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Falklands tells Decolonization Committee C24, “Our voice is all that matters”

Wednesday, June 19th 2024 - 10:59 UTC
Full article 36 comments

By MLA Teslyn Barkman

The Falklands people are not the UK officials that have administered the Islands. However, Argentina don’t accept this, and requested again to be our colonial masters at the UN C24-decolonisation committee. MLA Short and I attended the UN meeting of the “question of the Falklands” on Tuesday 18th June to point to the obvious - Our voice is all that matters. Read full article


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  • Falklands-Free

    When is the C24 on decolonisation ever going to start getting it into their obviously thick heads that the Falkland Islands is no longer a colony. We are as Falkland Islanders, developing our future on our own . We made it abundantly clear in 2013 that we wanted to remain a part of the British overseas territories to determine our own future in the way we wanted too.
    That is exactly what we are doing. We have full control of our economy and above all earn and pay our own way.
    We have been very successful in what we have achieved and still achieving.
    Given that this committee is there to help those who want to be free from colonial control seems to me to be nothing but a lie.
    They support Argentinas claim which will ensure that the people of the Falkland islands remain a colony. Something we have moved away from.
    So why do these dead beats support the aggressor who invaded us in 82 .
    We call ourselves the human race but in all honesty we are the human disgrace when it comes to the rights of people.
    The C24 refuse to come and see for themselves how we live the lives of our choosing because they know they will be embarrassed at what they see. Rather than a colonialist country we are indeed living the free life of our choosing.
    They also dont want to upset our illegal land grabber because in truth they are afraid of Argentina, just as is all the neighbours who live in South America.
    We have an A+ rating in the world financial standing. We have no poverty, no debt, no unemployment and our economy is thriving financially. We have one of if not the best run fishing industry's in the world. We have a very high ranking in the tourist world.
    In spite of the embargo that Argentina puts on us, we are thriving.
    Argentina has cut it's own nose off to spite its face. Their economy has failed. 50% poverty, unemployment and billions of foreign debt.
    Why for heavens sake would we want to be a part of all that.

    Jun 19th, 2024 - 12:44 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Juan Cervantes

    It is nothing but a pointless irrelevant bunch of nobodies having a jolly day out, just ignore them, its not worth wasting more than 2 seconds on them,

    Jun 19th, 2024 - 01:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Don Alberto

    @ Falklands-Free


    They stick their fingers in their ears and shout “WE CAN'T HEAR YOU”.

    Jun 19th, 2024 - 04:24 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • MalvinasArgentinas H&G rights

    For more than 150 years, the pirates have occupied our land after expulsing our people during the 1833 invasion & usurpation, only 8 years after the same British empire signed a treaty of friendship & commerce with our new Argentinian nation.
    Today, the kelpers, their descendants, continue disregarding the sovereignty dispute that Argentina has been year after year claiming, as the rightful descendants of the Spanish Empire. The sovereignty dispute, acknowledged by the UN since 1946, is based on irrefutable historical, geographical & international law principles, such as the Papal docs, Utrecht Treaty, & the 1825 Treaty of Friendship & commerce between Argentina & the British Empire, to mention just a few docs; these islands, that rest on the Argentinian maritime platform, are located almost 13,000 miles from the UK, & are one of the last vestiges of the British colonial imperialism in foreign lands.
    The illegal occupiers raise again their voice to convince the world they’re the victims: not only claim they aren’t colonisers, but they don’t want to be ‘colonised’ by Argentina! To appear credible, they’ve created an invalid 2012 referendum -since the sovereignty of the islands is in dispute- that goes against UN recommendations that decisions on Malvinas must be reached by consensus between both parties.
    They claim 1982 as change of their status, from kelpers to indigenous people (?). The Gesta de Malvinas wasn’t an invasion, but a recovery action of Argentinian land that specifically stopped the 150 years of unanswered sovereignty claims in its tracks, voiding legal effects of what would have been 150 years of uninterrupted illegal occupation.
    With lies, & the US and Europe backing, you may have won a battle, but Argentina actions and claims have captured the world’s recognition of this anachronic colonialism. Don’t scream wolf, when we all know who the real wolf is.

    Jun 19th, 2024 - 05:06 pm - Link - Report abuse -7
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    OMG, who is this deluded person above spouting debunked time and time again propaganda, who ever it is needs to get an education, clueless to say the least,

    Jun 19th, 2024 - 05:49 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Liberato

    Falklands-Free, you said: “When is the C24 on decolonisation ever going to start getting it into their obviously thick heads that the Falkland Islands is no longer a colony”. You have no idea what you are talking about. Why do you think Malvinas is no longer a colony?. Becouse you are assuming by that phrase, that it was, indeed a colony. When did that colonial situation ended for you?.What year? event?. These are not rhetorical questions.

    Im asking you this, becouse the argentine position, is not that Britain is, today, colonising a people living in Malvinas or subjugating them in any way. The Argentine position, is that the population living in Malvinas, are a british population, ergo, they are a population of the nation that are colonising our islands. Impeding we argentines, enjoy fully our sovereignty rights over that part of our territory.

    quote2:“We made it abundantly clear in 2013 that we wanted to remain a part of the British overseas territories to determine our own future in the way we wanted too.”
    What happened in 2013? Asking british people if they want to remain being british?. Do you regularly ask a penguin if he wants to be a penguin?.
    The population in Malvinas is not a freelly and naturally population that was formed freelly by inmigrants. It was, and it is strictly regulated as to mantain a population with a 97% of british origins making the stupid question made in the “referendum” totally irrelevant and a show for the UN. Which, by the way, refused to legitimate that charade.

    quote3:“They support Argentinas claim which will ensure that the people of the Falkland islands remain a colony.”.
    The UN does not supports Argentina. They supports decolonization. And Argentina, historically, have always voted and supported decolonization in all resolutions of the UN or any other international organization. The UK, for instance, quite the contrary. So, the british calling Argentina colonialist is more than laughable, its inexplicable.

    Jun 19th, 2024 - 10:18 pm - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Falklands-Free

    MalvinasArgentinas H&G rights.
    Just what kind of drugs are you on. Not a single piece of that is true.
    About time you started telling the truth and why your military was removed in 1833. You were given at least two warnings from Britain not to attempt to establish a military base on English ignored them all.
    But the interesting piece is that there are NO indigenous Argentines in South America. Tell the truth. Your lot invaded that land and removed the indigenous people. Britain removed illegal settlers that ignored them.
    We are no longer a colony and you know it we are a British overseas territory that has desired the right in the 21st century to live the lives of our choosing. Prove to us all that Spain did in fact give you our land. Remember before you invaded Patagonia , Argentina was a very tiny land grabbed area around Buenos Aires.
    Do your homework. You even tried stealing land from Chile as well. You have a history built on deception and theft. We want no part of a country that wants to return us to colonialism. We have an international right under the UN charter to determine our own future and that is exactly what we have done. We dont want Argentina being apart of that choice . We are fed up with Argentine lies and at last our two islander representatives have challenged the C24 about that. We do exist, we are here and we will decide our own future, not Argentina or Britain or any other Country. Argentina is sick and indoctrinated and needs putting firmly in their place. Any country that supports Argentina is also either sick or totally afraid of them. We Falkland Islanders are not afraid of Argentina and we have the right to determine our own future enshrined in the UN.
    If you dont agree take your case to the ICJ. I challang you to do that. Remember Britain had an established settlement in 1776 .Argentina did not exist back then in name. They certainly did not own Patagonia then either so you do not own the continental shelf.

    Jun 19th, 2024 - 10:28 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Libby the white population of Argentina are not native to the land, the United Provinces was created by the Spanish colonists by stealing the land from the natives the rest of Argentina was also stolen by Argentina from the native population ,hypocritical is it not,? so yes you are colonists , the population of the Falklands is now approaching 4,000 people, and are nowhere near 97% British, people from 66 nations call it home including some of Argentine heritage ,Chilean, Uruguayan French Swedish, the list goes on, your facts are so wrong in every way, finally they have never been your islands, Britain claimed the islands long before you existed, the claim was never given up, neither Spain France Portugal or the Netherlands have ever said they claimed the islands first, only Argentina does, strange that is it not, so yes it is explicable and hypocritical for you to claim you where not and are colonialists.

    Jun 19th, 2024 - 10:40 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Roger Lorton

    In August 1986, Argentina finally ratified the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (1966). The CCPR had come into effect in 1976. The UK ratified immediately, but Argentina prevaricated for a decade because it no longer liked the wording, despite being a signatory in 1966.

    “Article 1 –
    1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
    2. All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence.
    3. The States Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination, and shall respect that right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter....”

    I quote Graham Pascoe - “Self-determination was thereby confirmed as a right of all peoples including those of non-self governing territories, and it became an obligation on states responsible for such territories to promote“ the realization of the right of self-determination” for the peoples living in them. ... Thus Britain is obliged to promote external self-determination for the Falkland Islanders. To hand the islands to Argentina would be a breach of that obligation…”

    Seems to me that Argentina accepted that the islanders had the right of self-determination in 1986 on ratification. I have checked, Argentina did not make an exception or other caveat regarding the Falklands upon ratification.

    Jun 19th, 2024 - 11:38 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Liberato

    Falklands-Free, quote1:“ ....We do exist, we are here and we will decide our own future, not Argentina or Britain or any other Country.... ”.
    Do you realize that right now, you are a citizen of Britain, while at the same time, you are saying that Britain will not decide over your future?.
    u brits dont want brits?
    Dont give me the phrase that you are a “falkland” citizen. You are legally a british citizen. The world does not accept a “falkland” nation passport becouse there is not such thing. If you feel a falklander, a british or an elephant, i dont care. But it doesnt mean i dont believe your existance. Its just that you pretend us to believe that you exist as an elephant.

    Totally afraid of Argentina????. Wel, our colonial forces are pushing well these days. You will be waiting for some time, we are still developing our imperial ships but will get there.

    quote2:“Prove to us all that Spain did in fact give you our land”. First it was not your land, Secondly, there was not any of you that started coming in waves from 1834 and third, Spain did not gave anything to Argentina becouse Argentina Started to exist at the very moment we declared independence. We were part of Spain until we independized.
    You prove to us all that Britain did in fact give you our land???.

    quote3:“Argentina is sick and indoctrinated and needs putting firmly in their place”. Ok and what about the other 9 territories that the UN considers are under british colonialism where there is no sovereignty dispute at all with no other colonialist power like Argentina?¨.

    quote4:“Britain had an established settlement in 1776.”. There was not a single british in 1776, only spaniards that were the owners of all that part of the globe.

    Esteban F, “the white population of Argentina are not native to the land”. But the islanders are???. Look how funny it is that we are not 97% of spanish origins and spanish citizens are not running our government, schools, judiciary, health, security, etc

    lorton r

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 12:08 am - Link - Report abuse -5
  • imoyaro

    These walls of verbiage have the whiff of Trimonstruosidades / Patsy the Expat about them...

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 02:09 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Juan Cervantes

    The sheer stupidity of your argument beggars belief, Liberato, every single white man on the American continent is implanted stock, yes you are not 97 % Spanish but you are 97% Spanish Italian German, and white European, hypocritical dont you think, but thats ok by you because the land you stole was not from white people, thats just pathetic and being a hypocritical argument, Spain did not own all that part of the globe at all, you are absolutely clueless about the history of the Falklands,

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 08:04 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Falklands-Free

    Truth is hard to accept Isnt it Libby. You refuse to accept that there were others on the islands long before Spain or indeed that breakaway country you call Argentina. British people built a settlement at port edgmont at the time the French built a settlement at Port Louis. Where was Spain then.not here. You refuse to accept that we exist as a people with international rights. You refuse to believe we are no longer a colony because you simply dont want to believe. That is your mentality. In fact as a people we are more indigenous than you Argentines who invaded a country that had indigenous people.
    You stole their land and their identity, we did nothing like that because when Britain settled these islands there were no indigenous people, just a few implanted people at Port Louis. Nothing more.
    You refuse to believe that we run our own economy free from input from Britain. We chose rather than become independent that we wished to stay a part of the British overseas territories. Nothing to do with implantation or instructions from Britain. Something that we the inhabitants of many generations who call ourselves Falkland Islanders wanted. There was no external pressure.
    We do not now or any time in the future want to be a part of a rogue land grabbing cleansing of people country called Argentina.
    As far as we are concerned Argentina does not exist either. You are thieves murderers and pirates that stole a land from an indigenous people and we are not going to let you do that to us.
    Shout as loud as you like. Lie as much as you want. Ignore reality all you want. We chose to remain British democratically. No dictation and no interference from Britain.
    Time you moved on into the real world and stopped living in the dark ages.

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 11:18 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Liberato

    Lorton, quote:”In August 1986, Argentina finally ratified the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (1966).“.
    This Covenant was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 16 December 1966 and entered into force on 23 March 1976. The Covenant elaborates further the civil and political rights and freedoms listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    The UK adopted it in 1976, while Argentina in 1976 was under a military rule, where the liberties and civil rights were totally anulled or suspended. Is this your best shot?.
    What about res 1514? 2065?.

    Juan Cervantes, In more than 200 years, the british could have legitimated the illegal colonization of Malvinas many times by making the inmigration open to ”bordering“ states. But they refused and still refuse to change the status quo. Why? becouse of business. They are a business. A colony. A way to make money and kleep the empire for the future.

    Falklands-Free, descend in a place and own it are two different things. You said that the British people built a settlement at port edgmont at the time the French built a settlement at Port Louis. That is not true. The first to got to the place, settle it and claimed it were the French that recognized a prior spanish right.
    The british tried an expedition to Malvinas before, but Spain specifically denied to Britain that expedition to spanish sovereign land. And After the french settled in Malvinas, the british made a hidden settlement in Trinidad Island and claimed sovereignty for its king George.
    For any sovereignty purposes, the british were not the first to discover the islands, to settle the islands, to claim the islands and they dont even controlled the little area of the Trinidad Island. The only power to control all the area was Spain, that continue tha french colonization and controlled, alone, the whole area.
    Quote:”You refuse to believe we are no longer a colony”. The United Nations considers you live under colonialism. Not me.

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 04:55 pm - Link - Report abuse -6
  • Juan Cervantes

    Now you are making an utter and complete fool of yourself, Britain has NO desire to ever have an empire again, it gave one up. the vast majority of it peacefully, countries that still seek close ties with Britain, its called the Commonwealth of nations, There are Uruguayans Chileans Brazilians and Argentinians Philipinos Zimbabweans living on the Falklands all happy to do so, again you LIE about Britain not discovering and claiming the islands first, only you say that. France Spain Portugal and the Netherlands never make that claim. a hidden settlement ?, are you stark raving bonkers, or just downright lying, why do you think you have never gone to the ICJ, because your claim is ridiculous fill of disproven lies half truths and ignorance of the true history of the Falklands, grow up get a life get an education and stop all this stupid BS,

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 05:59 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Liberato

    Juan Cervantes, its the official history told by the colonial regime where it says that, and i quote: “The Falkland Islands have never had any native inhabitants and no indigenous people have ever been displaced, instead the Islands were entirely unoccupied until 1765, when they were first claimed by the British who established a garrison at Port Egmont”.
    Now i wonder, when did the french first claimed and stablished a settlement?. Can you tell me that?

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 08:02 pm - Link - Report abuse -4
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Not speaking for Juan but your arguments are pretty pathetic, 1590 Britain claimed the islands , google it ,long before France or Spain, that is a historical fact, Argentina is not France the United Provinces are not Spain, Argentina is not even in the frame, As Juan said just stop with this silly nonsense, its time to put up or shut up, go to the ICJ, you can moan groan and cry as much as you want, it changes nothing, if you win , i would not like it, but i would accept it,

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 08:16 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Liberato

    Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Where is your source?. Are you that lazy?. 1590 Britain claimed the islands?

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 08:43 pm - Link - Report abuse -6
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Find it yourself, i am not your secretary,

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 08:48 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Liberato

    You are the one claiming it. You are the one to prove it. How can i prove the inexistence of something you said?.
    Its the same if i claim the earth is flat and i then tell you to google it. So your arguments are more than pathetic.

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 08:56 pm - Link - Report abuse -6
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Why should i do your dirty work, i dont have to prove anything to you, you are the one who wants to take away the land from the rightful owners, as i said either put up or shut up, your arguments are beyond pathetic, repeating the same old nonsense time and time again, take your case to the ICJ, i am 100% confident that you have no leg to stand on,

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 09:04 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Roger Lorton

    Libby - Argentina was not under military rule in 1986.
    So, in 1986, Argentina recognised the Islanders right of self-determination when it ratified the CCPR.

    Resolutions? How about 1541 (1960) and 2625 (1970)?
    The last resolution was in 1988. It was answered to the UN's satisfaction, and there have been none since. The annual farce that is the C24 is of no consequence. They adopt a Falklands resolution in June, and then in August they drop it - failing to recommend their own resolution for adoption by the UN.

    A pantomime. The only people being deceived, are the Argentines.

    Jun 20th, 2024 - 10:52 pm - Link - Report abuse +6
  • Liberato

    Lorton, quote:“ in 1986, Argentina recognised the Islanders right of self-determination when it ratified the CCPR.”.
    There was no recognition of rights to self-determination for the islanders in 1986 at all in any way. That is only on your wet dreams.

    The CCPR is to acknowledge more rights to civil and political citizens. It entered into force on 23 March 1976 and the british adopted it in 1976, right when it became into force. The Argentine, as you said, it didnt adopted it right away becouse we had a military dictatorship that were not so friendly in voting for civil, political and liberty rights.
    Your excuse was that we didnt adopted it right away and i explained to you that we wasnt so fast becouse we were not in charge of our own lives.
    Having said that, It is well known how Argentina has consistentely voted for all the liberties and the self-determination rights for all humanity. And we all Argentines are in favour of self-determination and voted in favour of all resolutions regarding decolonization. You can check that out looking each resolutions made by the UN historically. The problem is that you think we are against self-determination and that is not the truth. We are against the false invocation of the right to self-determination by the colonial power and citizens of the colonial power as an excuse for not resolve a sovereignty dispute and to mantain colonialism in this part of the globe claiming a territory as big as Europe.
    The last resolution on the General Assembly was in 1988 becouse later happened the madrid talks and the sovereignty umbrella where Argentina desisted from continue calling the case in the general assembly.
    The question of the colonial situation in Malvinas remains on the UN General Asembly provisional agenda, each year. And it is not invoked for a desition of Argentina and not becouse we droped the claim or becouse the UN resolved the situation as you always suggest. You should at least study instead of making lies.

    Jun 21st, 2024 - 01:00 am - Link - Report abuse -6
  • Judge Jose

    Lets just suppose for 1 minute that the Falklands are still a colony Libby, to de colonise a land you give the people who live there their independence, you do not transfer it to another country, are you that stupid,? its you who has wet dreams about the islanders not having rights to self determination, i see you still have an orgasm over the world colony, just like Bermuda the British Virgin islands and the rest of the BOTs they can have independence tomorrow if they choose, and they would be off the pointless c24 committees silly little list, still repeating the same old garbage, accusing other people of lies ? my god thats a good one, your whole fantasy claim is made up from a bunch of lies.

    Jun 21st, 2024 - 05:52 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Falklands-Free

    Libby is a fake. Someone who is implanted to create argument.
    Seriously indoctrinated. A loser a nothing that trawls the internet spoiling for an argument.
    That is his existence. Truth is he very likely does not even know how Argentina began or where the Falkland islands are.
    He certainly dose not know or does not want to know the history of our islands.
    He contradicts himself in every reply.
    Yes a nothing, implanted by the Spanish on a land that was indeed occupied by an indigenous people.
    A disaster of his own society that is stopping real progress a looser in our books. A basic trouble maker who has no real meaning of people and what they stand for.
    Never brings actual factual truth to the post. Refuses others factual proof, because his mind is cleansed of the truth.
    It is actually not worth corresponding with someone like that. You can never educate stupid.
    He is part of the reason that Argentina is in such a mess. Denial of the truth. He does not believe that 50% of his fellow countrymen are in poverty. He does not believe that the Spanish colonised Patagonia and removed an indigenous people.
    He does not accept that his country is in critical debt. He does not accept that we islanders exist. That we have a very healthy economy.
    It eats him up so badly that it has invaded his indoctrinated mind to the point he no longer functions like the average person.
    I actually feel sorry for him because he is past help.

    Jun 21st, 2024 - 07:39 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Judge Jose

    It must hurt like hell for them to find out that what they have been fed over the years is garbage. but they are stuck like a mouse on a wheel and cant get off it, Argie Cit is the same, Malvinese use to be a good debater, but no longer, just gone down the same route of repeating the same debunked nonsense, spent a few months away from this site and its still the same old same old, meanwhile the islanders continue to live their lives as they see fit,

    Jun 21st, 2024 - 08:26 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Liberato

    Judge Jose, quote:“Lets just suppose for 1 minute that the Falklands are still a colony Libby”.
    For the United Nations, ergo, the world, they ARE a colony in a process of decolonization. They've never have a different status for the international community. But dont believe me:,Charter%20of%20the%20United%20Nations.

    There are different kinds of colonialism. Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and most of the other territories are still in the process of decolonization. Those colonial regimes do not control even the judiciary, that is the most basic instrument for any government to declare or request independence.

    Falklands-Free You supposedly live in the islands and yet, you have no idea of your own history. Even the “history” told by Britain.
    Britain abandoned Port Egmont in 1774 and yet you said that “Britain had an established settlement in 1776”.
    You said: “You refuse to believe we are no longer a colony because you simply dont
    want to believe,”
    As of June 2024, the State of Palestine is recognized as a sovereign state by 144 of the 193 member states of the United Nations. That is international law, regardless of what you think or what the British government says. The same applies to Malvinas. They are a NSGT. A territory under a colonial situation in the UN process of decolonization. Regardless of what you and i may think of it.

    You also said: “We do exist, we are here and we will decide our own future, not Argentina or Britain or any other Country..”
    You are a british citizen. Regardless of the colonial situation. You are legally british and ergo, under any point of view, Britain administer the islands.
    Its like if im as an argentine citizen, says that Argentina will not decide our future of argentines in Argentina.

    Do you see the nonsense you've been saying here on this very article?.

    Jun 21st, 2024 - 12:51 pm - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Juan Cervantes

    What on earth are you rambling on about , its neither relevant or makes much sense.
    the simple fact is the islanders run their own affairs, nothing except defence is decided out side Stanley, just like it is in Bermuda and all the rest of the BOTs, no one either cares or is remotely concerned about a pathetic little sub committee called the c24, they are toothless. irrelevant and serve no purpose what so ever, for goodness sake get a life, the UN are not remotely interested in Argentinas crying and moaning, independence will come to the islands when they decide they want it too, stop all this pathetic fanatical nonsense. you achieve nothing, quite the opposite, you alienate yourself further, get a grip and get a life, its all too short for this garbage, debating with you is pointless a Falklands Free says, so go and have your orgasm over your favourite little word if that makes you happy,

    Jun 21st, 2024 - 05:45 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Liberato

    Juan Cervantes calm down boy. We are just chating. We are not fighting. Why you care if i use the word colonialism?.
    Besides, Juan Cervantes, Judge José, Esteban Domingo Fernandez. You are spanish lovers or what?.

    Jun 21st, 2024 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Juan Cervantes

    Perfectly calm Libby, just trying to stop you making a complete fool of yourself, you dont seem to understand , your obsession of your orgasm word makes you look like a teenager discovering women for the first time,

    Jun 21st, 2024 - 08:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Liberato

    Juan Cervantes, I suggest you not to read the tittle of this article, or better, try not to read this kind of webpages that mentions words you dont wanna read.

    Jun 21st, 2024 - 09:11 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Juan Cervantes

    Libby i suggest you grow a brain and do some genuine research and ditch the indoctrinated lies and myths of a place called Malvinas, it never existed.

    Jun 21st, 2024 - 10:29 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Roger Lorton

    Still not learned any history, Libby?

    One of the most profitable times for the British in the Falkland Islands was after 1774. The Spaniards even produced a map in 1776 identifying the western Islands as 'English'.

    Do try to keep up.

    Jun 22nd, 2024 - 12:07 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Juan Cervantes

    Libby just doesnt get it, his colony word obsession does not bug me in the slightest, quite the opposite, it makes me laugh because its so funny,

    Jun 22nd, 2024 - 10:14 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • imoyaro

    Argentina stole the land across from the Falklands from Chile. When Chile was locked in a war with the two larger countries of Peru and Bolivia, Argentina forced them to cede the larger part of Patagonia, which was Chilean, in return for not joining Chile's enemies. Brave, brave Argentine colonists!!

    Jun 22nd, 2024 - 02:16 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Roger Lorton

    Wrong link - apologies

    Jun 22nd, 2024 - 09:00 pm - Link - Report abuse +1

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