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Falklands to further improve fisheries surveillance and catch reporting

Tuesday, June 11th 2024 - 07:17 UTC
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Unloading catches in Falklands' FIPASS Unloading catches in Falklands' FIPASS

The Falkland Islands Government through its Fisheries Department will be implementing improvements to be made for fishing vessel surveillance and electronic catch reporting.

During Executive Council held the past week, a paper was considered recommending that the Falkland Islands Government enter into contracts with companies who will deliver an integrated modern vessel surveillance and electronic catch reporting system.

By utilizing current technologies, there will be a significant improvement in the Fisheries Departments’ ability to monitor fishing activity in the FI EEZ. This system can be extended to the Maritime Authority and other nearby OTs if there is interest in doing so.

Fishing industry and wider stakeholders have been briefed on the proposed new surveillance and reporting system.

Following contract award and as part of the implementation plan, the fishing industry and relevant stakeholders will be re-engaged to ensure the timely delivery of the upgraded system.

Categories: Fisheries, Falkland Islands.

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