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Falklands launches program to modernize anti-discrimination legislation

Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 - 10:45 UTC
Full article
Falklands have a strong history of protecting the rights of those that live and work in the Islands Falklands have a strong history of protecting the rights of those that live and work in the Islands

The Falkland Island Government is embarking on a work program to modernize the Falkland Islands equalities legislation and further protect every individual in the Falklands from discriminatory practices and behaviors. The long-term aim is to introduce the Falkland Islands' first comprehensive legislation against discrimination, whilst ensuring the Falkland Islands meet their international obligations and commitments made in the Islands Plan 2022-2026.

The Falkland Islands have a strong history of protecting the rights of those that live and work here. In an increasingly diverse society this work will send a powerful message that the Islands are committed to equality and fairness for everyone in our community. We want to enable fair opportunities for success and protect generations to come.

The Equalities Project was approved by Executive Council in 2022, after areas of inequality were highlighted by the work of the COVID Recovery Working Group, and following global voicing of support for anti-discrimination policies, legislations, and measures, an Equalities Policy Advisor and a Legal Advisor have been recruited to support this work.

Over the coming months the public and other stakeholders will be encouraged to engage in the development of this work. Collaboration will help ensure that emerging equalities policy and legislation is suitable for the Falkland Islands and accurately reflects the values of the country.

If you would like to be added to the equalities stakeholder distribution list please email:

Categories: Politics, Falkland Islands.

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