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Falklands: independent review of Legislative Assembly retributions

Tuesday, August 6th 2024 - 10:23 UTC
Full article
Gilbert House, seat of the Falklands Legislative Assembly Gilbert House, seat of the Falklands Legislative Assembly

Looking ahead to the Assembly elections in November 2025, there is a requirement for an independent review of how the Legislative Assembly system is working with regard to the scheme of retributions and allowances.

”The panel will be appointed by the Governor from expressions of interest received (and will not include members of the civil service). Two panel members are sought , one from Stanley and one from Camp who will reimbursed expenses. On the production of a report fulfilling the Terms of Reference for the review each panel member will be given ex-gratia payment of £ 1,000

“Those individuals who wish to seek information about the role can do so by contacting the Chief Executive of the Falkland Islands Government, the Clerk to the Assembly, or the independent chair of the Panel.

”Expressions of interest should be sent marked “confidential” to the Acting Governor, Government House, Stanley by 21 August 2024.

Email, ghouse@sec.; Phone, (500) 28200

Since the 2013 general election MLAs have been paid a salary, rather than just expenses, and are expected to work full-time, giving up whatever jobs or business interests they may have previously held.

Categories: Politics, Falkland Islands.

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