopress in the utterly mistaken belief that he posts anything of value. He is so pathetic almost deserving of pity.

    Malvinense is unique, he is never rude and will engage in a semblance of debate. Unfortunately, he knows much of the myths and legends around 1833 don’t stand to rigorous scrutiny, but he treats them like Gospels and worships at the alter of Kohen.
    It is fun to point out that the events in 1833 are false, but even if they were not, the islanders still own sovereignty and Argentina do not.

    Mar 14th, 2024 - 10:27 pm +7
  • Juan Cervantes

    Just stop with these pathetic lies Malvi, you have been given the facts, your claims have been debunked and proven to be false, yet you persist with the lies, you achieve nothing other than make your self look stupid. grow up for goodness sake.
    while friendly relations with Argentina would be better of for all concerned, the islanders neither need it or want it, people like you are the problem,

    Mar 14th, 2024 - 03:42 pm +6
  • Juan Cervantes

    No Brassole the British empire did not collapse, it was given up voluntary, and if you bothered to do some research you would know that, Russian Empire, Chinese Empire, Mongol Empire, Ottoman empire the list is endless, stop talking crap and grow a brain,

    Mar 14th, 2024 - 04:04 pm +6
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