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Montevideo, June 27th 2024 - 22:33 UTC



Falklands joins 80th D-Day anniversary with the lighting of a beacon

Thursday, June 6th 2024 - 08:15 UTC
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Coming together to remember Coming together to remember

This Thursday, June 6, the Falkland Islands will also be joining the D-Day 80th Anniversary of the beach landings in Normandy with the lighting of a beacon at 5:15 PM, under the motto of, “A shared moment of celebration”.

Coming together to remember in such an occasion, the June 6 celebrations across the UK held to commemorate the sacrifices of service people on D-Day is a national event to remind us how fragile democracy can be, and how hard she is to recover.

The Falkland Islands will be joining the event with a beacon lighting at the Moody Brook Sllipway, to which all the community is invited. The beacon is to be lit by the Fire and Rescue Service from the Falklands.

The event is sponsored by the Fire and Rescue Service, SAAS, the Chandlery, Kelper Stores and the Falkland Islands Company.

Categories: Politics, Falkland Islands.

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