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Rwanda bill finally approved in Parliament; ex-minister reveals she preferred the Falklands option

Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 - 10:30 UTC
Full article 4 comments

Westminster finally passed on Monday night the controversial plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, following a marathon scuffle between the Lords and the House of Commons. Read full article


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  • Falklands-Free

    Given that Britain is governed by so many foreigners, it does not surprise me at all to have some of these people try to move illegal people to other parts of the British territories.
    Britain is no longer run by genuine British people any more and as a result is why it is in the state it is now.
    All it would do if one of those illegal migrants were to be sent to any British overseas territory, is open the door for tens of thousands more to try to get to Britain, knowing they would then get sent to other British places.
    The real answer is for both Britain and France is to jointly work together and take the illegals all the way back to the point of entry to France and for that Country to pass them back . That would send a very strong message.
    Fact is not every illegal person is escaping war or famine, but are seeking their fortune in another country. The world is over populated and as a result countries can no longer look after their own people.
    Most of those desperate countries are supporting the illegal movement of people. That is where the stopping should start.
    Eight billion people now on the planet and humans are struggling to cope.
    We even have people coming to the Falklands just to get status because their ultimate goal is to get to Britain.
    Chances are illegal placing of such people by Britain would end up with most of those gaining status and legally being allowed to live in England.
    A catch twenty two situation.
    Best to send them all to Argentina . Maybe that would in turn start to water down the aggression by Argentina towards the islanders over time.

    Apr 23rd, 2024 - 11:53 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Mike Summers

    M/s Braverman clearly has a very poor understanding of Overseas Territory Constitutions. The UK cannot just send people here or to St Helena.
    It is a source of concern that these colonial attitudes still exist in some parts of the UK hierarchy, and they need to be exposed whenever they surface.

    Apr 23rd, 2024 - 12:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tænk


    - I've never been more in agreement with Mike “Foxy Smile” Summers than on this very thread...!

    - He is absolutely spot on about Engrish Born Cruella Braverman having a very poor understanding...

    - And his “Freudian Slip” is absolutely magnificent when saying that...: “It is a source of concern that these colonial attitudes still exist in some parts of the UK hierarchy, and they need to be exposed whenever they surface....”

    Las Malvinas son Argentinas.

    Apr 23rd, 2024 - 06:04 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Shogun

    Mr Taenk,

    What a laugh indeed

    Then we have the other one commenting Its all down to over population

    Other countries not being unable to cope, nothing to do with war and destruction

    Does he realise that you could fit the worlds population into the State of Texas I do wonder sometimes at the education of these people who comment on this site

    Apr 23rd, 2024 - 08:08 pm - Link - Report abuse +1

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