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Bolivian President thanks the support he received during the military uprising

Thursday, June 27th 2024 - 19:54 UTC
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Arce eventually appointed new chiefs to head the Bolivian Armed Forces, General José Wilson Sánchez replacing Zúñiga Arce eventually appointed new chiefs to head the Bolivian Armed Forces, General José Wilson Sánchez replacing Zúñiga
General Zúñiga said the whole deployment was to boost Arce's image given Bolivia's current crisis General Zúñiga said the whole deployment was to boost Arce's image given Bolivia's current crisis

Bolivian President Luis Arce Catacora thanked his fellow countrymen and the international community for their support Wednesday during the military uprising that was eventually quashed with the arrest of General Juan José Zúñiga and the other rebel leaders and officers.

“We salute and express our most sincere gratitude to our social organizations and to all the Bolivian people, who took to the streets and expressed themselves through different media, expressing their rejection of the coup attempt, which all it does is damage the image of Bolivian democracy at the international level and generate unnecessary uncertainty at times when Bolivians need to work to move the country forward,” Arce said on social media.

“We are going to defend democracy and the will of the Bolivian people no matter the cost!” he added.

However, General Zúñiga said the revolt had been undertaken at Arce's behest to boost his dwindling popularity amid a growing economic crisis. ”On Sunday, at the La Salle school, I met with the president and the president told me: 'The situation is very screwed up this week, it is critical, so it is necessary to prepare something to raise my popularity'. I told him, 'Shall we take out the armored cars?' Then, on Sunday night, the armored vehicles started to come down (...),“ Zúñiga explained.

Arce eventually appointed new chiefs to head the Bolivian Armed Forces, General José Wilson Sánchez replacing Zúñiga, against whom a ”criminal investigation“ has been opened for the alleged commission of terrorism and armed uprisings against the security and sovereignty of the State. Also arrested was Vice-Admiral Juan Arnez Salvador.

According to Zúñiga, logistical reasons stood in the way of the coup d'état's success. The rebels' goals were not achieved ”because the Viacha units were late in arriving, also the Navy and Air Force personnel could not arrive since it was decided that the uprising would be carried out on Wednesday, June 26 at 11:00 am, since all the commanders of the military forces were present, it is worth mentioning that all the people I mentioned previously in this police interview were in my office today at the Army General Command at 11:00 a.m,” the General said when questioned by prosecutors.

Categories: Politics, Latin America.

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