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US Election enters uncharted territory after verdict against Trump

Friday, May 31st 2024 - 13:26 UTC
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Trump made history by becoming the first former U.S. president to be convicted of a felony Trump made history by becoming the first former U.S. president to be convicted of a felony

The U.S. presidential campaign has plunged into uncharted territory following a historic verdict against former President Donald Trump. Found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying accounting documents to conceal a payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, Trump immediately shifted into campaign mode, declaring, “I'm a political prisoner!”

The 77-year-old Republican, who has long maintained his innocence, framed the verdict as part of a larger conspiracy against him. “What for any politician would mean the grave, Trump has transformed into a badge of honor,” noted political analyst Keith Gaddie, adding that Trump has drawn comparisons to historic political prisoners like Nelson Mandela to bolster his narrative.

Trump's legal battles are far from over. He faces three other criminal prosecutions, including charges related to his attempts to overturn the 2020 election results and mishandling classified documents after leaving the White House. However, these cases are unlikely to reach the trial phase before the November 2024 election.

President Joe Biden has largely avoided commenting on Trump's judicial issues to prevent accusations of meddling in the judicial system. In a statement, Biden's campaign emphasized that the verdict demonstrates “no one is above the law” while urging voters to focus on the upcoming election. “The threat Trump poses to democracy has never been greater,” the statement added.

Biden has remained silent on the New York verdict, opting instead to focus on his presidential duties. This Friday, he is scheduled for a series of public engagements, including a meeting with the Belgian prime minister and a celebration with the Kansas City Chiefs, the Super Bowl champions.

Trump made history by becoming the first former U.S. president to be convicted of a felony. If he wins the November 5 election, he would set another record by replacing Biden in the White House. The jury found him guilty of falsifying records to cover up a $130,000 payment to prevent Daniels from publicizing an alleged 2006 sexual encounter, which Trump denies. The prosecution argued that this cover-up was part of a broader scheme to deceive voters during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Trump, released without bail after the hearing, faces a potential four-year prison sentence on each count, although probation is more likely due to his lack of prior criminal history. Despite the conviction, he is not barred from continuing his election campaign, even if he were to be jailed.

Sentencing is scheduled for July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention, where Trump is expected to receive the party's nomination. Robert F. Kennedy, running as an independent, suggested that the conviction might actually boost Trump's popularity among Republicans, calling it a “shot in the arm” for Democrats.

However, the political ramifications of Trump's legal troubles are uncertain. “It probably won't swing a lot of votes, but in some specific states where the vote is a swing vote, it may matter at the margins,” explained Gaddie. “In particularly tight races, it can tilt things one way or the other.”

 Source: AFP

Categories: Politics, United States.

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  • MarkWhelan

    If voted in at the next election I believe that Donald Trump will take 3 immediate actions
    1. He will proclaim an Executive Order ruling that both the criminal trial and decision be declared invalid and struck from the record.
    2. He will declare a Presidential Pardon to himself and all members of his family.
    3. He will have sealed the records, transcripts and investigation material related to any political or criminal actions in which he or his family are mentioned for a minimum of 99 years. This is to protect “National Security”.
    The last two have international precede. Jair Bolsonaro used these tactics to protect himself and his family from prosecution while in power in Brasil (Brazil).

    May 31st, 2024 - 02:30 pm +1
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    How on earth is this man even allowed to run for the Presidency . its beyond belief. American Republicans need to wake up,

    May 31st, 2024 - 09:00 pm +1
  • Pugol-H

    Yes also ‘Sorry Bush and Chic’, but I have to agree with Esteban on this one.

    Which should not be taken as any kind of an endorsement of ‘sleepy Joe’.

    The evil of two lesser, imoyaro once said something to the effect, voting for the lesser demon.

    Beggars belief for me that the same two are running again.

    Biden was really too old last time, clearly struggling to read from the script in front of him and Trump complained bitterly about a broken election system which was working fine 4 years before when he won the election.

    Go figure.

    Jun 02nd, 2024 - 02:39 pm +1
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