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Wages trail inflation in Argentina under Milei

Saturday, May 11th 2024 - 10:43 UTC
Full article 1 comment

Inflation outpaced salaries in March by 11% to 10.3%, according to a report by Argentina's National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) released Friday in Buenos Aires. In yoy terms, the Wage Index increased by 200.8% on average (231.7% in the registered private sector, 183.7% in the public sector, and 129.2% in the informal private sector) and inflation was 287.9%, the survey showed. Hence, President Javier Milei's perception that salaries were recovering turned out inaccurate. Read full article


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  • bushpilot

    The real cure is to tax the super rich.

    And then re-distribute that money to Peronist pockets, but don't tell anybody.

    And then re-distribute any money that's left to people who don't really do anything.

    If there isn't any money left over to re-distribute to do-nothings:

    Just print up some more money.

    That's the cure.

    Anything else is colonialism.

    Ask Axel Kicilloff & Christina Kirchner.

    May 11th, 2024 - 04:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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