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Montevideo says González Urrutia won but still not president-elect

Saturday, August 3rd 2024 - 09:45 UTC
Full article 12 comments

Uruguayan Foreign Minister Omar Paganini said Friday that there was an “overwhelming amount of information” whereby opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia may be considered the winner of Sunday's elections. However, Montevideo could not recognize him as president-elect because that legal procedure was up to the Venezuelan authorities. Read full article


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  • Brasileiro

    Demanding that a sovereign country provide access to electoral data, or any other data, is the same as demanding its submission. I do not agree with this; no country or organization has ever demanded this from any country in history. Yesterday, the Venezuelan electoral authority granted access to the minutes to all parties and candidates who participated in the contest, as is done all over the world.

    Perhaps the minutes of the recent elections in Exeter should be demanded from England, for example. Or, from France, the Saint-Denis minutes.

    Each country is sovereign to impose sanctions, cut diplomatic relations, block money, sell assets, nationalize companies, change the currency of trade, build the atomic bomb, etc., etc. It has already been more than proven that Venezuela will no longer allow itself to succumb to the coups attempted by the United States.

    And if I were President Maduro, I would be negotiating at this very moment the arrival of Chinese and Russian military troops to assist in a possible military invasion by the West, which is all that is left to be done. Trade sanctions do not solve anything and will never solve anything.

    I am not saying that one country will fight another's wars, but it seems that Russia and China are already almost at war with the West.

    Anything is possible as long as there is no adult in the room!

    Aug 03rd, 2024 - 12:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Stop talking so much bloody rubbish Brassole, nobody is going to invade Venezuela, no one knows for certain if it was a free and fair election unless an independent audit is carried out, Maduro is a dictator and dictators do not play by the rules, , China is not close to a war with the west at all, Chinese needs the western markets to sell its goods, as for Russia, their military is a joke, you do post so much idiotic crap,

    Aug 03rd, 2024 - 03:13 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • bushpilot


    It is not “President Maduro” it is “Dictator Maduro”.

    The world is not demanding that a sovereign country provide access to electoral data,

    the world is demanding that Dictator Maduro provide access to electoral data.

    The only people usurping Venezuela sovereignty are Maduro and his drug mafioso thugs, with funding from China and Russia.

    Sovereignty belongs to the people, not to a bunch of murdering thugs.

    If you really cared about sovereignty, you would oppose Maduro.

    But with you, sovereignty does not belong to the people, sovereignty belongs to the group that opposes your hated West.

    If that west opposing group puts innocent people in jail, disappears people, and causes children to go hungry, that goes right by a shit like you.

    Just as long as that group opposes the West, that group is the legitimate leader.

    That is your twisted definition of sovereignty.

    You don't really care about sovereignty anyway. Your hollow call for sovereignty is just more of your fork-tongued bullshit taught to you by your fork-tongued lying pal Vladmir Putin.

    Russia and China screw their people over royally, that doesn't matter to you because you have been brainwashed by them to be a shit.

    Listen carefully,

    If he f*cking won, he would have released the electoral data!

    The Venezuelan people are being screwed and all that is in your brainwashed head is your hatred for the west that was put in there.

    Your brain is dead.

    famous quote from Comrade Bras:

    “no country or organization has ever demanded this from any country in history”

    Russia and China screw with every election they can! Russia stole Belarussian sovereignty when they installed Lukashenko, Russia is trying to choose Ukraine's leader also. Stealing that choice from that country's people.

    We don't hear a word out of you about “sacred sovereignty” for dictators that really are usurping a people's sovereignty.

    Aug 04th, 2024 - 03:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • imoyaro

    “Anything is possible as long as there is no adult in the room!”

    So says the kid in this one...

    Aug 04th, 2024 - 04:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan Cervantes

    Could not have put it any better Bush, indoctrination has corrupted what bit of a brain Brassole has, his posts range from crazy to stark raving bonkers. he lives in the west which allows freedom of speech, but supports Putin Xi Maduro Lukashenko who do not, he needs professional help.

    Aug 04th, 2024 - 09:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • bushpilot

    Another explanation for Brasi's automaton thinking might be that he and his college communist club are sponsored by the Chinese Embassy in Brazil.

    In order for the money to continue coming, the broken record needs to continue skipping.

    Aug 04th, 2024 - 11:47 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    The man is clearly brain washed through his Russian education, he has been fed nothing but hate towards the west, which he his part of, he cant even accept that Brazil is the west, a western democracy in the western hemisphere, but he loves dictators, as said above, he needs deprogramming, so much garbage he spouts, its like a comedy show.

    Aug 05th, 2024 - 07:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brasileiro

    You proto-fascists were supposed to be the front line in the invasion of Venezuela, and I would be happy to meet you at my rifle point.

    USA, get your dirty hands off my land!

    Aug 05th, 2024 - 11:13 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • bushpilot

    Dictator Maduro, get your dirty hands off Venezuela!

    Free Venezuela!!

    Dictator Maduro! Russia! China! Fuera!!!

    Aug 05th, 2024 - 12:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Are you that bloody stupid Bras, Putin is the Fascist, someone who you support, let me make this simple you cretin, no one will invade Venezuela, but the oppressed people need to rise up and throw the corrupt evil dictator out of power, no other South American country either trusts or likes Maduro, now you are threatening to shoot people, that shows what kind of person you are. pathetic,

    Aug 05th, 2024 - 06:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • imoyaro

    Brasso, your “sabrer-attling” is really priceless. You don't even own a rifle, let alone have enough money for ammo...

    Aug 05th, 2024 - 07:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    imoyaro, he would shit himself and run away,

    Aug 05th, 2024 - 07:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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