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Argentina technical reports indicate abundant squid and anticipate a great catch

Monday, May 20th 2024 - 10:40 UTC
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Finalized reports on catches, effort, biological sampling and operation area from the Argentine jigger fleet, totaled catches of 118,878 tons on the 23rd day. Finalized reports on catches, effort, biological sampling and operation area from the Argentine jigger fleet, totaled catches of 118,878 tons on the 23rd day.

The two latest assessment reports from the Argentine National Research and Development Fisheries Institute, INIDEP, presented to the National Fisheries Council point out that the Argentine Illex Squid stock conditions are most abundant and anticipate a great catch season.

The first report, 14/2024 refers to the distribution and abundance of the South Patagonic stock; results of the assessment cruise by EH (Dr. Eduardo Holmberg scientific vessel) 02/24, which took place between 5 and 28 February. The report estimate conclusion mentions an elevated stock, estimated in 101,881 tons, numbering 361 million, south of parallel 49 South, something which was not seen in the 2022 assessment, and which had not been found in the commercial catches on the Patagonia sea shelf since the 2015 season.

Some 78% of the quid was concentrated on the external shelf, between parallels, 48o50 and 50o South to the east of meridian 63 West. The size of squid was between 180 and 307 mm, with males mostly with incipient maturity and females non mature.

Likewise with the 15/2024 technical assessment there was a similarity in results of the follow up of the squid fisheries from 2 January to 6 May, corresponding to week 18.

Finalized reports on catches, effort, biological sampling and operation area from the Argentine jigger fleet, with the weekly catches information from 70 vessels , it totaled catches of 118,878 tons on the 23rd day.

As to the composition of catches, sampling helped identify squid from the outer shelf , between parallels 40 and 44 South during the month April referred to the Buenos Aires province/North Patagonia stock. The checking of the first week of May, identified the presence of the same stock, with average lengths and weights larger than those registered previously.

In the nine months of squid catches, the weekly average varied between 10 and 32 tons per day, with a decreasing tendency in the last four weeks, underlines INIDEP.

Categories: Fisheries, Argentina.

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