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Chinese mega port in Peru expected to become operational in first quarter of 2025

Saturday, June 1st 2024 - 09:38 UTC
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“The plan is to inaugurate in November and begin receiving vessels between January, February March next year. Construction has not halted at any point” said Alonso Guinand  “The plan is to inaugurate in November and begin receiving vessels between January, February March next year. Construction has not halted at any point” said Alonso Guinand

Chinese investors who have poured millions of dollars into the Chancay mega-port on the coast of Peru, along the Pacific basin and which hopefully in the near future will have land connections to Latin America's largest economy,

 Cosco Shipping Ports Chancay Peru has announced the inauguration for next November, and Alonso Guinand, Commercial Manager of Cosco Shipping, confirmed that despite ongoing legal disputes with the Peruvian Government regarding the port’s concession contract, construction remains on track.

“We are very focused on the operation. The plan is to inaugurate in November and begin receiving vessels between January, February March next year. Construction has not halted at any point,” Guinand stated in an interview with the a local Lima television Canal N and Portal Portuario

Guinand emphasized that Cosco retains exclusivity over this private project for public use and is diligently working to meet the agreed-upon deadlines. Apparently the National Port Authority (APN) has raised concerns about the exclusivity terms of the facilities.

“The port must be operational by November. We are actively engaged in commercial negotiations with shipping lines and coordinating all related activities,” Guinand added.

Addressing the political climate, Guinand also commented on the recent Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP) survey indicating that President Dina Boluarte has a mere 5% approval rating and members of Congress want to oust her.

“Political instability is never advantageous for any project, particularly large-scale ones like the billions we have invested here. However, our focus remains on advancing the project for Peru and the region's benefit.”

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