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China purchasing 95,000 tons of beef monthly from Brazil

Saturday, May 18th 2024 - 11:07 UTC
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Fresh meat accounted for the lion’s share with 88% of total overseas sales, followed by offal at 7.09%, and processed meat at 3.7%. Fresh meat accounted for the lion’s share with 88% of total overseas sales, followed by offal at 7.09%, and processed meat at 3.7%.

April 2024 was a historic milestone in beef exports for Brazil having shipped 236,842 tons, generating revenues totaling US$ 1.043 billion, points out Agrilink. Leading the list was China, trailed closely by the United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong, which experienced a substantial 38.9% surge in imports compared to March 2024, driven by increased demand for beef offal.

Year-to-date statistics reveal a robust performance in Brazilian beef exports, with shipments reaching 835,328 tons, reflecting a 37,2% increase compared to the corresponding period in 2023. Revenue also witnessed a substantial rise of 29.5%, from US$ 2.8 billion to US$ 3.68 billion. Fresh meat accounted for the lion’s share with 88% of total overseas sales, followed by offal at 7.09%, and processed meat at 3.7%.

Antônio Jorge Camardelli, Executive President of the Brazilian Association of Meat Exporting Industries (Abiec), highlighted the continued robust demand from China, which consistently imports an average of 95 thousand tons per month, reaffirming its status as a key partner for Brazil. However, Camardelli also underlined the prominence of other markets contributing to the year’s increased export volumes.

Throughout 2024, the United Arab Emirates showed remarkable growth in beef purchases, tripling its acquisitions compared to 2023, with shipments totaling 64,787 tons in the first four months of the year, with revenues of US$ 298.2 million. Similarly, exports to Algeria amounted to 20,287 tons, and US$ 92.7 million in revenue, while shipments to the Philippines stood at 19,411 tons, and US$ 68.03 million. Brazilian farmers and meat processors are confident of further burgeoning market opportunities in coming months.

These figures, released by the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services (MDIC) and meticulously compiled and analyzed by the Brazilian Association of Meat Exporting Industries (Abiec), underscore Brazil’s standing prominence as a global leader in beef exports.

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