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Global tourism expected this year to overcome 2019 pre-Covid level; China the leading spender

Wednesday, June 5th 2024 - 10:22 UTC
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Chinese expenditure on travel abroad reached US$196.5 billion in 2023, ahead of United States, US$ 150bn; Germany, US$ 112bn; UK, US$ 110bn; France 49bn Chinese expenditure on travel abroad reached US$196.5 billion in 2023, ahead of United States, US$ 150bn; Germany, US$ 112bn; UK, US$ 110bn; France 49bn

International tourist arrivals during 2023 recovered 89% of 2019 levels and 97% in the first quarter of 2024, points out the World Tourism Barometer while projections for the whole of 2024 point to a full recovery of international tourism, with arrivals growing 2% above 2019 levels. The reasons have been a strong global demand, enhanced air connectivity, and the recovery of China and other major Asian markets.

 Total export revenues from international tourism, including both receipts and passenger transport, reached an estimated US$ 1.7 trillion in 2023, about 96% of pre-pandemic levels in real terms. Tourism direct GDP recovered pre-pandemic levels in 2023, reaching an estimated US$ 3.3 trillion, equivalent to 3% of global GDP.

Chinese expenditure on travel abroad reached US$196.5 billion in 2023, ahead of the United States, US$ 150bn; Germany, US$ 112bn; UK, US$ 110bn; and France with US$ 49bn. Making the top ten spenders last year are Canada, Italy, India, Russia and Republic of Korea. India rose to 8th place from 14th in 2019 and Italy from 10th to 7th.

France consolidated its position as the world’s most visited destination in 2023 with 100 million international tourist arrivals. Spain was second with 85 million, followed by the United States (66 million), Italy (57 million) and Türkiye, which closed the top five with 55 million international tourists.

Completing the top ten most visited destinations in 2023 are Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, Greece and Austria. Compared to before the pandemic, Italy, Türkiye, Mexico, Germany and Austria all rose one position, while the United Kingdom rose from 10th to 7th and Greece from 13th to 9th.

On international tourism receipts, the ranking is led by the United States, earning US$ 176bn in 2023, followed by Spain, US$ 92bn; UK, US$ 74bn; France, 69bn and Italy, US$ 56bn. Following the above, destinations earning the most from international tourism in 2023 include the United Arab Emirates, Türkiye, Australia, Canada, Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Macao (China), India and Mexico which complete the top 15 list of tourism earners.

Upward movements in the ranking among the top earners include the UK jumping to the 3rd position from 5th pre-pandemic, the United Arab Emirates from 13th to 6th, Türkiye from 12th to 7th, Canada from 15th to 9th, Saudi Arabia from 27th to 12th, and Mexico from 17th to 15th.
Croatia (from 32nd to 25th), Morocco (from 41st to 31st) and the Dominican Republic (43rd to 34th) also moved up in the Top 50 ranking by receipts in 2023, as did Qatar (from 51st to 37th) and Colombia (50th to 44th).

Categories: Tourism, International.

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