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OAS General Assembly salutes Argentina's stance regarding Malvinas and issues Declaration of Asunción

Saturday, June 29th 2024 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 18 comments

The 54th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) concluded Friday in the Paraguayan capital with the Declaration of Asunción, a document promoting the elimination of violence against women and girls, the fight against climate change, and the fight against organized crime. Read full article


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  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    WOW, such earth shattering news, lmfao.

    Posted 4 days ago - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Trimonde

    It's important to continue highlighting the fact that the America, and specially Hispanic America recognizes the British usurpation of Argentine land they inherited by virtue of independence from Spain. There is a sovereignty principal regarding all nations that was violated and it will never stop being an offense. But what can you expect of a country that displaces people by force using weapons of destruction, then lies about it to satisfy its own greedy selfish needs and agendas, like they did in Palestine by shoving aside the owners of the land to install the Zionists.
    Who created the Malvinas conflict? As is always the case, the aggressor countries, the US and UK. They could have gone back to Port Egmont and sensibly negotiated the issue with the new nation of Argentina who they wanted as friends and allies, but no. They insulted and offended, saying one thing with one hand holding a pen then quietly robbing with the other holding a gun. And the islanders? ... Well the poor islanders in too deep their hypocritical denial lies to be strong about the truth, they are completely atrophied and incapable of building a sensible debate nor the necessary argument that needs to put accountability for what has been forged onto their shoulders, on London and Britain's actions, where that accountability belongs. Even when that would absolutely be the most intelligent thing they could do in their favor, they wouldn't know how to wield that policy even if they thought of it.

    Posted 3 days ago - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Might be important to you but the rest of the world have zero interest, as for your stark raving bonkers conspiracy theories you need to seek medical help, even the Argentine citizen Viking posted the truth about Galtieri, what do you expect of a country that displaces people ? are you forgetting your ancestors from the Roman empire, and your other ancestors the Spanish, boy you make yourself look stupid, lay off the drink or drugs they frazzle your brain,

    Posted 3 days ago - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Trimonde

    That's where you're wrong. The rest of the world very much is upset at the belligerency deceit and unlawful abuse of power by today's “empires”. No one thinks of America, Europe or the so called Western World as the exemplary noble leaders of the world endowed with morality and virtue that they once had been fooled into believing. That world is dead and gone. Now the world sees you as the war mongrel robbers of defenseless countries.
    Galtieri??? Britain and America's poor pathetic used pond? PLUH-EESE!

    Posted 3 days ago - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    No they are not. they are sick to death of your crying and moaning, the Chileans, Uruguayans Brazilians , dislike you and couldnt care less about the Falklands and your dubious claim. they have far more important that concern them,, other than that what the heck are you gibbering on about, by the way your own history is filled with murder rape conquest , let that sink in, hypocrite,

    Posted 3 days ago - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Tænk

    Stai tranquilo Trimonde...
    Non vale la pena discutere con questi Anglosassoni del cavolo...

    They still Tænk thzt they are running the Worldshow..., as if it was 1924...

    Them Aussie Abos....? Them American Redskins...? Them African Niggas...?
    Them Latinamerican Dagos...? Them Arab Sandniggas..., Them indian Coolies...? Them Russian Ivans...? Them Chinese Gooks...? All irrelevant Untermenschen for them...

    Capisce.... ;-)

    Posted 3 days ago - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Steve Potts

    Falklands - The OAS has clearly failed to live up to its own charter and principles. Meanwhile Argentine colonization and expansionism has been thoroughly endorsed.

    Falklands & The OAS (1 PG):

    Posted 3 days ago - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Stink is one racist piece of work, i bet his mum and dad are so proud of what they produced,
    it must make him feel big spewing racial slurs, no wonder 3 wives have left him and he hit the bottle,

    Posted 3 days ago - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Pugol-H

    Your argument falls at the first hurdle, Argentina did not inherit the Islands from Spain, the most you can claim to have inherited was a dispute already settled in Britain’s favour.

    The Anglo Spanish treaty of 1771 proves that Britain always rejected Spain’s claim, maintained their own claim and that Britain’s claim is much older than Argentina in any form.

    Your forbears ‘shoved aside the owners of the land’ you now call Argentina, exterminating them in the process, to install the Creole Conquistador regime that persists to this day.

    Argentina created this dispute when it revived its claim to the territories in 1943, having dropped its claim in 1850.

    Also, ‘completely atrophied’ is a far better description of people like you and Argentina in general, than it is of the British or the Islanders.

    You make Cuba and Venezuela look progressive.

    As For Stink
    So says the Indian Murdering, Creole Conquistador, Planter Ba*tard.

    Pot, kettle, or what?

    Posted 3 days ago - Link - Report abuse +3
  • darragh

    I see Trimonde is off his meds again.

    I don't think there is anyone who talks as much crap as him except perhaps Old Stinky but at least he keeps it relatively brief.

    Posted 3 days ago - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Veteran

    Good Afternoon Taenk,

    Please go steady on the racist language.

    Posted 2 days ago - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan Cervantes

    The obsession of an inheritance from Spain is ridiculous, but then again the the whole Malvinas argument is ridiculous, as is the rest of Reginis post,
    Stink is full of hate and racism, dont waste your time trying to debate with him Veteran ,he has not passed puberty yet, a quick search of his historical posts will show you that, both Argentine posters hate the west but love the protection it gives them,

    Posted 2 days ago - Link - Report abuse 0
  • imoyaro

    It's always fun to watch Gauchito Drunk get into his cups and spout how he really feels with the racial epithets...

    Gauchito! Borracho! Vos Sos El Mal Racisto!!

    Posted 2 days ago - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Tænk

    Good Afternoon..., Mr. Anglo Veteran...
    It ain't my “Racist Language” matey... It's yours... It's Engrish..., ya' know...?

    Engrish slur words..., created by you Anglos to refer to each and every etnhic group you fellas have fancied murdering..., enslaving and exploiting for the last 500 years or so...

    Murdering..., enslaving and exploiting you continue with..., to this very minute...
    But without uttering your good auld “Racial Slurs” (in public)..., and in the name of “Democracy”

    “DEMOCRACY”..., what a beautiful but brutally abused old Greek word...

    Tell me Mr. Anglo Veteran...
    Who is “Democratically” guiding the Anglosphere these days...?
    Dementia striken Mr. Joe Biden or Dr. Alzheimer...? Rishy Sunak............?

    Last but not least...,Mr. Anglo Veteran...
    Please go steady on ya' ICBM'S..., MQ9- Reapers and sissy 5.56mm bullets...


    Posted 2 days ago - Link - Report abuse -3
  • imoyaro

    Gauchito, you use the words, you re a racist drunk. Carry on... ;)

    Posted 2 days ago - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Roger Lorton

    Same as last year.
    Same as every year.
    Waste of breath.

    Still, for the record, Britain's response

    Posted 2 days ago - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    But it is your racist language stink, nobody else posts the racist bile on here that you do, you think you are being clever and funny, you are neither, , as for democracy if you dont like it go live in China Russia Iran North Korea, your mind is infested with hate towards anything that is Remotely British, as many people have said in the past, you are nothing more than a sad little boy living a sad little life, your 3 ex wives saw that, now try to be a good little boy and go play with your toys, you are out of your depth in adult conversations,

    Posted 2 days ago - Link - Report abuse +2
  • imoyaro

    Please don't bother belaboring the obvious. . Gauchito Drunk is a paragon in his own mind, but hey, if your with Putin and Shi,, you must be on top of the world, eh?

    Posted 2 days ago - Link - Report abuse +1

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